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'Declare FATA Part of Afghanistan War': US Think-Tank

How about trying to READ the report “FATA: A Most Dangerous Place” before spouting off about a half cocked journalistic piece of reporting.

“Declare FATA as part of the Afghan war theatre so CENTCOM can operate with the Pakistan Army in both military and economic development efforts as needed and agreed on by both countries

If you bother to actually read the report you will find it is nothing like the junk from the un-sourced article initially posted.

There can't be a fair agreement between the US and Pakistan, it will always be in favor of the US, Afghanistan and India.

FATA is part of Pakistan and majority of Pakistanis would be against such a move.
The video is excellent education. These guys know what they are talking about and offer some invaluable advice. One can only hope GoP has the willpower to effect at least some of the recommendations.

I look forward to some objective comments from Pakistanis regarding this topic.

Here is my advise to you and all other Indian friends: SOLVE THE KASHMIR ISSUE BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE!

Lets have the Kashmiris a go at their destiny and then both Pakistan and India can spend billions on education and health care etc.

FATA and all other undeveloped areas need facilities for education, health care and jobs which can be achieved by spending money.
There can't be a fair agreement between the US and Pakistan, it will always be in favor of the US, Afghanistan and India.

FATA is part of Pakistan and majority of Pakistanis would be against such a move.

Yes Pakistanis would be against the recomendation in this report, since it say to build that region up Pakistan, says nothing about the US actually going into FAT either, but heck you did read the actual report, not just comments here? Yep makes lots of sense:crazy:.
the only reason u.s. i concentrating on fata right now is because it needs to move concentration from its losing wars in afghanistan and iraq
the only reason u.s. i concentrating on fata right now is because it needs to move concentration from its losing wars in afghanistan and iraq

Out of touch with reality somewhat. Recent indicators for social ecomonics & security development:

AFP: Iraq boosts security ahead of landmark elections

The Associated Press: Iraq's 08 oil revenues about $60 billion

The Associated Press: Iraq sends 30,000 troops to guard Karbala pilgrims

Observe the Black Knights, Op Sond Chara:

BBC NEWS | UK | UK forces take key Taleban bases





At the going down of the sun and in the morning.......
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The video is excellent education. These guys know what they are talking about and offer some invaluable advice. One can only hope GoP has the willpower to effect at least some of the recommendations.

I'm obviously not a Pakistani but even an outsider like me can clearly see that these gentlemen have Pakistan's best interests at heart and are well positioned to make these recommendations. I would urge my Pakistani friends to read and watch in its entirety and have an objective discussion regarding the report. I look forward to some objective comments from Pakistanis regarding this topic.

Having had the opportunity to circulate & view this recent media release, we can thoroughly recommend that others here invest some of their own time in doing so themselves; in the spirit of seeing a few more lucid comments on this very important foreign policy steer in future.
It will be a blatant mistake. Pak Army conducting operations in FATA have severely damaged Pakistan's reputation in that region, even among educated people, when they saw 1000s of civilians dead, crops destroyed, houses demolished, businesses closed, whatever economy they had, crippled, and a strong anti-pakistan sentiment created that usually doesn't go away from this passionate region.

Any move to allow U.S. to conduct war with completely change the hearts in FATA and NWFP, even among the educated lot, which will see no reason to stay with Pakistan (which is already being questioned on the matter of constant drone attacks), and another sentiment among our tribes and specially the educated lot have been on increase that Pakistan is helping the world in declaring Pashtuns "terrorists", where the war is clearly about resources and geopolitical leverage.

No power on earth, I repeat, no power on earth, can contain the tribes militarily. Right now you are only seeing 5% of the people fighting (for whatever reasons), in case of a a declared attack on the region, I gurantee you, every man, capable of bearing arms or not, educated or uneducated, young and old, all will rise, from both sides of the borders, as tribes share the same blood, same culture, same language, same traditions and same love for eachother.

There are over 28 million Pakhtuns on both sides of border, with over 1 million heavily armed with another 10 million ready to soup up the resistance against any invader (even if its another tribe, they will resist, yet the alien forces).

It will be a mistake to alienate them by expanding the war theatre to FATA. It will be a terrible mistake to allow opportunitists in the area to reap the benefit of this war imposed on the masses, that does not bow to any pressure, at all. They will fight for a century, if they have to, but they will not budge, to the last man.

It's a trap for Pakistan. If Army has agreed upon this in principle, it has been trapped in catch-22 situation, damn if they do, damn if they don't.

Pakistan must not fall into this trap. It's a suicide for Pakistan. The entire idea behind this project is to seperate NWFP from Pakistan, by creating an Anti-Pakistan sentiment among masses, by showing Pakistan is involved in allowing foreign forces to invade and helping them to kill and destroy their livlihood.

This will result in total alienation of educated and uneducated masses in North West and a massive uprising, who will see no reason to stay with Pakistan, if it can't protect them from foreign invaders.

It will be a suicide for Pakistan to allow such thing happening. The war theater will not stay abound FATA, mark my words. It will be extended to entire NWFP, before it will be knocking on capital region. They will tell you the "militants" are out of FATA, into the settled areas, just as they told you the "militants" are out of Afghanistan, into FATA.

And the expansion will go on, until Islamabad is knocked down and a total destruction of Pakistan is achieved by "sealing" the idea of nukes are in extremists hands, and we (allies) must neutralize Pakistan.
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Yep I think this is America's plan to break Pakistan into 3 or 4 pieces.

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I dont think they realise how much man power and fire power that region contains. Good luck 'walking in' and finding the leadership.

True, the FATA people make guns everyday by hand there. Any force that walks into the Khyber Pass is walking into their deaths.
Yep I think this is America's plan to break Pakistan into 3 or 4 pieces.

- The men behind Barack Obama part 2[/url]

That very same conspiracy theory recieves due comment in the article. Do take the time to become informed with realism.
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No power on earth, I repeat, no power on earth, can contain the tribes militarily.

That's a negative. Nobody on the planet does war quite like Europe, and nobody ever will... if sanity prevails.

Watch the media, there is absolutely zero advocation for military intervention presented therein... much more in light of some of the truest forms of foreign policy advice which will indeed act positively to shape the current and emerging administrations.
the ANP is a Secular Party and i think they are mostly and they are the ones that support military action in Fata. the people need to understand that this operation is not amongst them it is against the people who are conducting these terrorists attacks against them and the entire nation. as it has shown by the lashkars that the people in the tribal areas themselves are fed up of the Taliban and there brutalities and are willing to work with the government to oust them out of power.
the ANP is a Secular Party and i think they are mostly and they are the ones that support military action in Fata. the people need to understand that this operation is not amongst them it is against the people who are conducting these terrorists attacks against them and the entire nation. as it has shown by the lashkars that the people in the tribal areas themselves are fed up of the Taliban and there brutalities and are willing to work with the government to oust them out of power.

Good luck explaining this to those whom houses are demolished, businesses are destroyed, families killed, and masses displaced from their villages to far lands.

And it's a false flag that Lashkars are formed to show that they are sick of talebans. Let me tell you the ground reality. The ground reality is, those people are sick of Army operations, so the tribal intelligentsia called in for a Lashkar to take control of the area and stop the Army from conducting the operations, but that didn't happen.

A strong (rumour?) is circling in the region that army is taking money from U.S. for all these operations. And hence the sentiment is flaring day by day, when they see no result in containing the militancy, but a massive devastation to entire Swat and Bajaur area, that is known as a switzerland of Pakistan.

Half of my family is from Swat. I can tell you right now, the operation has been a failure. Army needs police to escort them and police needs army to escort them.

This operation is only helping Anglo-American-Indo-Afghan sources to achieve their ultimate goal of creating a massive backlash and vaccume in NWFP against Pakistan, so it can be annxed.

The ANP is number one traitor of Pakistan. Their briefings in Indian and American embassies are gone unnoticed by the same traitors in PPP running the government at the moment and allowing all sorts of bad things happening to Pakistan.

Make no mistake in decieving yourself in believing that "Army is all right in conducting this operation". It has been a plot against army to trap them in catch-ww situation so if they conduct the operation, they are damned, and if they don't they are damned. And army fell right into the trap.

We, as the natives of NWFP, whose entire economy has been destroyed and scores of our relatives have been killed for our country shaking hands with the devil (read allies), believe that the operation of this scale was never an answer. History is full of such mistakes and yet the same mistake was made by our very own country.

We believe a surgical operation was the only solution with the dialogue on the table to isolate the bad apples among the fighters by cutting the locals from them. But instead, they devastated the locals.

So as I said, good luck with explaining your side of the story to the people upon whom the bombs are falling, while their entire livlihood is destroyed.
Yes Pakistanis would be against the recomendation in this report, since it say to build that region up Pakistan, says nothing about the US actually going into FAT either, but heck you did read the actual report, not just comments here? Yep makes lots of sense:crazy:.

I never said that I read that report. I said that there can't be any fair agreement between the US and Pakistan.

I refuse to waste time on a report when the purpose is to have an agreement with foreigners about any part of Pakistan.

If the US wants to support Pakistan than there shouldn't be an agreement with goals and targets.

FATA has been like this for many years and we know the soultion for whhich works are already in place. It will take many years for that region to change and any outside intervention is unacceptable.
That's a negative. Nobody on the planet does war quite like Europe, and nobody ever will... if sanity prevails.

Watch the media, there is absolutely zero advocation for military intervention presented therein... much more in light of some of the truest forms of foreign policy advice which will indeed act positively to shape the current and emerging administrations.

Which media? the one that said Iraq and WMD? or the one that made Britain read the american student's university theses as MI6 intelligence report on WMD in Iraq? Or the media which is showing Israel being the victims and Gazans the aggressors?

Wake up from your slumber. Read some history. And smell the air. 72% of Afghanistan is alraedy in Freedom Fighters control. It's just the matter of time when the fighters are supplied with Anti-Aircraft weapons (like US supplied them against Russia), and down goes the allied forces into the drain.

Quoting Eric Margolis, who warned Allies that "a line not to be crossed" (the lien is the FATA border).

This week's deadly U.S. attacks again illustrate the fact that the 60,000 U.S. and NATO ground troops in Afghanistan are incapable of holding off the Taliban and its allies, even though the Afghan resistance has nothing but small arms to battle the West's hi-tech arsenal. U.S. air power is almost always called in when there are clashes.

In fact, the main function for U.S. and NATO infantries is to draw the Taliban into battle so the Afghan "mujahidin" can be bombed from the air. Without 24/7 U.S. airpower, which can respond in minutes, western forces in Afghanistan would be quickly isolated, cut off from supplies, and defeated.

He very clearly stated the fact that U.S. just wants to occupy the Pakistani territory.

So wake up, smell the air.
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