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December 21 .. You are all gonna DiE

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@Hu Songshan there is no doubt about nibirians aka annunakis will return as they promised.... i gave all details. NASA lied about planet Nibiru aka brown darf.... But now its NASA confirmed it that Nibiru heading towards earth.... Nibiru is 12th Planet hiden very smartly cloaked.... Its very bright planet and right now its near planet Sun.... World goverment worried Nibiru may smash onto planet Earth.... (astroids hits planet earth every few 1000s of years but nibiru is abandon planet by annunakis).... Its called cleaning process.... Ashtar galactic command hates nibirians aka annunakis and they will do everything to protect planet earth.... However they too worried about earth humans population.... Nibirians are very advanced and next to Alpha draconian in technology.... However Alpha draconians far ahead in strength and power.... Nibirians the one who planted devices on every planet which created Astrology that gives result to humans according to Karma.... Nibirians gave mantras to rishis of india in ancient days.... They the one spread gods around world (a trick but a good intension trick).... Do u know noah was created by Enki? Noah was half human and half animal. Same way Lord ganesha Half elephant and half human. Its a creation of chief engineer who created so many beings. Enlil was against it. In most religion u will see its mentioned every God said they will return to earth and will end evil humans while few good will live.... Almost every religion its mentioned.... My big worry is that nibiru will hit planet earth.... Even our Ashtar galactic command wont be able to do anything because if they create black hole than it might backfire as creating small blackhole not easy and can go wrong.... A blackhole eats a planet and than humanoids use anti blackhole machin to make it dissapear.... Its deadly process.... i hope u have heard russian president speech. He said earth will not end.... Atleast not this year.... you see he knows it will end but not this year.... Its very likely nibiru will hit planet earth. Nibiru was propeld by nibirians. They have technology to change nibiru path.... They drive it. However they parked nibiru such a way that it will hit planet earth.... They want humans to end as humans turned evil. It was mentioned in every religion and the truth is front of our eyes.... Nibiru heading towards planet earth.... And no one can stop it....
BREAKING EVIDENCE! NIBIRU ~ SCIENTIFIC PROOF and, The Death of Honest Astronomers! - YouTube
NASA WARNS BE PREPARED!! Nibiru is coming 2012.. DOOMSDAY! - YouTube
Nibiru Found & Confirmed By CNN Nov 2012 - 30% Probability Of Hitting Earth Nov21 - Dec 21 2012 - YouTube
NASA Mistakenly Confirms Nibiru at NEOWISE Conference [Sept 29] - YouTube
It Is Official : WISE Telescope Confirms Nibiru A Rogue Planet Outside Of Neptune And Uranus!! | Pakalert Press
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The question arrived how did planet nibiru was hidden so well? The answer is very simple.... Do earth humans can dark side of the moon? Same way nibiru was hidden behind many planets and kept changing its path as earth rotates.... Hiding behind planet sun was easy. Now suddenly nibiru appeard from behind planet sun.... Its heading towards planet earth.... And guess what? The planet is empty. Nibirians went away in two huge earth size angelic mothership that can carry multi billion nibirians....
Nibiru System In Full Color As Seen By A Passenger On-Board A Commercial Aircraft over Melbourne, Australia May 28.2012 Exclusive | Space
It Is Official : WISE Telescope Confirms Nibiru A Rogue Planet Outside Of Neptune And Uranus!! | Space
here suddenly it appeard from behind of sun and people were confused how can there be two planet sun....
here how it hidden behind planet sun....
Here is Nibirian escaping in Angelic mothership. Its size same like earth size....
The question arrived how did planet nibiru was hidden so well? The answer is very simple.... Do earth humans can dark side of the moon? Same way nibiru was hidden behind many planets and kept changing its path as earth rotates.... Hiding behind planet sun was easy. Now suddenly nibiru appeard from behind planet sun.... Its heading towards planet earth.... And guess what? The planet is empty. Nibirians went away in two huge earth size angelic mothership that can carry multi billion nibirians....
Nibiru System In Full Color As Seen By A Passenger On-Board A Commercial Aircraft over Melbourne, Australia May 28.2012 Exclusive | Space
It Is Official : WISE Telescope Confirms Nibiru A Rogue Planet Outside Of Neptune And Uranus!! | Space
here suddenly it appeard from behind of sun and people were confused how can there be two planet sun....
here how it hidden behind planet sun....
Here is Nibirian escaping in Angelic mothership. Its size same like earth size....
Very interesting, thanks for sharing.
The question arrived how did planet nibiru was hidden so well? The answer is very simple.... Do earth humans can dark side of the moon? Same way nibiru was hidden behind many planets and kept changing its path as earth rotates.... Hiding behind planet sun was easy. Now suddenly nibiru appeard from behind planet sun.... Its heading towards planet earth.... And guess what? The planet is empty. Nibirians went away in two huge earth size angelic mothership that can carry multi billion nibirians....
Nibiru System In Full Color As Seen By A Passenger On-Board A Commercial Aircraft over Melbourne, Australia May 28.2012 Exclusive | Space
It Is Official : WISE Telescope Confirms Nibiru A Rogue Planet Outside Of Neptune And Uranus!! | Space
here suddenly it appeard from behind of sun and people were confused how can there be two planet sun....
here how it hidden behind planet sun....
Here is Nibirian escaping in Angelic mothership. Its size same like earth size....

There is no planet named Nibiru.
Ab isko yahan kisne bula liya....:cry:

Yaar kitne cartoon network dekhta hai bhai...isro...
Mayan apocalypse news and updates:

Yeah whine as much u like ... u all gonna die anyway.

Post all news articles relating to doomsday Dec21 till its over , so that we can have a laugh over it later.

China fears end of the world is near

China is taking the date of December 21 - the day the world is due to end - seriously, with panic buying of candles sweeping through counties. Malcolm Moore reports.


Lu Zhenghai began building the 65ft ship in 2010 and spent his life savings of £100,000 to build the ark for 20 people.

China's most famous book of prophecies, the 7th century Tui Bei Tu, makes no direct mention of the end of the world.
But in Sichuan province, panic buying of candles has swept through two counties in the fear that an ancient Mayan prediction that the world will end on December 21 proves to be true.

"Candles are selling by the hundreds, with buyers constantly coming to the market. Many stores have run out," said Huang Zhaoli, a shopper at the Neijing Wholesale Market, to the West China City Daily newspaper.

Mr Li, the owner of the Guangfa grocery store in Chengdu, added: "Lots of people have been buying candles recently. At first, we had no idea why. But then we heard someone muttering about the continuous darkness".

The source of the panic was traced to a post on Sina Weibo, China's version of Twitter, predicting that there will be three days of darkness when the apocalypse arrives.

Since the beginning of December, the word "Mayans" has trended on Weibo as millions of normally phlegmatic Chinese speculate that the end is nigh. "If the Mayans are right, I won’t pay my credit card bill," was one popular post.

In Shanghai, the police have had to issue a public warning about doomsday. "The end of the world is a rumour," the police said, in an internet post. "Do not believe it and do not be swindled".

A spokesman said they had handled 25 apocalypse-related cases in one 24-hour stretch. Most of the scam artists took advantage of credulous pensioners, encouraging them to hand over their savings for one last act of charity.

In Nanjing, a 54-year-old university professor's wife took out a £100,000 mortgage on her £300,000 home, saying she would donate the money to underprivileged children, saying she hoped to "do something meaningful before the world ended".

Last month, a man in the far west province of Xinjiang made news when he spent his life savings of £100,000 to build an ark for 20 people.
Lu Zhenghai began building the 65ft ship in 2010. "When the time comes, everyone can take refuge in it." However, as the deadline approaches, Mr Lu has reportedly run out of cash to finish the boat.

He said if the apocalypse failed to materialise, he would use the boat to take tourists on sightseeing tours.
In Chengdu, a web company has given its workers a tongue-in-cheek two-day break on Dec 19 and 20. "We suggest you take advantage of this 'final' time to spend more time with your closest family. We wish everyone a meaningful doomsday," it said.

China has no history of preoccupation with the apocalypse, and the current wave of paranoia can be traced to the 2009 Hollywood disaster film "2012". While the movie received a tepid welcome elsewhere, it was a smash hit in China, as viewers were seduced by a plot that saw the Chinese military build arks to save humanity.

Lu Jiehua, a professor with the Department of Sociology at Peking University, told the Global Times, meanwhile, that the paranoia reflects a general anxiety running through Chinese society.

"This panic buying [in Sichuan] not only shows people's fear of an upcoming apocalypse, but also reflects their sense of uncertainty toward life and society," he said.

China fears end of the world is nigh - Telegraph

I don't buy this doomsday bull$**t.........how can the world come to an end without the prophecy of GHAZWA-E-HIND being fullfilled ??? GREAT SIR ZAID HAMID can't be wrong, it's written in HADESS afterall :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy::azn:
@Hu Songshan there is no doubt about nibirians aka annunakis will return as they promised.... i gave all details. NASA lied about planet Nibiru aka brown darf.... But now its NASA confirmed it that Nibiru heading towards earth.... Nibiru is 12th Planet hiden very smartly cloaked.... Its very bright planet and right now its near planet Sun.... World goverment worried Nibiru may smash onto planet Earth.... (astroids hits planet earth every few 1000s of years but nibiru is abandon planet by annunakis).... Its called cleaning process.... Ashtar galactic command hates nibirians aka annunakis and they will do everything to protect planet earth.... However they too worried about earth humans population.... Nibirians are very advanced and next to Alpha draconian in technology.... However Alpha draconians far ahead in strength and power.... Nibirians the one who planted devices on every planet which created Astrology that gives result to humans according to Karma.... Nibirians gave mantras to rishis of india in ancient days.... They the one spread gods around world (a trick but a good intension trick).... Do u know noah was created by Enki? Noah was half human and half animal. Same way Lord ganesha Half elephant and half human. Its a creation of chief engineer who created so many beings. Enlil was against it. In most religion u will see its mentioned every God said they will return to earth and will end evil humans while few good will live.... Almost every religion its mentioned.... My big worry is that nibiru will hit planet earth.... Even our Ashtar galactic command wont be able to do anything because if they create black hole than it might backfire as creating small blackhole not easy and can go wrong.... A blackhole eats a planet and than humanoids use anti blackhole machin to make it dissapear.... Its deadly process.... i hope u have heard russian president speech. He said earth will not end.... Atleast not this year.... you see he knows it will end but not this year.... Its very likely nibiru will hit planet earth. Nibiru was propeld by nibirians. They have technology to change nibiru path.... They drive it. However they parked nibiru such a way that it will hit planet earth.... They want humans to end as humans turned evil. It was mentioned in every religion and the truth is front of our eyes.... Nibiru heading towards planet earth.... And no one can stop it....
BREAKING EVIDENCE! NIBIRU ~ SCIENTIFIC PROOF and, The Death of Honest Astronomers! - YouTube
NASA WARNS BE PREPARED!! Nibiru is coming 2012.. DOOMSDAY! - YouTube
Nibiru Found & Confirmed By CNN Nov 2012 - 30% Probability Of Hitting Earth Nov21 - Dec 21 2012 - YouTube
NASA Mistakenly Confirms Nibiru at NEOWISE Conference [Sept 29] - YouTube
It Is Official : WISE Telescope Confirms Nibiru A Rogue Planet Outside Of Neptune And Uranus!! | Pakalert Press

Someone's a fan of Zacharia Sitchin, I see.

I like reading him, too. Better than science fiction!
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Please everyone stop spreading this crap yes as Muslims we believe one day whole universe will end but not on 21 december 2012 so please stop spreading rumors and creating chaos in the world it is only benefiting those who are making people fools and making lot of money out of it
:what: the world is gonna end on 21st and Many members are going pink today.
Please everyone stop spreading this crap yes as Muslims we believe one day whole universe will end but not on 21 december 2012 so please stop spreading rumors and creating chaos in the world it is only benefiting those who are making people fools and making lot of money out of it

lol.... You believe one day it will happen, but not on 21st dec, Any specific reason for that???
Did something happened to youtube?-
Any one?-

is it working?-

lol.... You believe one day it will happen, but not on 21st dec, Any specific reason for that???

yaar there are specific reasons-

yajooj majooj- dajjal- imam mehdi- rebirth of Hazrat Essa (Jesus)- all have not happened yet-

and to troll you guzwa e hind too- :D-
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