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Decreasing terrorist attacks in Pakistan

You are just copping out by using the victim card.. Is there a single Indian here who has wished for more violence in Pakistan in future.. I dont think so.. What some of us have said is that the numbers are being fudged by Pakistani establishment to show a decreasing trend in terrorist violence. There is a load of difference in the 2

Is Pak Institute for Peace Studies the Pakistani establishment? The last time I checked, it was an independent think tank, with a hell lot more credible & detailed data than satp.org, most of their statistics have no source/reference.

Pak Institute for Peace Studies (PIPS), Independent Think Tank in Pakistan

Anyone who follows Pakistan security news knows how terrorism has declined throughout the country over the years, & confined to the remote Western regions of Pakistan bordering Afghanistan.

Can you provide any link to prove your claim Bilal.

Here is the source:

Pak Institute for Peace Studies (PIPS), Independent Think Tank in Pakistan

In 2011,t he graph reaches to 175 in Oct and then decreases after November. Once we open NATO supplies and start some campaign (in response to the upcoming foreign aid) in the North this will rise again. If US and NATO can make peace pacts with trouble makers in Afghanistan why isn't Pakistan given this option? This is the election year in US, peaceful Afghanistan and Pakistan fighting terror is a good point Obama administration wants.

In 2011,t he graph reaches to 175 in Oct and then decreases after November. Once we open NATO supplies and start some campaign (in response to the upcoming foreign aid) in the North this will rise again. If US and NATO can make peace pacts with trouble makers in Afghanistan why isn't Pakistan given this option? This is the election year in US, peaceful Afghanistan and Pakistan fighting terror is a good point Obama administration wants.

Good question. I do not think opening the NATO supply route will result in the rise of terrorist violence inside Pakistan. However, I do think increased drone strikes WILL result in increasing terrorist violence (even if these drone strikes kill militants). I think the FATA operations have been successful, a lot of the militant infrastructure in FATA has been destroyed, regions inside the FATA have been recaptured from the militants, & the terrorists are 'clutching at straws', their activities confined in the remote Western border regions of Pakistan, their capabilities to launch attacks in 'mainland Pakistan' significantly reduced.

There are increased anti-Pakistan sentiments in Washington, they are scapegoating Pakistan for their failures in Afghanistan. Militant activity in Northern Afghanistan & Western Afghanistan has increased sharply, & these regions are far far away from Pakistan. Pakistan must look after its own destiny, it should remain relevant internationally (& it will, because of Afghanistan) & not be isolated, but it should do everything it can for Pakistan's national security interests than anyone else's. If the US/NATO has to suffer in Afghanistan for that, so be it.
Is Pak Institute for Peace Studies the Pakistani establishment? The last time I checked, it was an independent think tank, with a hell lot more credible & detailed data than satp.org, most of their statistics have no source/reference.

Pak Institute for Peace Studies (PIPS), Independent Think Tank in Pakistan

Anyone who follows Pakistan security news knows how terrorism has declined throughout the country over the years, & confined to the remote Western regions of Pakistan bordering Afghanistan.

Here is the source:

Pak Institute for Peace Studies (PIPS), Independent Think Tank in Pakistan

Hey, please provide the specific link to compare 2010 and 2011.
It gives the month by month statistics in great detail. I put them all in an excel sheet, and generated various graphs. You can verify them if you want.

Do you expect me to calculate all Data using a calculator for 24 months.
Civilian deaths from terrorism in 2010: 2911
Civilian deaths from terrorism in 2011: 2472
Civilian deaths from terrorism in 2012 (till April 30 2012): 659
Iterate and averaging the estimate number of deaths in 2012: 659 x 3 = 1977
Do you expect me to calculate all Data using a calculator for 24 months.

Which is why I have done the calculation, & tabulated it in this excel sheet:


Untitled3-4.jpg picture by watashikoini2 - Photobucket
You are just copping out by using the victim card.. Is there a single Indian here who has wished for more violence in Pakistan in future.. I dont think so.. What some of us have said is that the numbers are being fudged by Pakistani establishment to show a decreasing trend in terrorist violence. There is a load of difference in the 2

You Indians seem desperate. Why? I have only one logical reason for that. And I mentioned it in my post you quoted.

You missed one point, 765 security forces killed in 2011 compared to 469 in 2010 a rise of 63% in a single year.

You missed the point that most of them happened in areas far from major ciities of Pakistan and in the place where this whole WOT is being fought(FATA and Afghanistan).

This wasn't the case in 2010 when terrorists had the gall to invade GHQ. LEt me give you an example from your home. It is like Maoists have the ability to kill and attack security forces in the forests or red corridor every other day but they don't have the ability to attack Indian military establishments in major cities of India.
You Indians seem desperate. Why? I have only one logical reason for that. And I mentioned it in my post you quoted.

You missed the point that most of them happened in areas far from major ciities of Pakistan and in the place where this whole WOT is being fought(FATA and Afghanistan).

This wasn't the case in 2010 when terrorists had the gall to invade GHQ. LEt me give you an example from your home. It is like Maoists have the ability to kill and attack security forces in the forests or red corridor every other day but they don't have the ability to attack Indian military establishments in major cities of India.

The difference between the Maoists and TTP though, Pakistan has reduced the area they operate in, & control. In India, even though the Maoists are not as ruthless as the TTP are, their area of operation is expanding; as they are expanding their presence in North East India, as well as South India, into Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh; even in some forest areas of Kerala & Tamil Nadu. They already have tremendous control, & operate freely in Central India. But that's a different topic.
In the (), the number of casualties have been given.

In terms of the % distribution of casualties (from terrorism) by region for 2010:

Islamabad: 0.515% --- (15)
Azad Kashmir: 0.172% --- (5)
Gilgit-Baltistan: 0.24% --- (7)
Karachi: 8% --- (233)
Punjab: 10.61% --- (309)
FATA: 28.72% --- (836)
KPK: 30.95% --- (901)
Balochistan: 20.61% --- (600)
Sindh: 0.172% --- (5)

Total casualties: 100% --- (2911)


In terms of the % distribution of casualties (from terrorism) by region for 2011:

Islamabad: 0.162% --- (4)
Azad Kashmir: 0% --- (0)
Gilgit-Baltistan: 0.4045% --- (10)
Karachi: 4.65% --- (115)
Punjab: 4.73% --- (117)
FATA: 25.24% --- (624)
KPK: 35.8% --- (885)
Balochistan: 28.8% --- (712)
Sindh: 0.202% --- (5)

Total casualties: 100% --- (2472)


Overall reduction in violence in 2011 from 2010: 2911 - 2472 = 439

Also, if you compare 2010 with 2011, you will see a SIGNIFICANT decrease in terrorist violence in Punjab and Karachi. In terms of absolute numbers, all regions in Pakistan (except Balochistan) saw a decrease in terrorist violence in 2011 (in comparison to 2010).

In 2010, terrorist violence was spread throughout the country. In 2011, the terrorist violence was concentrated in the Western regions bordering Afghanistan:

% distribution of casualties (from terrorism) in the Western regions of Pakistan: % of casualties in FATA + % of casualties in KPK + % of casualties in Balochistan

% distribution of casualties (from terrorism) in the Western regions of Pakistan (for 2010): 28.72 + 30.95 + 20.61 = 80.28% (approx 80%)

% distribution of casualties (from terrorism) in the Western regions of Pakistan (for 2011): 25.24 + 35.8 + 28.8 = 89.84% (approx 90%)


In terms of the % distribution of casualties (from terrorism) by region (from Jan 1, 2012 to April 30, 2012):

Islamabad: 0% --- (0)
Azad Kashmir: 0% --- (0)
Gilgit-Baltistan: 1.97% --- (13)
Karachi: 6.98% --- (46)
Punjab: 4.55% --- (30)
FATA: 39.15% --- (258)
KPK: 21.7% --- (143)
Balochistan: 25.65% --- (169)
Sindh: 0% --- (0)

Total casualties: 100% --- (659)
You Indians seem desperate. Why? I have only one logical reason for that. And I mentioned it in my post you quoted.

You missed the point that most of them happened in areas far from major ciities of Pakistan and in the place where this whole WOT is being fought(FATA and Afghanistan).

This wasn't the case in 2010 when terrorists had the gall to invade GHQ. LEt me give you an example from your home. It is like Maoists have the ability to kill and attack security forces in the forests or red corridor every other day but they don't have the ability to attack Indian military establishments in major cities of India.

When did the attack on Mehran base happen ???
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