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December 21 .. You are all gonna DiE

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First know what this ayat is about than talk secondly most modern Sciences are gift of Muslims to the world after coming of HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW for next 600 yeas it was Muslims who gave modern sciences to people including Surgery medicine Chemistry and Geography and the world will end most people now believe including those who study earth and Universe

First of all evolution is just a theory not proven yet and Sir Islam was their from the first day HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW is the last PROPHET of Islam not the first but the books which were sent before were only meant for specific nation and specific time and as HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW is the LAST PROPHET his massage is for all humanity and they have to follow it first read about religions before talking about them

Modern Science is Gift of Muslims: Keep living in fool paradise, The modern science is based on Ancient chinese, greek, Indian and Sumerian knowledge. It wass just propagated by arab travellers to Europe. Nothing you invented, all was there. be it decimal system, medical system or astrology. Muslim just propagate it from east to west.. (in process they add some value as well).

If Evolution is not proven, then God creation theory is also not proven.. At least evolution theory has some logic, where as God's theory is illogical. Science is based on logic, assumptions and theories. While religion is based on believe. What is the proof that HMS was last prophet??? its just your belief.

P. Muhammad's message is just for his believers not for humanity. Coz non-believers have no place in His created world. WHat ever written in Koran is holy for Muslims only, for others its just another book...
Modern Science is Gift of Muslims: Keep living in fool paradise, The modern science is based on Ancient chinese, greek, Indian and Sumerian knowledge. It wass just propagated by arab travellers to Europe. Nothing you invented, all was there. be it decimal system, medical system or astrology. Muslim just propagate it from east to west.. (in process they add some value as well).

If Evolution is not proven, then God creation theory is also not proven.. At least evolution theory has some logic, where as God's theory is illogical. Science is based on logic, assumptions and theories. While religion is based on believe. What is the proof that HMS was last prophet??? its just your belief.

P. Muhammad's message is just for his believers not for humanity. Coz non-believers have no place in His created world. WHat ever written in Koran is holy for Muslims only, for others its just another book...
Lady even Europeans now accept the role of great Muslim scientists in development of modern sciences Evolution theory don't have any logic behind it their are several questions which not a single one so called evolution theory champs can answer HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW message was for whole of humanity and he being the last PROPHET is mentioned in most of previous scriptures Sir yes those who want to run away from truth for them yes Quran is just another book
Some people (well most of Pakistanis & Muslims) are just simple obsessed with a glorious past, not even knowing how that golden age ended & how Mu'tazila were, well, disbanded.. Its time to forget the past, live in present & plan the future
Tell or believe anything you want about my signature, it's not my hand written. It doesn't indicate my sign of arrogance, it indicates yours.

Lady most scientist now believe this even those who call themselves atheists because they have seen much of the signs and proofs and by the way keep you planning no one is stopping you if you want to keep you head in dust and think problem is not coming lady please continue

@rafay: Son, No matter its ur hand written or not, Its insulting and discriminatory(racist), believe me in civilized world you can get life term for hate crime. This particular line shows arrogance of a sect/religion. In modern civil society such racist comments are unwanted..
@Zarvan : Holy Zarvan, No scientist believe in stupid things, be it Hinduism, Xianism or some XYZ religion/sect. World is not only divided in Believers and non-believers . There are many others like me (Humanist, Naturalists, caos-alist, Aethists etc). Aiethism is not hating religion, its loving logic, sense and natural orders.
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@rafay: Son, No matter its ur hand written or not, Its insulting and discriminatory(racist), believe me in civilized world you can get life term for hate crime. This particular line shows arrogance of a sect/religion. In modern civil society such racist comments are unwanted..
@Zarvan : Holy Zarvan, No scientist believe in stupid things, be it Hinduism, Xianism or some XYZ religion/sect. World is not only divided in Believers and non-believers . There are many others like me (Humanist, Naturalists, caos-alist, Aethists etc). Aiethism is not hating religion, its loving logic, sense and natural orders.
Lady vast majority of people still believe in religions and even most Atheist Scientists believe that this universe will end although they don't believe in day of judgement and Atheism loving logic is the most funny thing to say majority of Scientists believe in Religions Lady
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Lady even Europeans now accept the role of great Muslim scientists in development of modern sciences Evolution theory don't have any logic behind it their are several questions which not a single one so called evolution theory champs can answer HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW message was for whole of humanity and he being the last PROPHET is mentioned in most of previous scriptures Sir yes those who want to run away from truth for them yes Quran is just another book

Beacuse European didn't know from where Arabs (Muslim ) got that knowledge. The Arabic number system (0-9) was learned from India (since last 10,000 years Indians were using 0-9 and .). The Alchemy was learnt from China and mesopotamia. The Persian have learnt gunpowder technique from chinese, which passed to Europe thru Arabs.

having said that , I agree that Arabs would have added some value (made it readable to europeans) to these knowledge.

Evolution theory gives many answers, though there are some missing links which need to be found. Insha-allah that will be found one day... But God theory has no logic, Except P Muhammad no one else has seen god. What kind of god He is , He is everywhere but no one has seen him yet....

Lady vast majority of people still believe in religions and even most Atheist Scientists believe that this universe will end although they don't believe in day of judgement and Atheism loving logic is the most funny thing to say majority of Scientists believe in Religions Lady

Your logic start with believe and end with beleif.. No one can cure it.. I believe I am incarnation of Jesus.. You have any logic to counter it??? Argument is not done base on Belief, Its done based on logic, facts, arguments, postulates,...
@world end: Human is clever spiceis, we will remain alive for longer time. No matter God wish for it or not..
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Beacuse European didn't know from where Arabs (Muslim ) got that knowledge. The Arabic number system (0-9) was learned from India (since last 10,000 years Indians were using 0-9 and .). The Alchemy was learnt from China and mesopotamia. The Persian have learnt gunpowder technique from chinese, which passed to Europe thru Arabs.

having said that , I agree that Arabs would have added some value (made it readable to europeans) to these knowledge.

Evolution theory gives many answers, though there are some missing links which need to be found. Insha-allah that will be found one day... But God theory has no logic, Except P Muhammad no one else has seen god. What kind of god He is , He is everywhere but no one has seen him yet....
Evolution theory has not even given a single answer Sir and nor part of it have been proven yet and missing links everything is missing in these theory many who promoted have started to reject this theory now and Muslim didn't added some value most modern sciences are because of Muslims
Evolution theory has not even given a single answer Sir and nor part of it have been proven yet and missing links everything is missing in these theory many who promoted have started to reject this theory now and Muslim didn't added some value most modern sciences are because of Muslims

Darvinism has given almost all answer except one (the missing link btwn human and Ape), Re-read Darvins theory....

You mention :: Lady vast majority of people still believe in religions and even most Atheist Scientists believe that this universe will end

If majority believe in religion, religion is truth?? Is it democracy?? FYKI Evil spread rapidly, The Virus spread rapidly doest it means evil is good??? Don't give lame logics...

and yes they are afraid that the earth will die before its schedule (the death of sun) if Human will not change its behaviour. Human is mounting pressure on earth, many speicies have vanished coz of human greed. If not stopped many human will die (not all), but human race will survive. If things will not change All muslim nation, India and 3rd world will be neutered or asked to have 1 baby per family.

Scientists are worried coz of increasing human population, not God..
anyways, drifting from reigion vs logic, before the world ends i will like to ride a dragon & free run the Assassins Creed way
I am not gonna die, i am gonna survive
just like in the waterworld or the book of eli
argh i am throwing a big birthday party for my dad on 22nd end of world should wait for a day or two
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