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Debunking Indian claims of F-16 firing AIM-120C AMRAAM

The engine components clearly belong to an F110 (used on TAI-upgraded F-16), looks nothing like MiG-21 engine -

Another Bollywood Propaganda Busted by Pakistan Defence.

Remains of AIM-120C5 AMRAAM Serial Number: FA8675-05-C-0070 was sold to Taiwan Air Force, not PAF


Missiles for Jordan were also manufactured under the same 0070 contract. Re-read the OP carefully.

And those Jordanian AMRAAMs sold to PAF as a package along with ex-RJAF F16s (which we know the numbers on the engine component correspond to).

Clearly PAF lied about F16 presence.

I mean look at the evidence building up-

Official IAF account that two seat F16 was shot down.

Open-sources identifying hand-written ID numbers written on engine components that correspond to the number of RJAF F16 two-seater...from an image released by Pakistan itself.

Also in this very thread you have evidence of FMS to Jordan under 0070 contract.

Everything points to this being an ex-Jordanian two seat F16 sold to PAF around 2015.
dont try to become clever. U r quoting indian stance clearly.
Indian government was not able to answer any question. Not even 5 minute press conference was conducted.
u lied in following points:
1) Indian crossed and Pakistan accepted it.
2) No losses were done. Indians jettisoned heir bombs and one missile was fired, which missed its target.
3) PAF wanted to assess damage and then reply accordingly. Due to dark damage asseement was not possible. it is mountaneous region and not esy to reach at dark. No person was killed in attack so no one was killed.(ISPR and PM both have said that).
4) 2 pilots news came from locals but when it was proved wrong we accepted it.
5) Pakistan is and was saying that 2 jets were shot.

meanwhile Indians said that :
1) 300 terrorists were killed .
2) after 2 days they are saying that they cant tell.
2) They shot down PAF F-16 but don't have any proof.
3) Missile fired by F-16 is a proof that F16 was shot down.
4) No pilot was missing. All men accounted for.
5) One pilot is missing.
I donot want to talk on indian media lies.

Am quoting your ispr direcly feel free to browse there Twitter timeline and corroborate.

You know the funny thing about you lot is you take your media for its word. Even though you know your media is only sensationalism and no facts. This News being spread by your media is false. Defence minister in his press confrence did not say that we couldn't respond because it was dark. He said we didn't have idea of damage caused because it was dark. There is a huge difference between these two statements. Shame on your media and shame on you for believing their lies.

May be you people should introspect that its your media that does chest thumping 24/7 and pretend like they are super powers and because of it all when your IAF got embarrassed and your pilot was caught alive they had nothing to say to the public and it was a huge reality check and disappointment. So next time try not to believe all their lies and do some own research so you can save yourselves from future embarrassment.

Well all the evidence we have clearly speaks, f16 was shot down during pursuit from a Mig21, which crashed eventually in Azad Kashmir, wrekage clearly indicated no DH on Mig21(so still not clear why it went down), while picture of alleged wreckage of f16 indicates DH..

You are trying to claim xyz, when clearly you don't have enough evidance to support all, am still not clear who that pilot who got treated in Hospital.

At the end you are asking me to take ispr to the words, when clearly there statement version changed each hour.
Taiwan 2010 purchase list doesnt show those numbers. See the 2010 details no AIM-120C5
Furthermore Taiwan didnt received any AIM-120C5 in 2010, on the otherhand in 2010 was complaining about the maintenance issue associated with it same due to humidity.

Incidentally in 2010 Pakistan did started getting AIM-120C5.
Which somehow is missing in that document that you shared.

Src: https://www.everycrsreport.com/files/20130314_RL30957_5953f31cd413d7203cc799f346f9bb4e926c34b7.pdf


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The engine components clearly belong to an F110 (used on TAI-upgraded F-16), looks nothing like MiG-21 engine -

Missiles for Jordan were also manufactured under the same 0070 contract. Re-read the OP carefully.

And those Jordanian AMRAAMs sold to PAF as a package along with ex-RJAF F16s (which we know the numbers on the engine component correspond to).

Clearly PAF lied about F16 presence.

I mean look at the evidence building up-

Official IAF account that two seat F16 was shot down.

Open-sources identifying hand-written ID numbers written on engine components that correspond to the number of RJAF F16 two-seater...from an image released by Pakistan itself.

Also in this very thread you have evidence of FMS to Jordan under 0070 contract.

Everything points to this being an ex-Jordanian two seat F16 sold to PAF around 2015.
@waz fucking ban him the video off the Mig 21 has been posted like billion times and this ma yadda thinks it's still f-16 wah ji wah apni puddi vich apni dang
Sereis of events:

India side:
(As per govt statements) all sources are available in media and open domain, so some search for sources yourself, otherwise can ask.

1. IAF Conducted air strikes at jem camps
2. Thwarted attempts of subsequent bid from PAF.
3. One indian jet lots, and pilot MIA.
4. One PAF f16 jet shot down in pursuit.

Pakistan side:

1. No IAF air strike.
2. IAF came to Azad Kashmir, dropped bombs in haste and returned.
3. IAF came up until balakot, dropped bombs in haste and returned.
4.PAF responded to airstike so IAF dropped bombs in haste and returned.
5. it was dark hence PAF cannot respond.
4. PAF shot 3 India jets
5. PAF captured 2 indian pilot one is KIA.
6. PAF captured 1 Indian pilot
7. PAF shot 1 Indian Jet.

Based on neutral point of view, it's very clear whom to trust, a govt who Is open and clear with statements, or a govt who provides a newer version of modified information each hour.

I thought Bengalis were cry babies but you won that title, and I thought North Koreans were brain washed but nothing beats pathological brainwashed Indians. good job
I thought Bengalis were cry babies but you won that title, and I thought North Koreans were brain washed but nothing beats pathological brainwashed Indians. good job

Ah the classic running away argument... Keep it up.
The original contract included FMS to Jordan.

The F-16 two-seater shot down was also ex-Jordanian. (F-16.net database confirms the aircraft number, as the number hand-written on the engine component corresponds with the aircraft ID number from back when it was still in Jordanian service, and we know that Pak received Jordanian F-16s in 2015, before the 2nd batch in 2016 was blocked by US).

These AMRAAMs sold to Jordan (also under 0070 contract) were sold to Pakistan as package along with the F-16A/Bs.

These F-16A/Bs were later upgraded to F-16C/D standard by TAI in Turkey.

And oh, the 2 pilots from this two-seater bird were the 'other 2' pilots you were looking for that fell on Pakistani side of LoC, before realizing that the other 2 were Pakistanis, at which point all talk of any pilots other that the Wing Commander stopped coming from Pakistani sources -

As of guys claiming they shot down a two-seat IAF aircraft...well, all IAF aircraft and crew except the one MiG-21 Bison and the WC are accounted for.

It must be remembered that the talk of 'two aircraft shot down' began at the same time as you were searching for 3 IAF pilots. That statement was based on the early assumption by Pakistanis on the ground that the 2 additional parachutes opening over Pakistani side of LOC were also IAF.

If that was true, there should have been 3 pilots of IAF in custody. Where are the other two?

And if IAF indeed lost 3 pilots over Pakistani side and you only showed one, why would Indian govt lose such a great opportunity to make you look bad in front of world media?

You guys can deny the F-16 downing all you want, but yeah, that happened.

you really need to zoom in on the green square to the right of that part with the handwritten number. read that number, cross check it with your airforce's record and then get back to us.
Well all the evidence we have clearly speaks, f16 was shot down during pursuit from a Mig21, which crashed eventually in Azad Kashmir, wrekage clearly indicated no DH on Mig21(so still not clear why it went down), while picture of alleged wreckage of f16 indicates DH..

You are trying to claim xyz, when clearly you don't have enough evidance to support all, am still not clear who that pilot who got treated in Hospital.

At the end you are asking me to take ispr to the words, when clearly there statement version changed each hour.

No point talking to you zombies. Do you have anything other then that piece of bomb(which has also been proven not to be ours) for all your claims since sirgkalstrike 1. Did it not push you to ask for a single dead body after your IAF's claim of killing 300 people after seeing your own wing commander getting kicked in the balls?
Go have some shame and ask your government and army for proof of their claims. When people ask for proof they tag them anti-national. You people are hopeless.One should atleast have a graceful enemy and we are very unlucky in that regard.
The original contract included FMS to Jordan.

The F-16 two-seater shot down was also ex-Jordanian. (F-16.net database confirms the aircraft number, as the number hand-written on the engine component corresponds with the aircraft ID number from back when it was still in Jordanian service, and we know that Pak received Jordanian F-16s in 2015, before the 2nd batch in 2016 was blocked by US).

These AMRAAMs sold to Jordan (also under 0070 contract) were sold to Pakistan as package along with the F-16A/Bs.

These F-16A/Bs were later upgraded to F-16C/D standard by TAI in Turkey.

And oh, the 2 pilots from this two-seater bird were the 'other 2' pilots you were looking for that fell on Pakistani side of LoC, before realizing that the other 2 were Pakistanis, at which point all talk of any pilots other that the Wing Commander stopped coming from Pakistani sources -

As of guys claiming they shot down a two-seat IAF aircraft...well, all IAF aircraft and crew except the one MiG-21 Bison and the WC are accounted for.

It must be remembered that the talk of 'two aircraft shot down' began at the same time as you were searching for 3 IAF pilots. That statement was based on the early assumption by Pakistanis on the ground that the 2 additional parachutes opening over Pakistani side of LOC were also IAF.

If that was true, there should have been 3 pilots of IAF in custody. Where are the other two?

And if IAF indeed lost 3 pilots over Pakistani side and you only showed one, why would Indian govt lose such a great opportunity to make you look bad in front of world media?

You guys can deny the F-16 downing all you want, but yeah, that happened.
Thanks bro now i am believing in air force earlier i was very skeptical.
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