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Debunking Indian claims of F-16 firing AIM-120C AMRAAM

Why don't you take it open source and let people respond to it then?

Or you don't care and happy with what you found?.

Hope you know there are bigger countries than Pakistan that care about F-16. And they are not even trying to debunk Indian claims.
Respond to the comments on that thread pointing out why the Indian claims are wrong. What's stopping you?
I bet indian got that AMRAM though black market or from isreal just to study, analyze or research... then they found this opportunity to show its shell as evidence...
Pakistan’s proof: videos, pictures, downed jets and a captured pilot.
India’s proof: a piece of scrap metal. With which either they’re confirming they lost another jet or it’s fake and from Taiwan.
But Oh no, that’s a lie, ancient Vedic mind control technology caused a missile from Taiwan to come and attach to a hard point of one of our JF-17s, then the pilot shot at one of our F-16s which was at an air base a few hundred kilometers away, then a part of the missile was teleported to India and shown in the press conference

So there is this vedic thing called Internet, http://archive.defense.gov/Contracts/Contract.aspx?ContractID=3193

Respond to the comments on that thread pointing out why the Indian claims are wrong. What's stopping you?

Nice. You are good. I give you that.
Again, are you trying to confirm that the missile shot down your jet? What it supposed to prove? Where’s the downed F-16?
Pakistan’s proof: videos, pictures, downed jets and a captured pilot.
India’s proof: a piece of scrap metal. With which either they’re confirming they lost another jet or it’s fake and from Taiwan.
But Oh no, that’s a lie, ancient Vedic mind control technology caused a missile from Taiwan to come and attach to a hard point of one of our JF-17s, then the pilot shot at one of our F-16s which was at an air base a few hundred kilometers away, then a part of the missile was teleported to India and shown in the press conference
The Indians have been mentally decimated. They've been fed a pack of lies and malignant conspiracy theories and fed a diet of hate for so long that they literally thought Pakistan would do nothing.

In the end it turned out that it was India that did nothing, dropped bombs on empty spaces and then suffered a deliberate strike by the PAF to make a point, in the process of which they lost 2 of their own fighter jets.

For a nation and people fattened on a constant diet of being a superpower, Pakistan is nothing, the Pakistani military is nothing, this has been almost impossible to digest.
werent there talks of three pilots being MIA by india? one is in our custody, the other plane must have been a twin seater (does the iaf has twin seater mig21s?).

I really hope that it is a SU-30, would be a big slap in the face of indians, this f-16 downing propaganda by them must have been launched when they realized that they have lost a sukhoi, so before Pakistan can claim that, they started ranting on about F-16s.
Agreed. They are bringing in F-16 thingy without any evidence. Unless they show the evidence it's just a speculation. In fact, they are scared by Thunder hunting down their best plane. The whole fuss might be created to support/boost the downing morale of IAF.
Agnostic is probably a better person to deal with this than me, I don’t want an argument to go to insults. I think he responded well enough.
All lies. All answered in different threads.

I would create a seperate thread where I would debunk all of them in one place. Wait for few hours so that I get home. ;)

PLEASE DO! Lets have it as a sticky for now. Have every new debunked story within the first post.
Agreed. They are bringing in F-16 thingy without any evidence. Unless they show the evidence it's just a speculation. In fact, they are scared by Thunder hunting down their best plane. The whole fuss might be created to support/boost the downing morale of IAF.
they may be right about F-16s being used though, it may have been the F-16 that brought down the Su-30.
In the end it turned out that it was India that did nothing, dropped bombs on empty spaces and then suffered a deliberate strike by the PAF to make a point, in the process of which they lost 2 of their own fighter jets.

So, India going in 40 kms in with nearly a squadron for bombing, Ming 21 downing a F16, Pakistan literally closing their entire air space for days, areas being in dark... nothing. Got it.

Guy, I stopped watching this thread. I can only do so much. Ta ta.
So, India going in 40 kms in with nearly a squadron for bombing, Ming 21 downing a F16, Pakistan literally closing their entire air space for days, areas being in dark... nothing. Got it.

Guy, I stopped watching this thread. I can only do so much. Ta ta.
Let’s say India did all of that. Give me proof.
Let’s say Pakistan did none of what it did;
Then why do we have your pilot. Why did your media confirm we did all of this.
oh bhai, the website is showing 78-0629, not 80629. BIG difference.
even if any digit matches indians will make the wreckage of mig 21 as that of F-16. the website still shows the f16 as jordanian but indians will also make it pakistani.
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