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‘Declare India a Hindu Rashtra’

Constitution of India is Supreme..............Not Legislature or Judiciary.......
Who ever want to Frame laws will be with in the Constitutional frame work
True that. This is bifurcating the world along some really problematic lines. The real developments are taking place in science and technology. AI, genetics, nanotechnology, robotics, energy, new forms of computing, etc. While the power available at the disposal of those who control these is increasing at an exponential rate, the quality of discourse open to the general public is dropping at the same pace.

Instead of discussing nuclear disarmament, climate change, safeguard protocols for AI development, post-scarcity economics and inevitable mass unemployment, we are busy imposing ideologies that are thousands of years old upon each other. If this trend is not reversed, we will have a world where the techno-elite will control everything and the rest will be vermin, left with no option but to lash out for self-preservation.


Emerging technology is the key, IMO. We never end up discussing it.

Dear friend,

Religion is the opium of the masses. Keeps them hooked...makes them do things...

You know I have been asking my other PDF friends to answer my question: What is Human?

You can give it a shot... without defining Human in the emerging context of Tech and Post Permanent Employment Economics we would be chasing ghosts is darkness.

I know I write in riddles, contradictions and certainly not as concise as yourself... but I am trying to tell my Friends that Human Condition is not what it seems.

I do hope to contribute to our discourse in this matrix of Geo-politics, Geo-economics but we need to develop, together, a framework to have a disciplined dialouge. @scorpionx don't just read..join the dialouge...same goes for @MilSpec @nair @hellfire @Kaptaan and other thinkers here.

When we can define Human it is only then possible to have a model to validate/analyse our own countries and the world as whole. French Existentialists are just too confronting... so we could park them. Except Camus.

Go on, impress your older brother, tell me What is Human in this Post Post Modern World addicted to his/her smartphone.

I know you are not going to disappoint me!



PS. Since, my friends, including your good self, don't suffer from I am Smarter than Thou Syndrome... we might get to something.. well a few do have this syndrome...nobody is perfect I guess!
Can ucc be also applied those union territories that were accepted under the union that their diversity will be accepted and respected,such as, for that matter, Nagaland ?

UCC is a charade. It is a political move that will backfire. Let me give you the background.

Before I went to law school, I was also a supporter of UCC. Then we were taught our course in personal laws. Ever since, neither I, nor anyone else who knows the law on it, has an opinion on UCC. The reason for that is because the relevant non-religious laws regarding marriage and succession already exist. The only short coming is that the required freedom to chose which law to be governed by is defective. That can be remedied by simple statutory amendments.

If the government had been earnest in its move, it would have quietly negotiated with the opposition and introduced these amendments. That would have prevented all this tamasha, as it would simultaneously safeguard personal laws while giving individuals the option of availing the non-religious remedies, based purely on personal choice.

All of this is nothing but a deliberate ploy at polarization. Ever since this government has come to power, its energy has been invested in researching and highlighting whatever real and imaginary differences that they can find between the majority and minority communities - be it food habits, personal laws, banking mechanism, and so on. It is all calculated to make the Hindu population think that the only way to live with Muslims and Christians is to subjugate them through vote bank politics.
Dear friend,

Religion is the opium of the masses. Keeps them hooked...makes them do things...

You know I have been asking my other PDF friends to answer my question: What is Human?

You can give it a shot... without defining Human in the emerging context of Tech and Post Permanent Employment Economics we would be chasing ghosts is darkness.

I know I write in riddles, contradictions and certainly not as concise as yourself... but I am trying to tell my Friends that Human Condition is not what it seems.

I do hope to contribute to our discourse in this matrix of Geo-politics, Geo-economics but we need to develop, together, a framework to have a disciplined dialouge. @scorpionx don't just read..join the dialouge...same goes for @MilSpec @nair @hellfire @Kaptaan and other thinkers here.

When we can define Human it is only then possible to have a model to validate/analyse our own countries and the world as whole. French Existentialists are just too confronting... so we could park them. Except Camus.

Go on, impress your older brother, tell me What is Human in this Post Post Modern World addicted to his/her smartphone.

I know you are not going to disappoint me!



PS. Since, my friends, including your good self, don't suffer from I am Smarter than Thou Syndrome... we might get to something.. well a few do have this syndrome...nobody is perfect I guess!

Existentialism is not useless, it does serve the purpose of opening a dialogue with positivism and essentialism. Personally, I am not a big fan of deciphering my own views in terms of philosophy, but if pushed on the subject, I would settle for utilitarian consequentialism.

As for Humanism, I guess I was a Humanist much before I realized it. Earlier, I was comfortable with the term Athiest, but now I reject it as an imposed term that describes nothing. I refuse to be categorized in terms of faith or lack thereof, as in my view that is a vacuous classification. I would rather contend that humans are perfectly capable of discovering moral and ethical precepts independent of religion.

Emerging disruptive technology is as much an opportunity as it is a threat, depending upon how we handle it. Most thinkers who accept that the human condition is progressing towards betterment focus on our institutions and their impact upon us. I think that is akin to looking only at what one understands, the hammer and nail analogy. Without the prospect of economic abundance, I do not see as to why or how humans will develop a better disposition towards each other.

This economic abundance is as much a function if institutions as of scientific and technological progress, and in that sense, should be of common interest to everyone. It is in that context that I think we must be involved with developments in the field, for without it, we won't have the means required to bring positive change at our disposal.
Existentialism is not useless, it does serve the purpose of opening a dialogue with positivism and essentialism. Personally, I am not a big fan of deciphering my own views in terms of philosophy, but if pushed on the subject, I would settle for utilitarian consequentialism.

As for Humanism, I guess I was a Humanist much before I realized it. Earlier, I was comfortable with the term Athiest, but now I reject it as an imposed term that describes nothing. I refuse to be categorized in terms of faith or lack thereof, as in my view that is a vacuous classification. I would rather contend that humans are perfectly capable of discovering moral and ethical precepts independent of religion.

Emerging disruptive technology is as much an opportunity as it is a threat, depending upon how we handle it. Most thinkers who accept that the human condition is progressing towards betterment focus on our institutions and their impact upon us. I think that is akin to looking only at what one understands, the hammer and nail analogy. Without the prospect of economic abundance, I do not see as to why or how humans will develop a better disposition towards each other.

This economic abundance is as much a function if institutions as of scientific and technological progress, and in that sense, should be of common interest to everyone. It is in that context that I think we must be involved with developments in the field, for without it, we won't have the means required to bring positive change at our disposal.

My friend,

No, it is not about I told you so... nonsese.... It is a pleasure to see validation of my sense of Humanist in you. So, let me savour it... yes, yummy!

I do like what you have composed. Democracy and instuitions of its control is a well needed yet separate discussion. At some point we shall embark upon such. Can't be seen separately.

What giveth... is that you have successfully dodged the bullet of defining Human in the context of your post. I know ye shall come back fighting..... good thing.

To make it more tangible... we can always apply the outcome of an agreed definitions to our particular countries or world at large.

Leveraging technology has brought us so far that you and I can discuss about it here... yet, our intellecutal and emotional ability to show maturity with it is suspect as best.

Existentialism had its purpose to get to reductionism.... what I miss in entire Human Discourse is the fundamental most thing missing: What is Human?

Yes, I am fully aware of what I have just written in the above sentence and its implications or percieved pertentions on my part... yet how can Human have rights...when in the emerging context we don't know /agree what is Human. Muslim, Hindu, Christan, Jew, Dalit, Upper Cast, White Superimist, Orthodox, Roman Catholic etc...

This makes the UN a tribal farce at best then....

It is the Point in the Circle which holds the Telos of the Circle... infinities can be smaller or larger... however, they have one thing in common.

Please, allow me to thank you for lifting up the quality of PDF output in this section, marred as it is by the Cow Dialectics, Rape Discourse or Confused hyper nationalism.


PS. There is The Great Blue Elephant... however, my good friend @padamchen need to return from his bannishment to recieve the Gift.
I am sorry @Sinopakfriend for not fully engaging with your threads. I would love to. If you have followed me you will know that my real passion (beating the Gangas is just a appetizer) and main course is intellectual discussion. The more the deeper, the better it is. You may ask why I like my appetizer - the reason is with views like I mine how else am I supposed to gain traction with the masses? By whipping nationalism I can leverage that to influence some minds.

Going back to your discussion I do not have time. I am 24/7 at my project. I just sometimes take a few minutes from more serious stuff to take a swim in the PDF stream. I don't like getting too invloved because I would then end up getting drawn in the discussion.

However if there is one fact that is evident - someything the great Chinese peoples republic knows too well is that "religion indeed is the opiate of the people". I just hope Pak can learn from it's great neighbour and the millenia old Sino civilization.
I am sorry @Sinopakfriend for not fully engaging with your threads. I would love to. If you have followed me you will know that my real passion (beating the Gangas is just a appetizer) and main course is intellectual discussion. The more the deeper, the better it is. You may ask why I like my appetizer - the reason is with views like I mine how else am I supposed to gain traction with the masses? By whipping nationalism I can leverage that to influence some minds.

Going back to your discussion I do not have time. I am 24/7 at my project. I just sometimes take a few minutes from more serious stuff to take a swim in the PDF stream. I don't like getting too invloved because I would then end up getting drawn in the discussion.

However if there is one fact that is evident - someything the great Chinese peoples republic knows too well is that "religion indeed is the opiate of the people". I just hope Pak can learn from it's great neighbour and the millenia old Sino civilization.

Brotherman, just a marker.... I am very proud of what you are doing... and it is just joy to 'see' you here on PDF whenever you are there...

You do your utter best for the noble cause.... and we hook up.

Over and out

pakistanis and bangladeshis trying to mock india on a (minority) demand to become a theocracy is irony at its finest.
The present prevalent situation = India is secular as per its constitution.
Your futile ranting notwithstanding.

What can you do about it?
Or, what can even the PM of India do on this?

Lol at your worthless rant & rave.

Keep on keeping on this and entertain us for free.
Bjp will rewrite the constitution and get it approved by the parliament
Check this, @WAJsal @waz
so if india becomes hindu rashtra, does this mean everyone is going to be below them, like dalits?
what about that orange dhoti, people have to wear that? and allow thier women to be taken by upper caste to enjoy.


dhoti is a great invention you can quickly drop it and get straight to the point and then quickly wrap.
Gandhi - dont hate the player.

A very wise decision.

Concrete steps are needed to realise this noble goal.

For too long they have suffered at the hands minority appeasing politicians.

For too long the Sons of the Cow have been oppressed by minorities, seculars and liberals. These anti-indian elements have corrupted the indian culture. The indianness is clearly threatened by these freeloaders.

With pure hindu state they can finally realise their true potential and achieve massive development in shortest time.

With such purity past glories can be regained, destroyed temples can be rebuilt...sacred knowledge can be freely taught in schools....

Puzzling, however, is the fact that the social-welfare organisations in this moot did not include SL, BD, Bhutan in their Hindu statehood desires. Why?

Anyhow, let us all wish the devout Sons of the Cow very best to achieve their goals and be finally free to make india a pure hindu state!

Please cut your BS out. If you do not know about India, read a bit and them come back rather than trying to troll here.

Declare? Is't it obvious
Given the disdain for constitution and it's values, its no wonder you would think that. Our constitution remains sacrosanct, and despite thousands of law and order violation we remain a secular democratic nation, and the citizenry remains potent to defend the constitution. This is not a banana republic where any megalomaniac can order a div to march on to the capital and snatch power for decades and citizens take it lying down.

A theocratic subject would love to see everyone as a theocratic state, the nature of India's Secular democratic nature remains a thorn in many's sight, and despite of ramblings of political idiots in India, and wishful thinking of neighbors, Indian Democracy and Secularism remains strong.
Check this, @WAJsal @waz

Please cut your BS out. If you do not know about India, read a bit and them come back rather than trying to troll here.

Given the disdain for constitution and it's values, its no wonder you would think that. Our constitution remains sacrosanct, and despite thousands of law and order violation we remain a secular democratic nation, and the citizenry remains potent to defend the constitution. This is not a banana republic where any megalomaniac can order a div to march on to the capital and snatch power for decades and citizens take it lying down.

A theocratic subject would love to see everyone as a theocratic state, the nature of India's Secular democratic nature remains a thorn in many's sight, and despite of ramblings of political idiots in India, and wishful thinking of neighbors, Indian Democracy and Secularism remains strong.

Dear indian,

Thank you for your post.

Ability to discern requires capacity of reversing... only then both polarities can become clear. A judgement formed thus bears sweeter fruits.

Especially so when one is burdened with titles... otherwise, bitterness is the produce.

I don't like the use of vulgar language because it only offers a shortcut and lays bare intellectual impotence.

Now I might or might not know much about your beloved india, that doesn't mean that on a Pakistani Forum I am to be bound by a qualification of an india hand, just as you or your countrymen here don't have to be a China Hand or Pak Hand.

Talking about your countrymen, have seen what they post here, on both sides of their divide?

Sadly, I haven't seen you or other indian titile holders either guiding their discourse or reprimanding them, let alone branding them with a Red mark.

The quality, the depth of their posts and sheer love that your countrymen, here on PDF, bestow on Pak or China is just breathtaking!

Consistency..... Consistency, dear indian, produces legitimacy.

I fail to see this consistency in certain quarters. My fault?

So, kindly, try to discern, apply reversing and SEE.... what my post meant. Then your critique is most welcome!

I have NOTHING against you as people. You are as human as I am.

Should the desire be too strong... you can always brand me with a Red Rating for this post or the post you qouted.

Now you have a wonderful day.


@WAJsal @Oscar @Horus @waz @WebMaster @The Eagle kind friends, of course, you have better things to do. Should you have sometime... kindly, see my original post and the one above... if you find anything offensive or dehumanising please delete it.

I apologise for burdening you with such petty things. Thanks!
Ah, my Pak Friend,

It was because of 1000 years of exploitation and then British colonisation that sedated the indian conciousness... such great awakenings take time.

But with the monk CM shaking the tree, combined with Mr. Modi's successful development agenda and welfare oriented hindu organisations this awakening is happening before our eyes.

If you look at the micor cosmos of PDF then we can clearly see the numbers in favour of the Great Awakening!

And when projected to a country of 1+billion and population growth of oppressed hindus, surely, we shall see the March towards Greatness sooner than later.

A pure hindu india for hindus to live according to their religion and beliefs without the oppression of minorites, liberals or other anti-national elements, is happening faster than you and I can percieve.

All we can do is to wish them the very best.


Oh I'm totally amazed by this brilliant development in suckular india. I wonder how they are going to sell it to their suckular allies in BD.
Oh I'm totally amazed by this brilliant development in suckular india. I wonder how they are going to sell it to their suckular allies in BD.

By promoting even more hatred towards Pak and overselling shared Bangla heritage.

And of course, there is Fear China Debt Trap narrative to pushed down the throats of common BD peoples.

Nothing sells more than Hate and Fear.
By promoting even more hatred towards Pak and overselling shared Bangla heritage.

And of course, there is Fear China Debt Trap narrative to pushed down the throats of common BD peoples.

Nothing sells more than Hate and Fear.

Yes indeed, that is always the method.
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