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Dear India, you have been warned.

u charge ur president and

then the trail will lead u to the might house of sauds ! have good luck!
actually that trail took a you turn when we showed middle finger to GCC.....speaking from personal experience, after allot of monetary reforms, and strict check on Foreign remittance coming into the country, we have been able to curb the GCC ' donations' to the 'charity organizations' in the country --- however a third source of funding was not the US Dollar actually but a different currency ---
You are free to think like that if it fills up your top cup. We lost half of our country to Muktis and it was done by you. Now you are after the other half. This time either we will cease to exist or you will.

BS, with incompetent leaders like Tikka Khan and Yahya Khan if you expected the situation to be anything other than a **** up then you're living in some other world. ANd we don't have any obligation to not attack you militarily when you send 10 million refugees down our way. Our job is not to feed and look after millions of people because you guys are screwing up. Then all options are on the table. We did what we had to and it was done well. Problem solved...for good. In the 40 years after that defeat Bangladesh has not been an 'unmanageable' problem as before and we have even settled our borders with them now. As far as India's mukti strategy is, don't compare it with your own silly insurgency strategy. Within 3 months of the Indo- Bangla war, we packed off all of them into Bangladesh and got them off our soil. You on the other hand have grown them in your own soil, let their ideology radicalize your own people and they've been killing your own kind. That's called stupidity.
they did not , but at least as per we know from the history of the USA and Al-qaeda relationship ..my guess is India is their next stop :)

Why would AQ come to India when they have such fertile ground for recruitment in Pakistan ? That is like leaving a tropical island full of tasty fruit and food and fresh water to go and live in a arid desert :D
are you serous we are not a banna republick that we will dance to tunes of any onewho is giving us free monitarry/milltarry aid or crude oil we know when to say no and take the fight to owr enemies doorsteps

no one is Banana republic ... but recent AQ statements , and the recent conversion incidents in India , is enough reason for Organizations like AQ to start a war with you ... and trust me .. this will eventually come up to this .. the way you were harboring the TTP leadership in Afghanistan ... they will come back at you ..
My definition of sarcasm is "ability to insult a galoot without letting him know about it". :angel:
Off topic!!
Don't quote me any further on this thread. Lol
Like i said .. i thought so. :agree:
And even i'm getting out of this thread lolzz.
Why would AQ come to India when they have such fertile ground for recruitment in Pakistan ? That is like leaving a tropical island full of tasty fruit and food and fresh water to go and live in a arid desert :D

for the 20 Million + Muslims , getting stuff like Love Jihad , Ghar wapsi kind of Shit , so yeah that will motivate them to the core :D
No need to give warning its time to hit back and take revenge they carried out war on us this is the time to pay them back in language they understand.

We understand around some 26 languages in india plz teach us among these 26 languages
I have read this post in few other threads too.......... Control "C" + Control "V"???????
You will seen soon few things going on in India soon just wait and watch
no one is Banana republic ... but recent AQ statements , and the recent conversion incidents in India , is enough reason for Organizations like AQ to start a war with you ... and trust me .. this will eventually come up to this .. the way you were harboring the TTP leadership in Afghanistan ... they will come back at you ..

What happened to 1000 cuts policy? So, now Pakistan renaming as 2000 cuts policy aka AQ?
for the 20 Million + Muslims , getting stuff like Love Jihad , Ghar wapsi kind of Shit , so yeah that will motivate them to the core :D

Our 200 mil Muslims have more sense. They are way too busy enjoying the fruit of their democracy and rising economy to bother about the nonsense which obsesses the Muslims in Pakistan. Hence you don't find them taking up arms to fight the state or self explode to prove any points. Hope that helps
no one is Banana republic ... but recent AQ statements , and the recent conversion incidents in India , is enough reason for Organizations like AQ to start a war with you ... and trust me .. this will eventually come up to this .. the way you were harboring the TTP leadership in Afghanistan ... they will come back at you ..
well let them come we will have a nice target practise for owr security agencies as for those who support them will face a long and painful suffrening if ever they try to interfear in owr issus and guess what they know it thats why they are shouting all over for that cause they dont have the guts else they would first have dione it then boasted + dont forget we have a new goverment which ifs fierclli nationalistik and will not shy away in using any kind of leathel response on those who threten owr interests
Care to explain !

Explain what? Meaning of warning or meaning of Chief of Army Staff? Go read post no.1 once more - and if is not clear already, don't expect you would learn more through my "explanation".
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