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Dear India, you have been warned.

I am surprised out of 1billion idiot Indians you only got 38 thanks, gif pictures or not, you bleed us we will bleed you.

There isn't 1 billion Indian members on PDF :D

Just a few hundred or so ...most of whom are inactive. The rest of the Indians are either looting India or selling some stuff in a bazaar or working in admin or for government or cleaning their houses or destabilizing Pakistan. They seem too busy to come here and thank Indian members for their worthy posts :undecided:
It is not the first time that the Pakistan army has accused the Research and Analysis Wing (R&AW), India's external intelligence agency, of fomenting trouble in Pakistan.
Propaganda against India and its security forces have a staple ingredient of the Pakistan army's proxy war against India for over three decades now. What is, however, different this time is the timing and the possible reasons for such an outburst.
The central premise of the allegations is that R&AW is behind much of the terrorist attacks taking place in Pakistan, especially those happening in Balochistan and the tribal areas.
These allegations have since been magnified many times over by the ISI's media wing through a clever media management strategy exploiting all available media platforms.
It is obvious that the Pakistan army is up to no good. India should be cautious of what lies behind this seemingly sudden provocation. Of the several reasons for this mudslinging at India, the following are noteworthy and are being listed in order of importance:
Propaganda has been an important tool in Pakistan's asymmetric warfare against India.
The Pakistan army prepares the ground for a major attack against India and its assets by raising the pitch of allegations to whip up public support at home, to create a cloak of denial as well a perverse justification for any such acts. This has been the case in the past, including the Mumbai attacks of 2008.
Part of this plan is to revive terrorism in Kashmir. All the anti-India groups like the Lashkar-e-Tayiba, the Jaish-e-Mohammad, the Hizb-ul Mujahideen and others have been activated with terrorist camps and launching pads in place. Recent events in the Kashmir valley show that a season of protests and violence is on. Sporadic attacks against the security forces and the Amarnath pilgrimage are on this agenda.
This is a clever ploy to spoil Prime Minister Narendra Modi's upcoming visit to China by creating a distraction, thereby steering the agenda of discussions to issues where both New Delhi and Beijing have a starkly different position.
For instance, the increasing Chinese presence in Pakistan occupied Kashmir and the possibility of a larger Chinese presence in Pakistan and Afghanistan. The Chinese could very well be on board with the Pakistani plan.
This in preparation for a major military offensive against the Mohajir Quami Movement (MQM) in Karachi and elsewhere in Sindh. There is already a major operation going against the Baloch people in which innocent men, women and children have been targeted.

The MQM, a party of mohajirs (those who came from India after Partition), has been a sore point with the army as well as Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif's Pakistan Muslim League-N.

In fact, Sharif, in collaboration with the ISI, had earlier engineered a split within the MQM and carried out a brutal suppression of the Altaf Hussain faction. The MQM recently has been questioning the army's role in curbing terrorism, a stand which has the made it an enemy in the eyes of the generals.
Along with the MQM, the army wants to put down another rebellion happening elsewhere in Sindh. For a few years, the army has been quietly quelling a slow but steady rise of dissent among Sindhi youth.
Like in Balochistan, the army has adopted the brutal 'kill and dump' policy. Several Sindhi young men, mostly from the University of Sindh, have been kidnapped by the ISI and their whereabouts have remained unknown since then.
The Pakistan Human Rights Commission and other human rights organisations have documented these disappearances.
This is undoubtedly a move to scuttle any possible rapprochement with India.

It is no less important for the Pakistan army that such allegations distract and mislead public attention from the army's colossal failure to contain terrorist groups which it promised to pursue till the end after the December 2014 Peshawar attack.
For all the allegations, the Pakistan army has not come out with any convincing evidence of India's role in Balochistan or elsewhere. The Pakistan leadership have been raising these allegations with their patrons in Washington, DC and Beijing for some time and reported to have passed on several files of evidence against India.
It is strange that the media-savvy Pakistan army has chosen to keep this a tightly-held secret which, in fact, should have been other way round.

In 2009, the Pakistan army had chosen to go public with similar allegations against India and had held a press conference to make the evidence public. Incriminating photographs of Indian-made ammunition used by Baloch rebels were handed over to the media with details of the connivance.
The Pakistani media splashed it with abandoned glee only to be proved wrong by a blogger within hours. The blogger established that the ammunition shown by the Pakistan army to be of Indian-origin was in fact Chinese-made.
The blog (external link) carried the same photographs released by the Pakistan army but with cut-outs showing Chinese inscriptions. That put an end to the Pakistani campaign.

Indians will soon going to taste their own medicine , AQ has already digging their ground in Kashmir , as USA is getting close to them , AQ is using India as their South Asian HQ .. so yeah this war which Indians started within every State of Pakistan , we will take this battle to the Enemy Doorstep .. just wait and Watch ...
what on earth is this "AQ"
Indians will soon going to taste their own medicine , AQ has already digging their ground in Kashmir , as USA is getting close to them , AQ is using India as their South Asian HQ .. so yeah this war which Indians started within every State of Pakistan , we will take this battle to the Enemy Doorstep .. just wait and Watch ...
Wow, they told you the whole plan? Or you are front for terrorists?
You don't understand sarcasm. Do you???
If Indo-Pak war is inevitable then let 'em declare war. But the million dollar question is "would they??".
My previous post on this thread got deleted which said this thread was of poor quality. So I refrained from posting on this thread any further, and decided to add fuel to fire. Any problem?
I thought so . But what a strange way to express sarcasm.
And why should i have any problem with that. :what:
They are doing the same old stuff of shifting the blame towards India. But i am wondering why Pakistani PDF members are behaving as if something big is soon gonna happen and it's somehow gonna hurt India.
thing is there nation works like that they usualli dont try to analise things in a cool and unbaised manner and then take reactionarry steps rather they behave like honey bees following orders of the queen beeand when things go wrong firast blame others for there mistakes and then start fighting each other and soon there is a new issue and every one forgets why were they fighting and what they lost or won
Wow, they told you the whole plan? Or you are front for terrorists?

they did not , but at least as per we know from the history of the USA and Al-qaeda relationship ..my guess is India is their next stop :)
they did not , but at least as per we know from the history of the USA and Al-qaeda relationship ..my guess is India is their next stop :)

My best guess is first they take over Islamabad because of there known history of USA and Afganistan. Hmmmmmm.

Al Qaeda ...ignore the rest of his/her ramblings. Poster must play way too many PS3 war games :D

The whole PDF is the platform to troll, why you sitting back, when mods arent?
I thought so . But what a strange way to express sarcasm.
And why should i have any problem with that. :what:
My definition of sarcasm is "ability to insult a galoot without letting him know about it". :angel:
Off topic!!
Don't quote me any further on this thread. Lol
are you serous we are not a banna republick that we will dance to tunes of any onewho is giving us free monitarry/milltarry aid or crude oil we know when to say no and take the fight to owr enemies doorsteps
My best guess is first they take over Islamabad because of there known history of USA and Afganistan. Hmmmmmm.

The whole PDF is the platform to troll, why you sitting back, when mods arent?

I am on warning alert for trolling in other threads :D

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