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‘Declare India a Hindu Rashtra’

These people will go to any lengths to defend their fake country, and its incest loving seex maniac gandhi who they call their father.

They are brainwashed into thinking that a big country is good and makes a country strong, but India is not a strong country, its a big obese country. Too fat to do anything worthwhile and is paralyzed most of the time to take liberal reforms. India is the worst kind of E.U. They are scared that if they loosen the grip the countries which they have under their control will become real countries. So they have one of the most draconian laws to protect that from happening. If they have a scotland like referendum in their so called 'states', the fake country will split so fast it will break records.

These brainwashed morons have been brainwashed from an early age through their textbooks that they were conquered again and again because they were not united, conveniently forgetting that the conquering armies were much smaller than even their individual states which were fighting them one at a time, but they still lost. They lost because of incompetence, plain and simple.

The real Indians(Dravidians, East indian Mongoloids and tribals) should liquidate All foreign religions including Hinduism, gas the left over Aryans, get your culture bak together with strong pro-industrial policies. You will become like south korea or singapore in no time. If you continue to stay in slum called India, they will drag you down along with them without much progress.

It is becoming almost tradition in this dialouge of ours... of me saying, thank you for a thoughtful, balance and engaging post. You do add value to PDF, you realise?

Yes, yes... morality. What is its gender?

Cybernetics can also help is forming a comprehensive opinion about different facets of our dialouge here. Dig a little bit, please.

I believe it is critically important to understand function of things to determine their value, their nature or purpose.

Once more: What is the purpose/function/need of mortality in human existential experience?

We shall park the function of Love for now. It shall come into play at later stage... Patience.

I wish to add that, perhaps, the outcomes of our Dialouge... might force a revisit to the drawingboard. As our discourse is Deconstructionist by its very nature... things do fall into pieces first before they can be recongfigured again.

Deconstruction is a painful Enterprise...especially when it involves our own being.

I have this distinct feeling that you, dear friend, will answer my Original question when our dialouge reaches its natural stop.

Looking forward to the second part of your quoted post.

You take care,


PS. I avoid threads about Cow Dialectics, Lynching, Rapping or Mob justice... for simple reason that it would be waste of my post and the Heart of all these ills is something different, deeper. In due time it shall emerge...

I am in the middle of reading a commentary on Frank Jackson's moral functionalism. That will I've me a better understanding of the subject. Although I must say that I am wary of the term deconstruction that you use. The reason that is so is because although it is a powerful analytical tool, it tends to work as a universal acid and cannot be contained. Read the transcript of Foucault vs Chomsky on Power and Justice (1971). I think moral relativism may be a revelation for an unquestioning mind, but it leads to the same uni-dimensional approach that is the fatal flow of Marxism. Reducing everything down to a single function - power, economics, ideology, produces perverse outcomes. I will readily admit that I am yet to assemble all the complex tools required for the job, but one thing I know for sure I'd that using a single approach such as deconstruction will not suffice.

About genetic makeup - Jonathan Haidt calls the "blank slate" theory the greatest mistake in psychology. It seems to me that all of it flows from Kant's claim about experiences being structured by the "necessary features" of our mind. More specifically, recent research (2011, PLoS ONE) shows that the single gene that controls the level of serotonin in our brain seems to decisively alter our perception of moral acceptability of foreseeable harm.

Natural selection and our environment also bear upon us to produce our moral landscape. Let me point out here that this issue of values, morals and ethics is vastly more important than it seems at first look. I am referring to Artificial Intelligence. Taking apart and re-assembling all that we know about this subject has become critical in view of certain needs.

Everyone is familiar with Asimov's laws of robotics. However, they are rather simplistic assertions about things that not many have thought through. It may be possible to code ethics into narrow AI, but what we are faced with is the quest for general intelligence. So to begin with, we would need access to the entire schema of our mental intuitions and processes in order to understand how we code normative values into AI.

Understanding the part played by all determinants (genes, natural selection and environment) becomes even more important, as we are realizing that this AI may be so invested in rapid self-improvement that it may outgrow the values and controls that we put in place in the blink of an eye. So the only way we can know what this AI is up to is if we know how we have gotten to this stage and the exact process.

Since the question of post-scarcity economics, singularity and technological disruption is so inter-twined, it will inevitably be addressed together. That part of our assessment will be heuristic in nature, at best, because it is based on future probabilities.

Apart from the pressing problem of AI, there are two other areas that will concern everyone in the coming years. First, the inevitability of mass unemployment as a result of automation, and its effect on humans. Second, would be the economic model needed to tackle this issue, including the moral framework that needs to be brought to bear.

This would include such things as what does a human really want and find meaning from? Is productive work so essential to human well-being that simply getting paid for leisure (universal basic income) is a recipe for human misery? Is it moral to let the tiny elite control all emerging technology in the name of intellectual property, and how do we handle the resultant concentration of wealth and power?

P.S. : Since I type on my phone, there are a lot if typos. Kindly disregard these.
I think that should be the new slogan for the next election.
Well for countries to gain real power they have to throw their weight somewhere. A higher principles that they need to affiliate themselves with. If for India they decide that their higher principles will come from Hindu heritage than that can work wonders for them. Just like Christian heritage worked wonders for the white man. The atheist China does actually have higher principles that come from their cultural history. I would even say that actually whats keeping India back is the lack of depth of its principles and Hindu heritage can make the Indian mind deeper.
India is falling to the hands of BJP-RSS. RSS Agendas will make Hindu Rashtra instead of secular India. First, they (RSS/Sanghi/Andh Bhakt/Chaddis) will attack Muslims and Christians since RSS's Terrorist Gurus ( M S Golwalkar, V D Savarkar, Hedgewar, Balkrishn Shivram Moonje etc etc and thousands of others) advocated that Abrahamic religions are the curse of Bharat Punya Dharti. What RSS now doing is wash the Punya Bhoomi with the blood of Infidels by lynching them rightly showing to the world that RSS is the continuation of Nazism, Mussolini's Fascism and even some traits of Islamofascism too can be observed in RSS-BJP.

When Muslims and Christians are made Dhimmi, RSS-BJP will show their true nature - Brahmanism, Aryan Hindu rule of Akhand Bharat -Hindu Rashtra. The caste system will be enforced. Aryan or High caste Hindus needs to enforce caste system to prevent miscegenation from the locals. Brahmins and High castes needs to be the rulers. Like White ruled South Africa to most extend - if an example can be put.

Next stage, RSS ideas will see backfiring. There will be civil war among Hindus destroying them by the same rightwing (RSS) which many of them covertly and overtly supported as High castes will unleash and enforce themselves on to low castes. Again, what British gifted to Indian subcontinent will see possibility to be disintegrated. The true nature of India is not monolithic. It is diverse..Hindus nor Muslims..a 40-50 small countries amalgamated under Indian union inspite of diverse cultural, racial, ethnic, religious, caste, tribal differences. <--- This is what RSS brainwashed Sanghis fails to register in their brain. What Gandhi Ji and Congress upheld despite of all the negativity pinpointed about them holds true; - India is unity in diversity. Don't enforce North Indian Hinduism/RSS, your Holy Cow mother of God or Your weird and foreign practices to rest of India and to the minorities. Accept that India is not Haryana, Delhi and Cow belt. Eat beef and become less religious. I know it's hard but, when you're all brought up as "Sanskari" from the small age with all that rituals and brainwashing. But, you can open up your eyes to see what India is. India is not your North India where Cow is God. Nor India is where only Hindus lived, nor is India where Hindi is the lingua franca. India is a dream Britishers gifted to the Indian subcontinent. They saved Hindus from the hands of Muslim domination and Islamic rule, partitioned Muslim regions that Britishers percieved as threat to India. and gave India a new life. Don't spoil it in the name of rabid Hindutva and blind chest thumping. Remember, your people (North Indian Hindus) are no different in aggression and bigotry, tribalism when compared to the western neighbour or even Saudia. World is watching Cow belt and their kaarnaama every minute.

Leave RSS, Burn Chaddi, Spit on that portraits of traitors you worship in your room - Savarkar, Golwalkar etc. Rather embrace liberalism and humanity.
@Jacob Martin @Infinity @The_Showstopper

Well for countries to gain real power they have to throw their weight somewhere. A higher principles that they need to affiliate themselves with. If for India they decide that their higher principles will come from Hindu heritage than that can work wonders for them. Just like Christian heritage worked wonders for the white man. The atheist China does actually have higher principles that come from their cultural history. I would even say that actually whats keeping India back is the lack of depth of its principles and Hindu heritage can make the Indian mind deeper.

It was not Christian heritage, rather the Enlightenment that propelled the Western world where it is today. Christianity has had to evolve in order to stay relevant. Christianity evolved into a somewhat benign force through the hammer blows that it received from science. These blows tempered its audacity to make truth claims about the physical world that it had no way of knowing about. So one could say that it wasn't reformed from within, but from outside.

That said, I will listen with an open mind. I have often heard this term Hindu heritage. I do not know what that is. We are currently in a long-winded discussion in the subject on this thread. If you could innumerate the tenets of this Hindu heritage then maybe we could assess them properly.

India is falling to the hands of BJP-RSS. RSS Agendas will make Hindu Rashtra instead of secular India. First, they (RSS/Sanghi/Andh Bhakt/Chaddis) will attack Muslims and Christians since RSS's Terrorist Gurus ( M S Golwalkar, V D Savarkar, Hedgewar, Balkrishn Shivram Moonje etc etc and thousands of others) advocated that Abrahamic religions are the curse of Bharat Punya Dharti. What RSS now doing is wash the Punya Bhoomi with the blood of Infidels by lynching them rightly showing to the world that RSS is the continuation of Nazism, Mussolini's Fascism and even some traits of Islamofascism too can be observed in RSS-BJP.

When Muslims and Christians are made Dhimmi, RSS-BJP will show their true nature - Brahmanism, Aryan Hindu rule of Akhand Bharat -Hindu Rashtra. The caste system will be enforced. Aryan or High caste Hindus needs to enforce caste system to prevent miscegenation from the locals. Brahmins and High castes needs to be the rulers. Like White ruled South Africa to most extend - if an example can be put.

Next stage, RSS ideas will see backfiring. There will be civil war among Hindus destroying them by the same rightwing (RSS) which many of them covertly and overtly supported as High castes will unleash and enforce themselves on to low castes. Again, what British gifted to Indian subcontinent will see possibility to be disintegrated. The true nature of India is not monolithic. It is diverse..Hindus nor Muslims..a 40-50 small countries amalgamated under Indian union inspite of diverse cultural, racial, ethnic, religious, caste, tribal differences. <--- This is what RSS brainwashed Sanghis fails to register in their brain. What Gandhi Ji and Congress upheld despite of all the negativity pinpointed about them holds true; - India is unity in diversity. Don't enforce North Indian Hinduism/RSS, your Holy Cow mother of God or Your weird and foreign practices to rest of India and to the minorities. Accept that India is not Haryana, Delhi and Cow belt. Eat beef and become less religious. I know it's hard but, when you're all brought up as "Sanskari" from the small age with all that rituals and brainwashing. But, you can open up your eyes to see what India is. India is not your North India where Cow is God. Nor India is where only Hindus lived, nor is India where Hindi is the lingua franca. India is a dream Britishers gifted to the Indian subcontinent. They saved Hindus from the hands of Muslim domination and Islamic rule, partitioned Muslim regions that Britishers percieved as threat to India. and gave India a new life. Don't spoil it in the name of rabid Hindutva and blind chest thumping. Remember, your people (North Indian Hindus) are no different in aggression and bigotry, tribalism when compared to the western neighbour or even Saudia. World is watching Cow belt and their kaarnaama every minute.

Leave RSS, Burn Chaddi, Spit on that portraits of traitors you worship in your room - Savarkar, Golwalkar etc. Rather embrace liberalism and humanity.
@Jacob Martin @Infinity @The_Showstopper


Trying to evolve an identity around a majoritarian view will be the end of this country. Partly because apart from worshipping cows and believing in caste, I do not get a tangible answer as to what this Hindu rashtra will look like. Maybe they don't elaborate because they know that their casteist, Hindi language-centric and xenophobic agenda will alienate large swathes of what they call as "Hindu".

Now if they say that they are not for any of the above, then they still need to explain as to what then distinguishes them from other secular people. Is the meaningless term "nationalist" their only claim to being different?
Well the conviction a guy like me has is that power only lies with the good. But it's almost impossible for common people to believe that. They believe in the mechanics of the world and in the mechanics of psyche.
I thought religious ideals offered the only way for the basic ordinary folk to relate power with good.
I mean to say it's impossible for ordinary people to derive power from good. Everyone is not Einstein. But religious theory can act as an intermediary.
India is falling to the hands of BJP-RSS. RSS Agendas will make Hindu Rashtra instead of secular India. First, they (RSS/Sanghi/Andh Bhakt/Chaddis) will attack Muslims and Christians since RSS's Terrorist Gurus ( M S Golwalkar, V D Savarkar, Hedgewar, Balkrishn Shivram Moonje etc etc and thousands of others) advocated that Abrahamic religions are the curse of Bharat Punya Dharti. What RSS now doing is wash the Punya Bhoomi with the blood of Infidels by lynching them rightly showing to the world that RSS is the continuation of Nazism, Mussolini's Fascism and even some traits of Islamofascism too can be observed in RSS-BJP.

When Muslims and Christians are made Dhimmi, RSS-BJP will show their true nature - Brahmanism, Aryan Hindu rule of Akhand Bharat -Hindu Rashtra. The caste system will be enforced. Aryan or High caste Hindus needs to enforce caste system to prevent miscegenation from the locals. Brahmins and High castes needs to be the rulers. Like White ruled South Africa to most extend - if an example can be put.

Next stage, RSS ideas will see backfiring. There will be civil war among Hindus destroying them by the same rightwing (RSS) which many of them covertly and overtly supported as High castes will unleash and enforce themselves on to low castes. Again, what British gifted to Indian subcontinent will see possibility to be disintegrated. The true nature of India is not monolithic. It is diverse..Hindus nor Muslims..a 40-50 small countries amalgamated under Indian union inspite of diverse cultural, racial, ethnic, religious, caste, tribal differences. <--- This is what RSS brainwashed Sanghis fails to register in their brain. What Gandhi Ji and Congress upheld despite of all the negativity pinpointed about them holds true; - India is unity in diversity. Don't enforce North Indian Hinduism/RSS, your Holy Cow mother of God or Your weird and foreign practices to rest of India and to the minorities. Accept that India is not Haryana, Delhi and Cow belt. Eat beef and become less religious. I know it's hard but, when you're all brought up as "Sanskari" from the small age with all that rituals and brainwashing. But, you can open up your eyes to see what India is. India is not your North India where Cow is God. Nor India is where only Hindus lived, nor is India where Hindi is the lingua franca. India is a dream Britishers gifted to the Indian subcontinent. They saved Hindus from the hands of Muslim domination and Islamic rule, partitioned Muslim regions that Britishers percieved as threat to India. and gave India a new life. Don't spoil it in the name of rabid Hindutva and blind chest thumping. Remember, your people (North Indian Hindus) are no different in aggression and bigotry, tribalism when compared to the western neighbour or even Saudia. World is watching Cow belt and their kaarnaama every minute.

Leave RSS, Burn Chaddi, Spit on that portraits of traitors you worship in your room - Savarkar, Golwalkar etc. Rather embrace liberalism and humanity.
@Jacob Martin @Infinity @The_Showstopper


This shows that Abrahamics can never be loyal to India. The Center of their religious world has no history no connection with India and is situated outside India. Abrahamics have full world from Africa to Europe to Middle East to china. Go play there your dirty games and buzz off from India.
This shows that Abrahamics can never be loyal to India. The Center of their religious world has no history no connection with India and is situated outside India. Abrahamics have full world from Africa to Europe to Middle East to china. Go play there your dirty games and buzz off from India.

Its the difference between a patriot and a Nationalist.

Only Hindus are Nationalists (with exceptions on both sides) because Nationalism requires one to be proud of one's culture and tradition.

Patriotism only needs a place of stay. And when that place of stay changes, their patriotism changes too.
During BJP rule,India is nothing less than a hindu county.
Its the difference between a patriot and a Nationalist.

Only Hindus are Nationalists (with exceptions on both sides) because Nationalism requires one to be proud of one's culture and tradition.

Patriotism only needs a place of stay. And when that place of stay changes, their patriotism changes too.

Patriotism requires to be loyal to a book called Indian constitution no matter what you think about Indias past or whether you respect it.

Owaisi is a patriot but his ultimate alliance is with Allah and what Islamic history is, not dharmic civilization.

It would be much better if Abrahamics are dissected from India.
Patriotism requires to be loyal to a book called Indian constitution no matter what you think about Indias past or whether you respect it.

Owaisi is a patriot but his ultimate alliance is with Allah and what Islamic history is, not dharmic civilization.

It would be much better if Abrahamics are dissected from India.

Been there, done that. Made matters worse. ............. its called pakistan.

During BJP rule,India is nothing less than a hindu county.

India was Hindu country even without BJP rule :lol:

Shit, India was a Hindu country even with islamic rule :lol:
Been there, done that. Made matters worse. ............. its called pakistan.

India was Hindu country even without BJP rule :lol:

Shit, India was a Hindu country even with islamic rule :lol:

It's not Pakistan it's Abrahamics within India that are the crux.
This shows that Abrahamics can never be loyal to India. The Center of their religious world has no history no connection with India and is situated outside India. Abrahamics have full world from Africa to Europe to Middle East to china. Go play there your dirty games and buzz off from India.
Says so the RSS Chaddi gang of India
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