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December 21 .. You are all gonna DiE

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If it is indeed true, then our fellow member Isro might get to ascend to Starship Athena and we will all miss the guy for sure.
@Developereo why goverment arrested zecharia stichin? Just because andromedans contacted him and gave him secret info including secret documents of american goverment as proof? Anyway we not in touch with andromeda.... We are in touch with pleiadians (not me though)....
CIA 2012 our leaders will live in underground bunkers - YouTube
Deadline Live » View topic - feds arrest Zecharia Sitchin
2007 Trial of Zecharia Sitchin or HOAX? Is it that easy?, page 1
New Scientific Evidence that "Jesus Christ was born in a U.F.O." | NowPublic News Coverage
@fallstuff anything that makes you happy.... Closing eyes wont change the facts.... i given u total evidence NASA gave. i didnt know u are far ahead than NASA.... Specially u are american.... majority of americans cant live thinking they just a catle infront of Humanoids, Greys and Reptilians....
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Darvinism has given almost all answer except one (the missing link btwn human and Ape), Re-read Darvins theory....

You mention :: Lady vast majority of people still believe in religions and even most Atheist Scientists believe that this universe will end

If majority believe in religion, religion is truth?? Is it democracy?? FYKI Evil spread rapidly, The Virus spread rapidly doest it means evil is good??? Don't give lame logics...

and yes they are afraid that the earth will die before its schedule (the death of sun) if Human will not change its behaviour. Human is mounting pressure on earth, many speicies have vanished coz of human greed. If not stopped many human will die (not all), but human race will survive. If things will not change All muslim nation, India and 3rd world will be neutered or asked to have 1 baby per family.

Scientists are worried coz of increasing human population, not God..
Lady Darvinism haven't given one single answer and that is why it is still a theory not a fact majority believe in religion and the world will end sooner or later and now accepted by majority of Scientists even those who are atheists
Enjoy before you die.

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Does anyone remember the Y2K scare in Dec 1999 :angel:
I am going to the baddest party next week. !!!!

World ends or not, party will rock.
isro2222 confirmed world will not end on 21-12-12. Now no worries for 3 years. :coffee:

@isro2222 how can I get saved by pleidians in 2015? i don't do too much bad karma, may be little bit occasionally. do I stand any chance? any mantra?
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Merry christmas and happy new yr to everyone in advance...
Modern Science is Gift of Muslims: Keep living in fool paradise, The modern science is based on Ancient chinese, greek, Indian and Sumerian knowledge. It was just propagated by Arab travelers to Europe. Nothing you invented, all was there. be it decimal system, medical system or astrology. Muslim just propagate it from east to west.. (in process they add some value as well).

If Evolution is not proven, then God creation theory is also not proven.. At least evolution theory has some logic, where as God's theory is illogical. Science is based on logic, assumptions and theories. While religion is based on believe. What is the proof that HMS was last prophet??? its just your belief.

P. Muhammad's message is just for his believers not for humanity. Coz non-believers have no place in His created world. What ever written in Koran is holy for Muslims only, for others its just another book...

Yes all Muslim achievements in science were propagated By Arab travelers. Education helps with brain development and eliminates bigotry Get some but if George bush can become president of USA i shouldn't be surprised people like you exist.

Then again Darwin A monkey and a cucumber are cousins? :rofl: just might have some truth to it.
@Dushmann mahamrityunjaya mantra and loving kindness mantra is the only mantra that has power to save any human.... Specialy mahamrityunjaya mantra has power to defeat death.... The day u start reciting Mahamrityunjaya mantra within a week u will feel ur dreams that u see at nights are real.... Within few months u will be able to guide ur dreams and make it pleasent.... After a year Lord tryambakam aka Lord shiva will come in your dream and he will guide u and tell u secrets of human life cycle.... if u want to know what happened in my dream and how i met lord shiva than let me know it.... Mahamrityunjaya mantra should be recited just 108 times a day. Keep ur spinal bord straight while reciting mantra and please do the chakra cleaning.... u know how to do chakra cleaning right? If not than ask me.... Btw again let me remind u all again that 21st december world wont end but yes by 2015 will get hit by astroide of planet nibiru and planet nibiru will pass by earth by touching distance that will shift earth pole and the pressure of it would be so powerful than humans nerves might bust.... Earth wont get destroyed but majority of humans will (earth will get destroyed only after blackhole reach planet earth. Blackhole right now 25,000 light years away. Thats alot far away) Pleiadians will only save quater of population. The best chance of survival is advanced underground base which would be anti earthquake, tsunami and it will be very deep with planety of oxygen, water and food supply.... American goverment already ready. While aus pm gave the hint but the best hint given by russian president few days ago.... He said earth wont get destroyed.... Not atleast this year (he gave the hint. He knows it when).... (btw do let me know if u want to know about my experience with mantra. i will give u all details of my research which i have done on mantras).... All mantras tested by me and i selected few which were so powerful that it changed my DNA.... as u know words changes DNA.... Here is mantra to defeat death which removes fear of death and makes human live long....
Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra- Victory Over Death
Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra: Mantras to preserve longevity and defeat death- for sarva karya siddhi, for success in all work | AstroPeep.com
And here how to pronounce it correctly. Learn slowly as its tough sankrit vedic mantra....
Mahamrityunjaya Mantra 108 Times - YouTube
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If it happens, then it happens...only...I better hurry up and finish my Assassin's Creed 3 achievements before the world ends :cheesy:
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