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‘Declare India a Hindu Rashtra’

Just a few more years for a Majority in the Rajya sabha :devil:

THEN the FUN Starts :lol:

I would love to pay to watch your face during your collective butt hurt.

I don't know about it, but the following is destined for PM and you on this subject:


To expect a such result from a dishonest PM of India, one who is so cheap as to follow abusive Twitter IDs, is simply not feasible:

Ha ha, Nothing in the world will bring wet dreams of yours to reality dear friend...
So me wishing that your country becomes a Hindu rashtra is a wet dream :what:??

The words don't mean anything if the constitutions itself does not honor those words :lol: Besides the word "secular" has not been DEFINED in the constitution.

In any case have you heard of a constitutional amendment ? The constitution is a living document, it keeps changing ALL THE TIME.

That is what the parliament does, keep changing the constitution. THAT is its very purpose :cheesy:

But failed and terribly sad to see it wasn't able to change itselrmfrom secular to Hindu ones. What a shame. So you're saying Hindus are scared to re write the constitution as Hindu, hence which is why they would rather have it secular and keep the status quo ?

Damn even afraid in their own home
Yes, it is.. and you are not alone,.. we have a bunch of Chaddi dhari in India who thinks the same.
You must at first Immediately return back and fight the insanity then.

With you turning back on your country and leaving for foreign land has truly devasted any hopes for sanity now.
You must at first Immediately return back and fight the insanity then.

With you turning back on your country and leaving for foreign land has truly devasted any hopes for sanity now.

What makes you think he speaks German language?
You must at first Immediately return back and fight the insanity then.

With you turning back on your country and leaving for foreign land has truly devasted any hopes for sanity now.
Ha ha.... there are millions who give a sh*t to people whom your are concerned for...

My country is in the safe hands of the constitution and institutions which are not controlled by these chaddi dharri's.

Thanks for the concerns. I am happy sending hard earned foreign currency back home to fuel economic development of my nation.:-)
. I am happy sending hard earned foreign currency back home to fuel economic development of my nati
Trust me your country needs you now. People like you're needed. With your qualification you won't gonhungry in India I wm sure

What makes you think he speaks German language?
Never said he did

millions who give a sh*t to people whom your are concerned for...
Number must have dwindled by the second. Because all I see now over the !eida is mob justice duly backed by the blessing of bjp and modi
Trust me your country needs you now. People like you're needed. With your qualification you won't gonhungry in India I wm sure

Number must have dwindled by the second. Because all I see now over the !eida is mob justice duly backed by the blessing of bjp and modi

Thanks mate, Surely, I know my country and countrymen better... They are doing good.. and will only be better in future..
But failed and terribly sad to see it wasn't able to change itselrmfrom secular to Hindu ones. What a shame. So you're saying Hindus are scared to re write the constitution as Hindu, hence which is why they would rather have it secular and keep the status quo ?

Damn even afraid in their own home

When or where has we ever demanded that it be changed ? :cheesy:

Its not part of the BJP manifesto.

Hinduism is secular by its very nature.

We just want India to be declared a Hindu rashtra, that will ensure its secular nature :lol: ....... not that I expect you to understand.

I don't know about it, but the following is destined for PM and you on this subject:


To expect a such result from a dishonest PM of India, one who is so cheap as to follow abusive Twitter IDs, is simply not feasible:

View attachment 404826

LOL>...... its good to see that you already have a truck load of Burnol :lol:

I recommend that you keep it for your jihadi and mulla pals.

Like I said, the demand for that is soon going to rise. Let me worry about Modi (since its we who voted for him, not you). :disagree:
It seems that in the modern world, the answer to everything is always = more religion.

Because that clearly worked out so well for the Middle East.

True that. This is bifurcating the world along some really problematic lines. The real developments are taking place in science and technology. AI, genetics, nanotechnology, robotics, energy, new forms of computing, etc. While the power available at the disposal of those who control these is increasing at an exponential rate, the quality of discourse open to the general public is dropping at the same pace.

Instead of discussing nuclear disarmament, climate change, safeguard protocols for AI development, post-scarcity economics and inevitable mass unemployment, we are busy imposing ideologies that are thousands of years old upon each other. If this trend is not reversed, we will have a world where the techno-elite will control everything and the rest will be vermin, left with no option but to lash out for self-preservation.


Emerging technology is the key, IMO. We never end up discussing it.
can't take this jihad anymore
Post reported for insulting religious and most sacred sentiment

@waz @Emmie

I cant wait for a pakistani muslim to teach a Indian Hindu, the meaning of the world "secular" :lol:


Please spare me, I can't take this jihad anymore :lol: ...... I am sure that your dastardly plan is to kill me by making me laugh to death.
So can you define secularism. It was mere a question no need to insult

I am sure that your dastardly plan is to kill me by making me laugh to death.
I'm not from RSS or sanhgi kid
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