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Debunking Indian claims of F-16 firing AIM-120C AMRAAM

Did our JF-17 fired AMRAAM??

2-its the flash at the very end

That is more likely due to the shitty camera quickly changing exposure from a bright -> dark -> bright environment. I think exposure is the correct word, but a photography enthusiast (Hello @VCheng ) can correct me, I am not much of a photo junkie myself.

This wasn't a nuclear fireball which would give off a huge white flash afterall!

Let's stop clutching at straws folks, and stop propagating every other theory which every other pseudo intellectual on twitter comes up with.

I am sure in due time, the truth will come out, for either country.

I think this picture also puts it beyond a shadow of doubt that it was brought down by a missile proximity blast. And since the shrapnel holes are on the tail and upper part of the fuselage, it was definitely hit by an A2A missile from behind.
This BS essentially began with the myth of possibly 3rd Indian aircraft getting shot down, based on the myth of 3 parachutes. After some discussion with some well placed people here is what has come out:

1. There were two parachutes according to eye witnesses NOT THREE; one fell inside Pakistan along with its jet (MiG-21), the other parachute was seen across LoC. That would IAF pilot otherwise the pilot would have been shown as trophy by the Indians.

2. All F-16 remain accounted for.

3. Officially debunking is easy but PAF doesn't want to give away tactical details on how they conducted the operation.
if the Indian claim of loosing one Mig 21 and shooting down an F-16 was right, they would have awarded a medal, mighty medal to the officer instead of sacking the Senior most Air Marshal, Indian claims of heroism are as fake as themselves.
So only one jet was downed ?

A mig?

Rationally speaking that is also quite possible, that there is only this one MiG-21 loss in this whole drama. BUT ... Indian officials propagating AIM-120C debris complicates things for India itself. It means a second aircraft was in fact shot down across LoC. If it had been PAF jet or pilot who had parachuted across LoC I think you know what would have happened & that has not happened.
1- How can someone identify the plane to be an F-16 with that potato of a video? If anything, the first plane looks to have a very large wingspan, and you could faintly make out the canards (like an MKI). But that's a far fetch. Can't proof jack with this video

2- Where's the explosion?

If anything seems like both are JF-17s which proves our point.
Yaawwnn . His retirement was set for yesterday and he retired yesterday :) .

Release of HUD footage from either or both sides (I'm only really counting on PAF releasing this) will definitely clear away all misinformation.
I truly hope they do ! But i will doubt they do. F16 has been lost and Mig 21 has been lost. We will get more information as we go along. Infact reports have started to come out tracing Missile serial # to Pakistan inventory. Anyways - india will slowly start releasing videos , images. Its election time

I hope you guys realize that Taiwan will officially counter it. If this image has been photoshopped which i think it is , then it will be countered from Taiwan. India will ask Taiwan as to how its missile came in its territory. It will officially debunk this entire thought.

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