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'Death sentence to Italian marines will be an act of war'

with this???

The boat that attacked the USS Cole in Yemen was not even one quarter of this size.

How is it a 100 year friendship?any references or proofs? LoL racist coming from a country that sponsored Fascism and was ally of AXIS powers in World war 2:rofl::rofl::rofl:. I might die laughing.
We established diplomatic relations and never did anything bad to india. In many international cases we even support it.

In case you don´t realize it yet, Italy and India are not enemies. We must share this planet as friends and we should be in peace with each other and good relations. Thats my opinion. If you disagree and want be bad with us, then this is your opinion. i accept it. But would wish otherwise.
I think you misunderstand one thing. You don´t know how big this issue is in italy? It is evrywhere. There are huge posters of the two in each city. They are in TV commercials. Huge italian corporations like Ferrari and Versace make commercials with them. Some politicians make publicity with their issue, simply because they know its so important for italians. Thats understandable for you? We shut down out memorials to honor them:


Do you realize that this topic is full of passion and heat? Your own diplomats say, that italy had always very good friendship with india but this thing bends the relation to the breaking point. There are idiots on both sides who want boil it up.

Fact is, both sides must sit down, talk about the issue clear and calm and find a solution both sides can be happy, save face and live with. If a good solution is found, the italian. indian friendship can be even better than before.

Our marines made a mistake, our nation made a mistake. We admit that. But we must find a way to come back to where we came from and be good with india, and india be good with us.

Will someone explain to this nation of idiots that we couldn't care less how excited they are about this issue?

We have had decades, even centuries of an unequal relationship, from the time that the Portuguese came to Indian waters and burnt alive whole shiploads of pilgrims to Mecca to shut down shipping other than their own. Now we have caught up, we have the arms and the organisations to prevent their barbarism and their treating other nations like animals. Now they need to get used to the idea that they have to treat our citizens as gingerly as they do their own. They can't shoot into the blue and get away with it. And if their nation gets upset, well, that's their problem, and the problem of their shrinks. Not ours. The best way to come back where we came from is for them to acknowledge in public that their citizens were at fault, that they killed two people in carelessness and in a trigger-happy moment, that they deserve punishment, and that the Indian legal system is capable of handling this. And that's all we are interested in hearing right now, not poppycock on what Italy and Italians feel.
Will someone explain to this nation of idiots that we couldn't care less how excited they are about this issue?

We have had decades, even centuries of an unequal relationship, from the time that the Portuguese came to Indian waters and burnt alive whole shiploads of pilgrims to Mecca to shut down shipping other than their own. Now we have caught up, we have the arms and the organisations to prevent their barbarism and their treating other nations like animals. Now they need to get used to the idea that they have to treat our citizens as gingerly as they do their own. They can't shoot into the blue and get away with it. And if their nation gets upset, well, that's their problem, and the problem of their shrinks. Not ours. The best way to come back where we came from is for them to acknowledge in public that their citizens were at fault, that they killed two people in carelessness and in a trigger-happy moment, that they deserve punishment, and that the Indian legal system is capable of handling this. And that's all we are interested in hearing right now, not poppycock on what Italy and Italians feel.

Thanks for showing that you want destroy any positive relation between our nations. Its also interesting to see, that your minority complex makes you hate us. Friends find usual a solution both can live with. you dont want this and i wonder how that can lead to a positive result.
I have already poured out my sentiments in my previous post. But here I go again.
Thanks for showing that you want destroy any positive relation between our nations. Its also interesting to see, that your minority complex makes you hate us. Friends find usual a solution both can live with. you dont want this and i wonder how that can lead to a positive result.

Why doesn't Italy show us the way by abandoning the cause of these two murderous Marines for the sake of friendship? We cannot live with the idea of "letting go" those who murdered two of our civilians in our waters.

I am sure there is a rule of law there in Italy, hence you must appreciate the fact that law is taking it's course in India. As far as the delay is concerned, major reason behind the delay is that Italy refused to cooperate during the investigation.

We won't compromise on our sovereignty for the sake of friendship. I think this should be the clear message going into the European camp. No illegal act no matter how insignificant must go unpunished. Because we won't want them foreigners to get adventurous and commit bigger mistakes in future. Those who do not learn from History are bound to repeat the Historical mistakes, I am sure we won't be repeating the mistakes of our 17th century rulers.

Indian Navy chief has already said that the European weapons ships and gun boats are a threat to our national security. Even though they are here for "pirate hunting" we can never be sure about their real intentions. They must stay clear of our waters, our writ applies within our territory. And we will take correct actions to not let any confusion creep into anybody's mind.
You first issue threats of war & than sing praises of how good friends we are...........accept it that you are afraid of war with India.

why should i be afraid of war? this is laughable for so many reasons.

Actually our politician is right, if india would give death sentence that would be an act of war against italy, because it would be unacceptable for us in any ways. Since they are in our embassy you would not get them anyways and it would set italy and india in a state of war. Since the indian government is not as retarded as some internet warriors this entire thing is science fiction and will never happen, so why bother about it? Whoever says this will be set from a court is delusional as well, because its a diplomatic affair and no government in the world will let judges decide about this. A deal will be made and thats it. Thats the simple reality. evrything else is chest bumping of internet warriors and cant be taken serious.
why should i be afraid of war? this is laughable for so many reasons.

Actually our politician is right, if india would give death sentence that would be an act of war against italy, because it would be unacceptable for us in any ways. Since they are in our embassy you would not get them anyways and it would set italy and india in a state of war. Since the indian government is not as retarded as some internet warriors this entire thing is science fiction and will never happen, so why bother about it? Whoever says this will be set from a court is delusional as well, because its a diplomatic affair and no government in the world will let judges decide about this. A deal will be made and thats it. Thats the simple reality. evrything else is chest bumping of internet warriors and cant be taken serious.

They are not getting the death sentence. Your politicians are fooling you. And as far as them being in your embassy is concerned, they are out on bail and one of the conditions in the bail must be that they will present themselves to the Indian law enforcement authorities when asked. They cannot leave India without permission. I hope they are honourable enough to keep their promise this time. They represent a nation don't they?
I have already poured out my sentiments in my previous post. But here I go again.

Why doesn't Italy show us the way by abandoning the cause of these two murderous Marines for the sake of friendship? We cannot live with the idea of "letting go" those who murdered two of our civilians in our waters.

I am sure there is a rule of law there in Italy, hence you must appreciate the fact that law is taking it's course in India. As far as the delay is concerned, major reason behind the delay is that Italy refused to cooperate during the investigation.

We won't compromise on our sovereignty for the sake of friendship. I think this should be the clear message going into the European camp. No illegal act no matter how insignificant must go unpunished. Because we won't want them foreigners to get adventurous and commit bigger mistakes in future. Those who do not learn from History are bound to repeat the Historical mistakes, I am sure we won't be repeating the mistakes of our 17th century rulers.

Indian Navy chief has already said that the European weapons ships and gun boats are a threat to our national security. Even though they are here for "pirate hunting" we can never be sure about their real intentions. They must stay clear of our waters, our writ applies within our territory. And we will take correct actions to not let any confusion creep into anybody's mind.

We abadon nobody of our people. That is our culture. A solution must be found both sides can live with. And we will not allow them to be one day in an indian prison. Its that easy. Since they are working in our embassy you have no acess on them anyways.
We abadon nobody of our people. That is our culture. A solution must be found both sides can live with. And we will not allow them to be one day in an indian prison. Its that easy. Since they are working in our embassy you have no acess on them anyways.

Neither do we abandon our people, not even in death. And we have an independent judiciary whose verdict will be respected by our government. Hence no deal. Like I said they are out on conditional bail, I am sure they respect the conditions under which they have been allowed to roam free.

You think that Indian life has lesser value than the life of a white man? You want justice to be derailed just because there are two white men under trial in a brown country?
They are not getting the death sentence. Your politicians are fooling you. And as far as them being in your embassy is concerned, they are out on bail and one of the conditions in the bail must be that they will present themselves to the Indian law enforcement authorities when asked. They cannot leave India without permission. I hope they are honourable enough to keep their promise this time. They represent a nation don't they?

They can leave india whenever they want. The embassy gives them fake passports, sends them to harbor and they leave with next cruise ship from MSC. We show good will and cooperation, but we will not bring our own people in danger. thats the simple answer. They have family in italy. And we will do anything to protect them.
The marines are cooked and I hope they serve the sentence in Indian jails to make an example out of them.They murdered our citizens and I don't want to see them get away lightly.
Neither do we abandon our people, not even in death. And we have an independent judiciary whose verdict will be respected by our government. Hence no deal. Like I said they are out on conditional bail, I am sure they respect the conditions under which they have been allowed to roam free.

You think that Indian life has lesser value than the life of a white man? You want justice to be derailed just because there are two white men under trial in a brown country?
your judicary system is a joke and bound on public opinion. i trust it not one cent.

that has nothing to do with brown and white. we protect oir marines and their human rights. they will not go into an indian jail. its that easy.
They can leave india whenever they want. The embassy gives them fake passports, sends them to harbor and they leave with next cruise ship from MSC. We show good will and cooperation, but we will not bring our own people in danger. thats the simple answer. They have family in italy. And we will do anything to protect them.

Those who died had families too. Does Italy not punish the murderers? Had these marines in uniform killed Italians would Italy forgive them and not press charges against them just because they were serving the state?
your judicary system is a joke and bound on public opinion. i trust it not one cent.

that has nothing to do with brown and white. we protect oir marines and their human rights. they will not go into an indian jail. its that easy.

Indian laws applies on them, that's simple.
your judicary system is a joke and bound on public opinion. i trust it not one cent.

that has nothing to do with brown and white. we protect oir marines and their human rights. they will not go into an indian jail. its that easy.

We protect our people, and we respect our judiciary. Respect is a two-way street. If you disrespect our system then do not negotiate. We are ready for any eventuality.
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