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Dear India, you have been warned.

There's a helluva lot of a difference between what india did and what you're doing. Mukti Bahini was strategy, Taleban is stupidity.

You are free to think like that if it fills up your top cup. We lost half of our country to Muktis and it was done by you. Now you are after the other half. This time either we will cease to exist or you will.
No need to give warning its time to hit back and take revenge they carried out war on us this is the time to pay them back in language they understand.
What kind of attacks ? Are more 26/11 kind of attacks coming India's way or is your military planning to launch a direct attack against India.
I wonder why you thanked him @levina.
You are free to think like that if it fills up your top cup. We lost half of our country to Muktis and it was done by you. Now you are after the other half. This time either we will cease to exist or you will.
u should have thought about it before killing 3 millions bengalis and operation searchlight etc etc !
India stands to gain the highest dividends from the economic opportunity being created in Pakistan by foreign investment, however through its belligerent stance, the Modi govt is too blind to see it. India can link up with CPEC, IP and other projects like TAPI on top of access to Central Asia. It's up to Modi to decide if trying to destroy Pakistan is a higher gain than working for Indian economy. Rest assured, Pakistan can quite easily lock India out of those opportunities which we would like to share but cant due to hostility flaring up on both sides. Modi missed out on the olive branch we extended when he took office, now he is just making his fallout even more worse.
you are a educated and sane person bhaijaan please talk sense ..thanks

now tell me why should modi or indian establishment bother to put effort in destabalising pakistan or shount use your shortcomings for owr benefit when in past u never let any opportunity to go waste in order to fufill your policy of bleeding india dry thru 1000 cuts ?

why is that ifever there is a terrorist activity any where in the world its footprints lead to land of the pure ?

whyeven after so many casualities your justice and police system is able to prosecute thiose behing such activities when they themselfs are owning to there activities in publick ?

now about all thistrade and blah blah well we all know there is huge potential but why dint pakistan agreed to give equal opportunities to use your teritory for trade between india iran or india afghanstan like your giving to china or usa ?

well we all know u have a very good trade corridoar but what use it is for us when we cant use it ?

hope u get my point mods sir
The one your grandsons are going to live in.

It was our business. And even Bengalis don't believe your 3 million lies, stop fooling yourself.
forget about future first worry about present and try to make it better for your children dont worry about us we know how to survive in hardtimes

think about future of your kids and what kidof nation and probblems they are inheriting as for owr future we are working very hard for it than blaming others for owr own mistakes
You are free to think like that if it fills up your top cup. We lost half of our country to Muktis and it was done by you. Now you are after the other half. This time either we will cease to exist or you will.
So you want to make South Asia a nuclear waste land & murder every South Asian just because BD broke off from Pakistan in 1971 and some "other parts" of Pakistan are trying to do so with alleged Indian help.
You are free to think like that if it fills up your top cup. We lost half of our country to Muktis and it was done by you. Now you are after the other half. This time either we will cease to exist or you will.
Nice, my 100 bucks on Pakistan that it cease to exist.
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