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Dear Americans We DON'T hate your "Freedoms".

First...Every country -- including Pakistan -- seeks things that will benefit itself.

Second...But if you want to go there, then whenever we dispatch the USN and assorted US based NGOs to some humanitarian disasters, we seek nothing in return. So if you want to hate US for atrocious actions of the few soldiers in the course of a war, then why not love US for the many more humanitarian actions in the times of need by any country? But the reality is that we do not need your love. We do not even want it. We want you to be fair. Guess that is asking too much.

I know some Pakistanis will accuse me of being a sycophant but this was really very well said and made too much sense to any one willing to understand.
I beg to differ.
only when these images get out into the media do the people get punished.
How many times have you heard of people getting prosecuted for this things when the pictures are not leaked to the world?
I don't think I have even one example of this.

The policy is "go them them sand N!ggers and do what ever you want, but if you pictures get out we have to give you a slap on the wrist"

Wow, dude you just went overboard there bud, NATO standards are applied to the allied coalition, while these incident might pop up sometimes in media, the amount of embedded journalist and the discipline is way too high for something like this scale to happen often. If you lose a comrade during a mission its hard to be the same again. On the other hand your adversary's are literally straping children with bombs and detonating them sadly. Things happen on both side but I know for a fact our side is not unprofessional as the media makes it out to be. I am not defending these soldiers action but seriously watch what your saying about NATO troops as they are highly professional and humans make mistake in field no matter how trained you are. One thing living in north america you should remember is never criticize our troops, things happen but the other side is vicious when it comes to there very own people. Using children for detonation purposes and engaging in extensive homosexuality is not what islam is about and this is not to say US is innocent either but no body is a saint out there. I don't care about the geopolitics or the mission for that matter, but all these Taliban sympathizers would be the first ones getting robbed in afghanistan, the tablian unlike al-quieda don't give a damn about islam and even an indian member on this forum probably knows more about the religion than them not kidding.

Source: served my time in the boots( its internet whether you choose to believe it or not is up to you)
@liontk people here talk of War Crimes and criticize countries but ignore the fact that in any conflict zone where there is constant exposure to gore scenes, violence, death of innocent women, children, child used as suicide bombers, locals giving support to terrorists, death of friends, being away from family and home etc. take a psychological toll on many soldiers. Some become insane, many have symptoms of PTSD, some become violent, some commits suicide and many have trouble adjusting in normal life.

I support for strict actions against war criminals but one should consider these aspects too. Some are psychopathic war criminals like Nazis whereas many soldiers just snap.
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@liontk people here talk of War Crimes and criticize countries but ignore the fact that in any conflict zone where there is constant exposure to gore scenes, violence, death of innocent women, children, child used as suicide bombers, locals giving support to terrorists, death of friends, being away from family and home etc. take a psychological toll on many soldiers. Some become insane, many have symptoms of PTSD, some become violent, some commits suicide and many have trouble adjusting in normal life.

I support for strict actions against war criminals but one should consider these aspects too. Some are psychopathic war criminals like Nazis whereas many soldiers just snap.

Man monsieur Krait you raise a good point, like seriously this mission would be alot easier to accomplish but our side has to follow like a 100 geneva convention stuff, seriously a soldier has to respect everything and there side is literally chopping villagers head that gives up information to allied troops. I mean children are literally kidnapped from villages and used for there succide activites as children early on were not checked extensively. Aiming a rifle at a child is already messed up and on top, you have to follow all your SOPs and its a headache to do you job. Anyways those days are behind, thinking about trenches gives me the creeps.
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Most of the soldiers who take pictures like these are punished when found out. It is not right to try and demonize the whole US military for isolated incidents and doesn't deserve a whole thread to prove some sort of point.

and what about women , children and innocent who get killed in drone attack and you air force attack !?

IMO this pic show true face of USA :


at least Nazi could understand one thing correctly and it was true nature of USA .....
when people fail to govern their land by the rule of law and become a nuisance for others then foreign powers will move in to protect their securities and when a forigen invader having boots on ground - such scenes will prevail. Dont blame others, blame yourself!
Some people are so obseseed with power than nations if USA do something bad to their women they feel proud these are baiscally sick minds who just like to do **** in the world in the name of safing it and in fact they kill millions as they did in hiroshima as did in vietnam and in Iraq and Afghanistan and thier support for killings in other parts of the world but their touts are always eat their master USA ****
Some people are so obseseed with power than nations if USA do something bad to their women they feel proud these are baiscally sick minds who just like to do **** in the world in the name of safing it and in fact they kill millions as they did in hiroshima as did in vietnam and in Iraq and Afghanistan and thier support for killings in other parts of the world but their touts are always eat their master USA ****

TTP has killed 40,000 unarmed and innocent Pakistani civilians by cold blooded terrorism. I dont see you whining and crying about it but rather in a different thread you have justified their moves as a counter-campaign of revenge against Pakistan army!

and what about women , children and innocent who get killed in drone attack and you air force attack !?

IMO this pic show true face of USA :


at least Nazi could understand one thing correctly and it was true nature of USA .....

Propaganda means showing lies as truth and it was eventually USA which liberated Germany from the clutches of Nazi and soviet evils! An Iranian needs to not to celebrate much because Hitler next target could have very well been Persia!
TTP has killed 40,000 unarmed and innocent Pakistani civilians by cold blooded terrorism. I dont see you whining and crying about it but rather in a different thread you have justified their moves as a counter-campaign of revenge against Pakistan army!

Propaganda means showing lies as truth and it was eventually USA which liberated Germany from the clutches of Nazi and soviet evils! An Iranian needs to not to celebrate much because Hitler next target could have very well been Persia!

actually , we loosed more than 2.5 milion persons in WWII and we even weren't part of war ... thanks to Soviet , USA and Britannia ....

and in WWI we loosed more than 10 million person thank to Russia and Britania ....

I'm not blind Iranian who don't know western and Russia and kill themselves for them ( especially western worshipers )

and you talking as Germany was pure innocent ... Nazi , USA , Soviet , Britannia and Japan were bunch of wolves who begun war for their own interests nothing more nothing less
TTP has killed 40,000 unarmed and innocent Pakistani civilians by cold blooded terrorism. I dont see you whining and crying about it but rather in a different thread you have justified their moves as a counter-campaign of revenge against Pakistan army!

Propaganda means showing lies as truth and it was eventually USA which liberated Germany from the clutches of Nazi and soviet evils! An Iranian needs to not to celebrate much because Hitler next target could have very well been Persia!
Yes what else to expect from the followers of modern day abu juhals USA yes the same USA attacked vietnam based on complete lie same USA nuked two citites of Japan same USA first gave Saddam go ahead to attack Kuwait and than came to defend it and capature oil the same USA killed millions in Iraq and Afghanistan the same USA killed all the Red Indians and and now call them original desendts of that land and their touts defend this most brutal state and by the way Pakistan Army first attacked and killed thousands in Tribal areas and than they came to take revenge
Yes what else to expect from the followers of modern day abu juhals USA yes the same USA attacked vietnam based on complete lie same USA nuked two citites of Japan same USA first gave Saddam go ahead to attack Kuwait and than came to defend it and capature oil the same USA killed millions in Iraq and Afghanistan the same USA killed all the Red Indians and and now call them original desendts of that land and their touts defend this most brutal state and by the way Pakistan Army first attacked and killed thousands in Tribal areas and than they came to take revenge

You will continue to defend savages and their terrorism against innocent people and army personal because immense self-hate has been infused in your mind with continuous mullah education. Arabs are your deities and terrorism is your religion everything else is you enemy!

The Abu Jahl you despise so badly was known as the father of knowledge by your masters. Now i cant stop laughing!
When ignorant like these are titled "father of knowledge" one can easily guess where the 7th century Badouin society was headed!

Often called "Abu al-Hakam", ("Father of Wisdom"), he was considered a wise man amongst the Quraysh. He was a member of the Banu Makhzum clan of the Quraysh and one of the leaders in Mecca[1] prior to the city's surrender to Muhammad's army. He had a son, Ikrimah ibn Abi-Jahl, who later converted to Islam. Because he opposed the early spread of Islam, Muslims came to refer to him as Abu Jahl ("Father of Ignorance").

USA nuked Japan does not mean Japan was any saint, the world stand witness to Japanese atrocities!

USA killing Red-Indians, well its all about survival of the fittest! Islamic khalifa's weren't any saints either. Reading history of Levant, North Africa & Persia under Islamic conquest will help. Heck, Umar was murders by a Persian slave for his mistreatment and bigotry towards Persian people and enslavement of Persian women and children!

actually , we loosed more than 2.5 milion persons in WWII and we even weren't part of war ... thanks to Soviet , USA and Britannia ....

and in WWI we loosed more than 10 million person thank to Russia and Britania ....

I'm not blind Iranian who don't know western and Russia and kill themselves for them ( especially western worshipers )

and you talking as Germany was pure innocent ... Nazi , USA , Soviet , Britannia and Japan were bunch of wolves who begun war for their own interests nothing more nothing less

Well said..like i said.. survival of the fittest!
You will continue to defend savages and their terrorism against innocent people and army personal because immense self-hate has been infused in your mind with continuous mullah education. Arabs are your deities and terrorism is your religion everything else is you enemy!

The Abu Jahl you despise so badly was known as the father of knowledge by your masters. Now i cant stop laughing!
When ignorant like these are titled "father of knowledge" one can easily guess where the 7th century Badouin society was headed!

USA nuked Japan does not mean Japan was any saint, the world stand witness to Japanese atrocities!

USA killing Red-Indians, well its all about survival of the fittest! Islamic khalifa's weren't any saints either. Reading history of Levant, North Africa & Persia under Islamic conquest will help. Heck, Umar was murders by a Persian slave for his mistreatment and bigotry towards Persian people and enslavement of Persian women and children!

Well said..like i said.. survival of the fittest!

Dear dear dear poster.

Just remember, the source of this anti-US frothing at the mouth hateful compilations all over Pak media and then copied over and over in the forums such as this.

Today's Islamists in Pakistan are yesterday's communists and socialists. Their former master got destroyed by USA, so now they follow Saddams, and bud-nejats and Mullah Hullah Ayatullahs and madly repeat "America is satan, America is devil".

They are the anti-US redder than red commies now wearing Ben-Laden's thope (long dress) and sporting even longer beard.

Nothing new.

they used to be clean shaven in the 60s now they look like a copy of Ben laden and Khomeni.

Same old commies, brand new clothing.

In Iran Nationalism is very high. They don't take Theka of any other Muslim country if they have no national interest or if that nation is not neighbor of Iran's enemy.

US is all about Business and protecting its interest. US repeatedly say that If someone attacks them or their Interests, they will retaliate.
In Iran Nationalism is very high. They don't take Theka of any other Muslim country if they have no national interest or if that nation is not neighbor of Iran's enemy.

US is all about Business and protecting its interest. US repeatedly say that If someone attacks them or their Interests, they will retaliate.


Just to add

That modern day Iranian nationalism is just a copy of the Leftie-commie Tudeh and Khalq parties.

Same old commies in a brand new Islamist religious colors of Khomeni.

Just like communism was used almost as a religion to launch anti-US wars

Now Islamism is being used to launch religious wars against US

It is comic to see Friday prayers in Iran. And People chanting Marg bar Amreeka and Marg bar shaitan.

Clearly shows that Iranian religion and their nationalism is based on "destruction" and not "construction"

If I go to mosqe,

I want to praise God the creator. I want to uplift my soul.


Iranian mosques and their religion has become the source of hate, where chants are raised for Shaitan.

Who can call it positive or uplifting.

I don't understand. And I do not care that brand and than version of nationalism or religion.


p.s. nothing against my fellow think tanks. Just a view against Islamism and "hate-ism".
so because in your mind Muslims are not clamoring to learn Vietnamese it is okay to murder them and them take trophy poses?

How did you jump from displaying feigned sympathy for a Non-Muslim people to the justification of war crimes?

As a good soldier of Islamism/anti-Western propaganda you apparently have a hard time understanding what I said in my post. But I am not that bad and can elaborate it again, even though it's probably futile since your brain can only generate automated, pre-conceived responses, the racism card being the ultimate red herring.

The world view that is instilled into many in your hate camp is unable to see the complexity of the modern world. It's merely black and white. The good versus the bad.
The good being of course the Muslim 'victims' and the negative bad everything coming from the West. Because you're so stuck in your Islamist paradigm, that comes with the self-righteousness and the superiority complex, you cannot read into the historical dynamics and sociopolitical backgrounds of inter-group conflicts of the past, nor can you see the diversity of societies.
You show a fair amount of ignorance about the diversity of American opinion and the West in general. You throw historical data and numbers around with the greatest liberty, but have no idea of what is behind them.
All this reveals the opportunism that Islamists use to draw support for their anti-Western agenda, which I was objecting to. I certainly did not make any comment on the morality of the war in Vietnam.

This is why you western people are Hated.

So what, you're not a Westerner anymore?
Epic display of loyalty for the Western country that adopted you. And whatever happened to the slogan you guys use? Were are not against Western people, but against Western foreign policy?
So thank you for proving my point that I made earlier on. You have been very helpful in disseminating the myth of anti-Western Muslim activists as being white knights, who champion the cause of oppressed people around the world, brutalized by Western imperialists.
In reality, the mere presence of non-Muslims, especially those that are more successful and powerful, is an affront to many radical Muslims.

You people justify your barbaric way any way you can, a brown person kills a white person? These Brown people are animals for doing so. Whitey kills a brown person? These Brown people are animals who deserve it.

More straw men.

Silly anti-Western rhetoric and theatrics.

Of course when your kind are the butchers of the wold you need to do such mental gymnastics to justify it and be able to sleep at night.

Speaking of duplicity. Could you explain why criticism of the West by Islamist propagators, disguised as anti-Western imperialists is so selective and incoherent?

You guys talk about Western aggression, but you almost never talk about Muslim aggression, which accounts for more than 90% of the killing of Muslims.

Many examples come into mind.

Iraqi – Sunnis and Shias killing each other by the thousands

Tens of thousands killed in Syria.

The Algerian civil war were countless were massacred by Muslim extremists.

Thousands of Christians slaughtered by Palestinians/Muslim militias in Lebanon.

The Egyptian mustard gas attack on Yemeni tribesmen.

Thousands of Palestinians killed by King Hussein of Jordan

Saddam Hussein who gassed and killed hundred thousands of Kurds, Shias and Iranians.

Hundreds of thousands killed in Darfur and South Sudan by Islamists.

And I could go on and on.

Yet many Muslim intellectuals and anti-Western activists avoid these and many other thorny examples to keep their narrative running.

Why is that? Don't you have any moral principles?

Oh and btw, these pictures would not make good propaganda if they were not happening.

There is a distinction between propaganda and factual reporting. The picture is nothing more than a cheap propaganda stunt to sway public opinion, to take a ride on popular sentiments by blaming the (non-Muslim) West. Even though some of the grievances may be justified against Americans or Westerners, it goes far beyond that point. It demonstrates that Americans have a habit of jumping from one place to the other, for no other reason than to terrorize and displace people, without mentioning why they were there in the first place. You would want us to believe that the American military is nothing but a bunch of rogue murderers, whose sole aim in life is to intentionally kill, desecrate, plunder, and otherwise brutalize any and all unsuspecting "innocents" and for no apparent reason, other than to temporarily placate America's unending desire for blood-lust. Yeah, in my book that's called propaganda.

You know why there are no propaganda posters of Cubans holding dead bodies in torphy poses?
Because they don't do that sh!t.

What are you getting at?

Your analogy is based on what assumptions exactly? How does this relate to Western hegemony and the perceived repression and injustice? What is it exactly that you’re saying? That the absence of visible proof of a unrelated and disjointed example somehow proofs the validity of your original assertion? Which was what exactly? That Americans and Westerners are racist thugs and murderers? Your analogy makes no sense at all, you're rambling like an idiot.

You want people to stop their anit west comments? Then stop killing their people and raping 12 year old girls.

Again, you display the ultimate hypocrisy that can be widely found among pockets of Muslim masses. You guys (you as in you and the likes of you) are quick to pass judgement on billions of people based on isolated incidents, yet you are nowhere to be seen when Muslim extremists indulge in this kind of behavior on a massive scale, against non-Muslims and fellow Muslims.

Now go crawl back into cave and of racial superiority while making out with a picture of Hitler and leave the rest of us sub-human brown people alone.

I can't deny that I didn't see this one coming... Funny that you mention Hitler. Since I have joined this forum I have seen quite a few Muslims appreciating Hitler - it ranged from denying the Holocaust to calling Hitler a good friend of the Muslims. Yet when millions of Jewish victims were smeared by simply denying the Holocaust, I did no see you jump in and take notice of these victims that are wronged. Are these Jewish innocents not worthy of you recognition, that were brutalized by a great power? So thank you for proving the hypocrisy and the double standard, you could have not been a better demonstration of the point that I made in my previous post. Your response could not have been a better demonstration of the ambivalence and duplicity, portrayed by pocket of Muslims with an anti-Western, pro-Islamist agenda that disguise themselves as well-wishers of all people who have been historically wronged, regardless of the race or religion of the victims in question. We know better though.

Just labeling someone as racist won’t cut it, so next time think a little bit more before you cry racism.
when people fail to govern their land by the rule of law and become a nuisance for others then foreign powers will move in to protect their securities and when a forigen invader having boots on ground - such scenes will prevail. Dont blame others, blame yourself!

In that agrument india (lower case intentional) - is next. ONly a sick person like you somebozo would support terrorism and hide around a computer with a false flag. We all know you're from India. I await for you reply like a dog fetching his masters slipper cus you guys just can't take the real truth about your self. SO you have to come here to rant unedcated backward thoughts crap it around this forum that no one who has high IQ need to see such intolerant racist behavior and surpprting to kill and torture other beings. YOu SICK !

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