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Decreasing terrorist attacks in Pakistan

This is not off topic. Terrorism is not defined only by militants trying to kill soldiers and bombing cities..... Next thing you know, our own people will become enemies with each other and will commit attacks to achieve a certain goal, whether that would be money, food, water, and shelter.
If you feel to embarrassed to accept this reality, then god help you.. Our priority must be saving Pakistan and not some some stupid U.S War....

As someone who is currently living in interior Sindh, I know the ground reality in Pakistan better than you do. And I am asking you, please make such posts in some other thread, in the Economy section, this isn't the correct section. Please don't force me to report your off-topic posts.
Did you take into account the deaths in Karachi violence? Or better question will be do you consider that as an act of terrorism? If sectarian violence then would you come up with graphical comparisons of deaths due to such violence/intolerance as well..
Did you take into account the deaths in Karachi violence? Or better question will be do you consider that as an act of terrorism? If sectarian violence then would you come up with graphical comparisons of deaths due to such violence/intolerance as well..

Sectarian violence is covered in acts of terrorism. Political violence & gang wars do not fall into this category. Terrorist violence is the violence that comes from groups that have been designated as 'terrorist groups' (includes religious & non-religious insurgent groups).
Sectarian violence is covered in acts of terrorism. Political violence & gang wars do not fall into this category. Terrorist violence is the violence that comes from groups that have been designated as 'terrorist groups' (includes religious & non-religious insurgent groups).

Not to forget Karachi violence also contains deaths because of personal, family feuds and they can't be included in the category of "terrorism".

Wow! self made graphs by a jerk is being discussed here...funny

You should be banned for this clownish post alone.
Looks like the accountability of the intelligence agency by the Supreme Court in Balochistan is also yielding positive results. This also came at a time when Pakistan clamped on US influence inside Pakistan, closing the supply routes, & having very few drone strikes. As long as unnecessary hornet's nests are not stirred (by Pakistan or the US), I see a considerable decline in terrorism violence.

I would like the members here to analyze the statistics, & give suggestions on what should be done to further reduce terrorism violence inside Pakistan. The interesting thing to note is, this is the first time we are seeing a significant reduction in the number of attacks, as well as a significant decrease in civilians deaths & injuries.

In the past, we have seen more (or equal) number of attacks, & fewer number of casualties. This was a result of a large number of small militant attacks.

And in other times, we have seen fewer number of attacks, but larger number of casualties. This was a results of a large number of big attacks targeting "soft targets". It could also show the desperation of the militants in their failure against the establishment. Or it could show something else.

But this is a different trend. For lasting peace, Pakistan needs reduced number of attacks inside the country, as well as reduced number of casualties and injuries from terrorism. The good thing about this trend is, the reduced number of attacks have come when the Pakistan Army has expanded operations in the FATA (& drone attacks in Pakistan have decreased significantly in this period), & there has been less domestic & foreign "meddling" inside Balochistan. Militant infrastructure continues to be destroyed, & the reduced number of attacks and casualties/injuries shows that the militants are getting weakened, their power to launch attacks has been significantly abated. It also shows that the Pakistan "security establishment" is fighting the "right" battles.
Terrorist strikes can come to a complete hold, if we Pakistanis get rid of these corrupt politicians because now whats happening here in Pakistan is these politicians are promoting racism & hatred in the hearts of the people. PPP, PML-N, PML-Q, ANP, JUI, MQM etc are all busy in political war with each other. US wants civil war in Pakistan so that they can find their way in Pakistan & eventually get our nukes.

New ways are been made to make unstable Pakistan & these bastard politicians are helping US's cause.
Terrorist strikes can come to a complete hold, if we Pakistanis get rid of these corrupt politicians because now whats happening here in Pakistan is these politicians are promoting racism & hatred in the hearts of the people. PPP, PML-N, PML-Q, ANP, JUI, MQM etc are all busy in political war with each other. US wants civil war in Pakistan so that they can find their way in Pakistan & eventually get our nukes.

New ways are been made to make unstable Pakistan & these bastard politicians are helping US's cause.

I don't like the politicians or political parties any more than you do. But what evidence do you have that suggests that the ethnic/political violence is linked to the US, or to terrorist groups in Pakistan?
Its more like creative accounting.. Start categorizing deaths under categories like ethnic violence, sectarian killings, political murders.... and automatically the trend starts to look better.. In accounting terms that's called cooking the books....

If you do apples to apples, the impact of violence is getting worse in 2012 with the bulk of deaths being of sec forces and civilians as against terrorist deaths

Pakistan Assessment 2012
I don't like the politicians or political parties any more than you do. But what evidence do you have that suggests that the ethnic/political violence is linked to the US, or to terrorist groups in Pakistan?

North Waziristan is strongest militant den in Pakistan and Pakistan should go for cleaning militants from each and every corner of their country otherwise getting long lasting peace is impossible. And incidents like Bannu prison break where militants easily released 400 militants shows that Taliban militants are still too much strong in North Pakistan.

But it would be very difficult for Pakistan to get rid of sectarian violence specially when we see groups like "Sipah e Sahaba" in "Difa e Pakistan council".
Its more like creative accounting.. Start categorizing deaths under categories like ethnic violence, sectarian killings, political murders.... and automatically the trend starts to look better.. In accounting terms that's called cooking the books....

If you do apples to apples, the impact of violence is getting worse in 2012 with the bulk of deaths being of sec forces and civilians as against terrorist deaths

Pakistan Assessment 2012

So political murders also fall under terrorism according to you? Facepalm.
Political murders are by definition terrorism.
Its more like creative accounting.. Start categorizing deaths under categories like ethnic violence, sectarian killings, political murders.... and automatically the trend starts to look better.. In accounting terms that's called cooking the books....

If you do apples to apples, the impact of violence is getting worse in 2012 with the bulk of deaths being of sec forces and civilians as against terrorist deaths

Pakistan Assessment 2012

"With a total of at least 6,142 persons, including of 2,797 militants, 2,580 civilians and 765 Security Forces (SFs) personnel killed in 2011. However, even this worrying total constituted an improvement of 17.75 per cent over the preceding year. 7,435 persons, including 5,170 militants, 1,796 civilians and 469 SF personnel, had been killed in 2010."

So, number of fatalities decreased because of decline in the number of death of militants by a great extent and as the same time increase in deaths of soldiers and civilian. The figure only shows militants are getting stronger day by day.
"With a total of at least 6,142 persons, including of 2,797 militants, 2,580 civilians and 765 Security Forces (SFs) personnel killed in 2011. However, even this worrying total constituted an improvement of 17.75 per cent over the preceding year. 7,435 persons, including 5,170 militants, 1,796 civilians and 469 SF personnel, had been killed in 2010."

So, number of fatalities decreased because of decline in the number of death of militants by a great extent and as the same time increase in deaths of soldiers and civilian. The figure only shows militants are getting stronger day by day.

Most of the militants have been killed, which is why fewer militants are getting killed by the years. About 2-3 years ago, militants were openly attacking Punjab, Islamabad & the rest of the country. Now, the violence is strictly confined to the Western borders of Pakistan, the regions bordering Pakistan; & even there, the terrorism violence is decreasing. Satp.org is not a reliable source to quote from, as they also mix ethnic, political, domestic crime/violence with terrorism. A more accurate source to quote from about Pakistan is:


Its more like creative accounting.. Start categorizing deaths under categories like ethnic violence, sectarian killings, political murders.... and automatically the trend starts to look better.. In accounting terms that's called cooking the books....

If you do apples to apples, the impact of violence is getting worse in 2012 with the bulk of deaths being of sec forces and civilians as against terrorist deaths

Pakistan Assessment 2012

Political warfare has nothing to do with terrorism, just like accidents, or honor killings over dowry in India have got nothing to do with terrorism.
Most of the militants have been killed, which is why fewer militants are getting killed by the years. About 2-3 years ago, militants were openly attacking Punjab, Islamabad & the rest of the country. Now, the violence is strictly confined to the Western borders of Pakistan, the regions bordering Pakistan; & even there, the terrorism violence is decreasing. Satp.org is not a reliable source to quote from, as they also mix ethnic, political, domestic crime/violence with terrorism. A more accurate source to quote from about Pakistan is:

Pak Institute for Peace Studies (PIPS), Independent Think Tank in Pakistan

Political warfare has nothing to do with terrorism, just like accidents, or honor killings over dowry in India have got nothing to do with terrorism.

There is total increase of 47.6% deaths of civilians and Soldiers combined when 2010 and 2011 are compared.

In 2010 Pak Army went for military offensive in Bajour, Kurram and Orakzai whereas there as no major military offensive in 2011. If Pakistan army goes for military offensive again in 2012 like they are planning for North Waziristan, then there would again be an upsurge in number of militants killed. 47.6% rise in number of deaths of soldiers and civilians in a single year shows militants are getting stronger and Pakistan Army avoiding direct confrontation with militants is keeping deaths of militants at low number but the militants are still strong.
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