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Defeated and humiliated IAF Chief ACM BS takes a jibe at PAF Chief

Someone should ask this belt bursting character as how many air force commanders do actually participate in their National Day Flypast.
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we also have huge inventory of F-7s but you wont see us bitching about them and blaming the machine instead of man who fly them
You are smart enough to use the right aircraft at the right time, and not underestimating the enemy.
IAF will definitely learn a lot from this engagement.
W/C Abhi was debriefing for 2 weeks after release, the amount of information will be beneficial in the long run.
You bringing up Abhi in this context is as relevant as someone else bringing up Niazi in a discussion about Nur Khan and Asgar Khan.

This thread is only about Air Marshal Dhanoa, correct ?
It is relevant to bring up Niazi in a discussion on the 71 war.. even though your analogy was completely misplaced.

The air chief’s job is operational leadership and ensuring plans play out.
Whether he is current on his top jet comes seconday to making sure the Indian Air Force is beaten out of the sky.
The only thing you guys learned from that engagement was too build more blast shelters for your aircrafts. you guys fell for a simple tactic how super power off you
You are smart enough to use the right aircraft at the right time, and not underestimating the enemy.
IAF will definitely learn a lot from this engagement.
W/C Abhi was debriefing for 2 weeks after release, the amount of information will be beneficial in the long run.
And what bravery is that, he is a coward that got shot down and got arrested... some jock pilot / hero lolz.
A fighter pilot who while engaging an enemy plane got shot down over enemy territory is very brave.
His professionalism is seen in his refusal to divulge any important information to the enemy.
He is a hero, no doubt about it.
An unprofessional response especially since he's the air chief but he's right.....PAF air chief was leading from behind not the front.

10-11 years ago the PAF air chief led from the front seat.
Wonder if an army chief was to lead the formation, would it only count if he drove a tank.
The fact is the Air chief is present up there in the lead aircraft....no one expects him to go into battle but once the nitpicks even use to claim that the air chief is not even present in the cockpit. He relays his message from the air and takes more risk than those that fly straight and level.
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Flying in front seat or rear seat it’s only symbolic.

What’s is the fact and the expectation from any Air Force is to send to the ground any enemies. And that’s what our Air Force did.
A fighter pilot who while engaging an enemy plane got shot down over enemy territory is very brave.
His professionalism is seen in his refusal to divulge any important information to the enemy.
He is a hero, no doubt about it.

Haha you and your pathetic nation watch too much Bollywood, wake up to the real world a hero is who while falls under enemy line fights to his last breathe not throwing away his gun and running like a bitch which he did or he could have taken his own life and saved your pathetic airforce and nation the embarrassment he is no hero more like a pathetic zero lol.
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To clarify, ACM (Retd) Sohail Aman is flying GIBS (Guy in the Back Seat). ACM Mujahid is also flying GIBS, but it is very obvious in the video. His pilot is walking with him, and as the plane Taxis, you can see the pilot wears the HMD and the ACM does not. For anyone who thinks GIBS is easy in a 4G Orbit, and 6 G vertical pull, I dare you. FYI, all our commanders are "Current" on their primary fighter aircraft, JF17, and F16. This is also true for all all sector commanders, and Principal Staff Officers from OPS branch such as DCAS (Operations). Anyone who is in line for cheif, is flying fit. However, operational flying is for young jockeys and not for senior lot, whose job is to plan and lead, and leading the force is from OPS rooms, not cockpits.

An Example of PAF's leadership, From the 23rd march parade, the four F16s from 9th Sq were led by AVM Irfan, who is Commander Central Command. This was the celebration fly past, if some of you missed it. You may have seen him in some of the videos with ACM Mujahid Anwar, he is also a real hotshot F16 pilot of his time, and has played a key role in the success of the recent Air War with India. My salute to his leadership and his service to the country.

Regarding the Indian CAS, all i can say is, he is flying Mig-21 to boost the morale of his force, that does not want to go near this "widow maker." However, is he really flying, as all we see is a Taxi? Yeah, as someone pointed out, please lose some weight, you are only embarrassing yourself as you pull that G-Suit up your Paunch.
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