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Debunking Indian Claims of “Surgical Strike” in Pakistan.

Lol. When did we ever mention that Arial choppers crossed the de-facto border? :lol: Read the DGMO press briefing. Clearly said that soldiers were dropped near the border after which they proceeded on foot.

Rathore was responding to the specific question by the journalists. He is re-affirming what DGMO told. Whats new in this? :what:
please just release the videos enough of this trash talk..
The muted reactions are just likely an indicator that the Indian claims are exaggerated, and global powers are aware that they are exaggerated. Global powers are also aware that Pakistan will have no interest in escalating given that what actually happened was far from the 'surgical strikes' India is making them out to be.


I am only specifically responding to you for obvious reasons.

What is a routine cross border strike, was specifically targetted at launch pads in near vicinity as being primary objectives. Hence termed 'surgical' strikes. Otherwise, it is routine between armies of both sides to keep doing things at small scale.

The only difference is this time India went public and at multiple points simultaneously.

What people here are going on about is ... general trolling. And the fine media on either side fuelling it up. Actuality no one wants to consider. This is just a part of larger pressure tactic that has achieved objectives.

Let us wait and watch. The GoI will not do anything to escalate nor will GoP.
Good 1

Who cares south Asians drama
IAF pilots have started training as surgeons in order to perform surgical strikes inside Pakistan
well guys your pakistan army and media is lying
see the video which shows indian army soldiers died is actually a video of crpf of 2012 attacks by maoists

Hafeez saeed had grief for their terrorists killed in loc attacks ,now the launch pads are not that much close motor shells cant destroy them (terrorists) ,if no terrorist is killed only 2 soldiers are killed then why this brainwahsed hafeez saeed is grieving ?

see the video :-
you will get to know
Hey Guys, If you think the strike didn't happen , just laugh and move on.
Why the hissy fit by GOP and Pak media and populace ??
Hey Guys, If you think the strike didn't happen , just laugh and move on.
Why the hissy fit by GOP and Pak media and populace ??

This "hissy" reaction is only possible coz the strike did happen, and further aggressive face saving attempt will continue to proves the strike.

And deep down inside even the Pakistanis know it is true.
However accepting it is another issue, we will never let them live it down in this very forum if not every other forum in the world.
Hence the absolute denial.
Pakistani has captured two of Indian active duty soldiers recently;
  • Kulbhushan Yadav
  • Chandu Babulal Chauhan
Now Pakistan can create a small company of two Indian soldiers and for the first time ever, give India a justification of their military presence in Pakistan but that will be called a "Surgical Surrender" instead of "No Evidence Surgical Strike".

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Hey Guys, If you think the strike didn't happen , just laugh and move on.
Why the hissy fit by GOP and Pak media and populace ??

Because we have to call you out to be liars and storytellers that we know you to be , a dog has to called a dog a cat is called a cat and a liar and story teller has to be called out an indian ... LOUDLY AND CLEARLY!
Because we have to call you out to be liars and storytellers that we know you to be , a dog has to called a dog a cat is called a cat and a liar and story teller has to be called out an indian ... LOUDLY AND CLEARLY!
All right man, since it didn't happen and we are liars..... there is nothing for you guys to do , isn't it? No action needed.
Enjoy the sun man....have fun.

Note: You will know the truth , by watching he actions taken by your army and political class. Watch the drama.
All right man, since it didn't happen and we are liars..... there is nothing for you guys to do , isn't it? No action needed.
Enjoy the sun man....have fun.

Note: You will know the truth , by watching he actions taken by your army and political class. Watch the drama.

What happened was that you made a failed attempt to cross your own limit and got put into your place ;)
All right man, since it didn't happen and we are liars..... there is nothing for you guys to do , isn't it? No action needed.
Enjoy the sun man....have fun.

Note: You will know the truth , by watching he actions taken by your army and political class. Watch the drama.

So India conducted operation just 500m deep into LoC? Go and stand on Indian LoC and try to spot a building in Pakistan that is smoking. Go on, there would be still time as ammunition dumps burn for days. Go take your Nation out of this humiliation for once and all. Prove to the world that indeed something was blown up 500m to 2000m into Pakistani territory. Is it too difficult?

And there will be 5-6-7 targets as Indian claims of destroyed targets keep changing. One of the morons from India was saying 38-70 targets were neutralised. So go on, show a video of 38 smoking buildings in Pakistan within 2KM from LoC. They're too close to border. You cannot miss them.
What happened was that you made a failed attempt to cross your own limit and got put into your place ;)

If it was a failed attempt, your guys would have said it first man. All they said was it was a regular border firing. When you repulse an attack, you gloat....won't you ?

Anyway dude, your government is fooling you and its making the population delusional..

So India conducted operation just 500m deep into LoC? Go and stand on Indian LoC and try to spot a building in Pakistan that is smoking. Go on, there would be still time as ammunition dumps burn for days. Go take your Nation out of this humiliation for once and all. Prove to the world that indeed something was blown up 500m to 2000m into Pakistani territory. Is it too difficult?

And there will be 5-6-7 targets as Indian claims of destroyed targets keep changing. One of the morons from India was saying 38-70 targets were neutralised. So go on, show a video of 38 smoking buildings in Pakistan within 2KM from LoC. They're too close to border. You cannot miss them.

Come'on man, even if you see the video, you all will create another theory.
Just watch what your PM and Chief will do in the upcoming days.... you will get your answer.
If it was a failed attempt, your guys would have said it first man. All they said was it was a regular border firing. When you repulse an attack, you gloat....won't you ?

Anyway dude, your government is fooling you and its making the population delusional..

Come'on man, even if you see the video, you all will create another theory.
Just watch what your PM and Chief will do in the upcoming days.... you will get your answer.

Bring a video first. A simple video made with a mobile camera would do the magic for India and save it from further humiliation.
  • There is no unusual activity in Pakistan.
  • Cabinet had a meeting yesterday who too rejected Indian claims. Birder firing weren't even discussed much.
  • Check out Pakistani channels, they are they are discussing day-to-day affairs.
  • Check stock markets, they are normal, rather raising and growing.
  • Cities where you claimed India struck are are normal, open and as peaceful as they should be.
  • Whenever there is an activity, like drone crashed and so did F7-PG and locals reached there, took videos of incident and uploaded them before mainstream media went there. Where is any video on YouTube, twitter or anywhere?
  • Where is any video from Indian public, Indian media or Indian Army who claim they did something?
In the absence of everything, your "No Evidence Surgical Strike" is dying in your own head.
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Bring a video first. A simple video made with a mobile camera would do the magic for India and save it from further humiliation.

There is no unusual activity in Pakistan. There was a meeting of cabinet yesterday who too rejected Indian claims. It wasn't even much discussed.

Check Pakistani channels and see what they're running.. they are discussing day-to-day affairs as usual, as normal.

First your Army said, it was just routine border firing. Then they changed to "we killed dozens of Indian Soldiers".
You know if it was routine border firing, it not possible to kill so many soldiers.

Anyway , the next action taken by your government will give you all the answers.
Also enjoy your normal TV man....
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