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Defeated and humiliated IAF Chief ACM BS takes a jibe at PAF Chief

You can't compare Nur Khan with any other chief...he was a legend a hero.And exceptions are always there, also there was another chief who flew the parade flypast himself I dont remember his name.I was talking what happens in general.
It was ACM Anwar Shamim who lead the Fly past in F-16A in perhaps 1984 or 85.
Some one please tell these dumb Indian azzes that it's not one or two but many many F-16 pilots who were moved to JF sqds years ago and so they have batches for flying both F-16 as well as JF-17. It's not like an F-16 pilot is told just before the sortie that he will be flying JF-17. Their whole story (better say nonsense crap) is based on that silly assumption.
I disagree TG - there is nothing to suggest Abhi was/is a coward. He performed his duties as was expected, and was shot down while pursuing PAF jets. He conducted himself with civility while captive, and was respectful and full of praise for his captors.

Give praise where praise is due.

Right !!

This Mr Rona Dhaona is highly unprofessional and extremely pathetic Airforce chief world have ever seen... such a incompetent bastard. this man should be sacked after the recent performance .... on the otherside, its a fact that Wing Commander Noman who shot down the SU30 MKI riding the F16... the JHMCS helmet is clearly visible before taxing.... The Air Chief wears a traditional F16 helmet where as the W.C wearing JHMCS (the most advance helmet for the airforce pilot in the world)

He flew in the back, your senior officials were showing pictures of the offending weapons which shot them down lol;


Akin to a beaten boxer protesting about the opponents legal glove.

Anyway chubby Dhanoa should challenge air chief Anwar Khan to a duel in the jet of his choice. He can follow in Abhinandan's footsteps.
I admit that my next statements are off-topic and have nothing to do with A.M. Dhanoa.

But I have always heard of Indian soldiers praising Pakistani soldiers, writing their medal commendations, burying them honorably, etc. in 1965, 1971, 1999 ,etc.

I have never heard of the opposite. If all the bravery is on the Pakistani side and none on the Indian , why are the results of battle what they are ?

Or is it just not in the Pakistani Armed Forces DNA to do the honorable thing towards the enemy?

Ok, please ignore this post, and lets all come back to topic :-)
Then you are really shortsighted. Without going into past during recent tension you have killed two Pakistani civillian Prisoners let alone soldiers. So plz spare us your bhashan.
They will fight to the last joke, last mimicry and to the last excuse now. :yahoo::omghaha:
There goes professionalism. Seriously such people give bad name to the whole profession. These occupations are all about character, grace and moral superiority of men who are few among thousands.
This is some joker in the wrong dress.
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