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Dear India, you have been warned.

The cycle of supporting proxies for strategic gains was started by India when it decided to create, nurture, support, arm, train and later fight for Muktis in East Pakistan.

You have a point there.....
Warning ain't going to do anything . They will continue doing what they are . I mean who wouldn't continue destabilizing their enemy , in anyway one can . Best thing would be to make this evidence public and go to UN , international courts , whatever .

That is the question. Why Pakistan havent provided any evidence to anybody, let alone India ??

There have been huge reports of RAW agents caught before, none of which were proceeded with India or USA. Why?

Even the recent case of MQM is in court. Lakhvi is free, and no one in Pakistan have been convicted of 26/11 attacks . Politics jingoism.
India did all it could have done to destabilize Pakistan from supporting BLA terrorists to indirectly funding TTP terrorists through some rats in Afghanistan.

And personally i believe its natural if India keep trying to destabilize Pakistan because that is what is in her interests.

if we get the chance we will do the same and every other country would do the same for own interests. The only thing which is need of the hour is that Indians should stop being so saints.

In that case the best option would be to approach international community and show the proof of Indian involvement than go to newspapers and media or put some images warning India.
If Indian leadership can see the writing on the wall or not will make the difference between the age of peace or war. It's time, Pakistan will have to take the battle to enemy's bedroom.

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its an old habit of pakistani establishment to put all blame on india while they dont take measures to rectify there own fault lines and past mistakes

tell me OP does every one in pakistan gets peacefull , non corrupt and just space to freeliy live his/her life withowt interfearences ?

does sucsessive pakistani goverments over the period of 67 years been sucsesful in giving basic things like rule of law , corruption free enviorment , justice to all without discrimination , good health services and education ?

has pakistan done proper land reforms and huge bulk of its population is economicalli self sufficient ?

these are just a few points but answer well ask yourself and then answer

you know why taliban is getting strong hold in pakistan cause its the epathy of the ruling class to give what its population wanted and to hide there own sins pakistani establishment is using indian paranoia to wash of its own sins

u know what op in rural and semi urban/low and medium income famalies of pakistan on an avrage each family has 6-8 kids ofwhich girls stay at home while boysare send to naighbouhood madarssa for primary and medium level education where they also get food so it reveales a little burden for the families then when they reach teenage 60% kids are send to private homes orlocal workshops , factories , other such places as cheap help but deu to there earli education theyareradicalised and have a feelining of injustice done to them which is tapped by there terror owtfits and providde such terror owtfits a robust supply of young blood and there lies the problem whatwas job of the state is bieng done by these madarssas who later exploit these young kidsfor there own agends

tell me sir after every such terror activity one of such group takes responsibilty and even shows of by making audios/ videos of such kids what was done to bring such groups to justice ?

tell me the last time when funding of any such group/madarsa was stoped or they were penalised for there antystate activity ?

its very easy to put blame on others for your establishment and ruling elites fault rather than rectifying andadressing the core issue of poverty , intustice and state apathy


please do answer then i will talk about india and indian involvement and issues like karachi or baloochistan in detail

thanks and hope i dont offend any of your egos or pre concived notion waiting for your answer OP @Horus
You have a point there.....

India stands to gain the highest dividends from the economic opportunity being created in Pakistan by foreign investment, however through its belligerent stance, the Modi govt is too blind to see it. India can link up with CPEC, IP and other projects like TAPI on top of access to Central Asia. It's up to Modi to decide if trying to destroy Pakistan is a higher gain than working for Indian economy. Rest assured, Pakistan can quite easily lock India out of those opportunities which we would like to share but cant due to hostility flaring up on both sides. Modi missed out on the olive branch we extended when he took office, now he is just making his fallout even more worse.
That is the question. Why Pakistan havent provided any evidence to anybody, let alone India ??
There was news of Army Chief sharing information with US and others with evidence , maybe they choose to ignore it .
Denying RAW is not involved is stupid , really . Even you know RAW is involved , one way or another .
The cycle of supporting proxies for strategic gains was started by India when it decided to create, nurture, support, arm, train and later fight for Muktis in East Pakistan.

There's a helluva lot of a difference between what india did and what you're doing. Mukti Bahini was strategy, Taleban is stupidity.
Purpose of this thread is already achieved.
On a more serious note Pakistan with an economy of 240 billion dollar won't be able do anything significant against India.They think they are another America & believe their ISI can pull out stuffs done by CIA. They even believe that they were the ones who was responsible for breaking up Soviet Union and want to do the same with India.
I don't really know what to say when they still believe they can bleed India with thousand cuts when they failed miserably for over 70 years trying to do the same.

It seems so.

Anyway, there is no prudence in trying to rid the enemy of a delusion that's dangerous for them. Let them believe what they wish to.
Actually these people don't mean to scare you, don't worry unnecessarily, no one is asking you to be afraid. These messages are aimed at ones who are capable to interpret, these messages are not for people like you and I who lack the ability to interpret aright.
thnx for ur kind words sir! now i can sleep tonight !
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