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Dear Americans We DON'T hate your "Freedoms".

Why the (I have to control myself here) have I been put in the same boat as Al Qaeda?
I think it's unreasonable and irrational to brand a religion of 1.5 billion for the actions of so very few.
Because if you aren't actively opposing someone who acts in your name then you are passively endorsing his or her actions.

If you talk the talk, you gotta walk the walk.

Besides, as I've said before, Islam is not the cause. Even if Christianity were put in Islam's place, given the same conditions we saw in Afghanistan in the 80's and 90's you would see similar results.
What grounds can you muster to back up such a statement?

So you think Islam is to blame right?
I used to say no, but I've become more open-minded after reading Zarvan.

"When my information changes, I alter my conclusions. What do you do, sir?"

Well, what do I expect from someone who would consult the likes Robert Spencer and Pam Geller, phony scholars and liars.
If all you have is an ad hominem attack then you're conceding that you can't counter my points.
You will continue to defend savages and their terrorism against innocent people and army personal because immense self-hate has been infused in your mind with continuous mullah education. Arabs are your deities and terrorism is your religion everything else is you enemy!

The Abu Jahl you despise so badly was known as the father of knowledge by your masters. Now i cant stop laughing!
When ignorant like these are titled "father of knowledge" one can easily guess where the 7th century Badouin society was headed!

USA nuked Japan does not mean Japan was any saint, the world stand witness to Japanese atrocities!

USA killing Red-Indians, well its all about survival of the fittest! Islamic khalifa's weren't any saints either. Reading history of Levant, North Africa & Persia under Islamic conquest will help. Heck, Umar was murders by a Persian slave for his mistreatment and bigotry towards Persian people and enslavement of Persian women and children!

Well said..like i said.. survival of the fittest!
The lies you quoted makes you reailty more cleart Mr Abu Juhal real name of Amr bin Hasham and he is known as fahter of ignorance and got his butt kicked by two kids in Battle of Badar but his touts exist today too busying in eating the **** of their daddy USA Muslims when they were attached to Islam progressed but when they stopped following it they failed and got involved in evils and left the path of education and charity and other good works but if they again get attached to Islam and path of education they will rise and reach the top
Because if you aren't actively opposing someone who acts in your name then you are passively endorsing his or her actions.

If you talk the talk, you gotta walk the walk.

Are you serious here?

What do you expect us Muslims to do, eh?
After all, they were only a few hundred involved in 9/11. And Osama, some 5 days prior to 9/11, released a video claiming that he had nothing to do with it (though he was lying). Taliban spokesmen at the time offered to hand over Bin laden to a third country if sufficient evidence against him and others was provided.

So I ask again, in response to an attack from an few hundred individuals, on the US of A, who fly the banner of Islam, who's involveme
nt at the time was yet to be proven... What did you expect us to do?

Even then countries like Pakistan supported your fight against Al Qaeda.

So what my dear friend are you on about?

What grounds can you muster to back up such a statement?
View my next post for this one.

I used to say no, but I've become more open-minded after reading Zarvan.

Perhaps you'd like to enlighten me?
Or am I not open-minded?

If all you have is an ad hominem attack then you're conceding that you can't counter my points.

counter your points? Your vague response to what I view as the cause for extremism in my country was no real point of debate.
I will say again; war, poverty, illiteracy and political games were the cause of extremism and the rise of Al Qaeda.

Now please in the most simple way possible, tell me why that^ is not the case and why you believe so.
So many hypocrites on this thread, a lot of people here need to take a look in the mirror. :disagree:
What grounds can you muster to back up such a statement?

As I said in my other post; 'some passages of the Old testament are no less violent than those of the Qur'an'.
Hence it is my view that Islam (or any other religion for that matter) is not the common denominator when it comes to the cause of terrorism.

Islam did not cause the rise of Al Qaeda, no... Islam was only a medium.

To quote the Christian Al Qaeda of the 10th century.
Lord Baldwin I: 'Attack! To kill a Saracen is not a sin, so kill all of them! For god wills it!' (something along those lines). This is from the crusader times, note that 'Saracen' is a term used to describe Muslims.

I can draw parallels to between that sort of ideology and cause to Al Qaeda today.

Besides, you have to understand how it is that Al Qaeda shows up in Afghanistan in the first place.
During the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, we saw some very significant events that lead to all of this.
The first was the invasion itself, occupation was brutal, politically motivated, eventually it became a tug of war between two superpowers, the rope was the Afghan people.

But anyway, the first thing was, that happened was invasion!
With that all the Afghan elite, the intellectuals, the teachers, the professors, the professionals, anyone and everyone with a degree and/or enough money fled. So the first event was brain drain.

The second problem was war. Occupation, the more brutal the worse for the occupier.
Remember Newton's third law:

'To every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction...'

So then came war, now people has a cause, militia groups were formed with the backing of Pakistan and the West.

Then came the sad state of the Afghan economy, non-existent economy.
Restricted to dealings on medieval scales. as a result of that and war and brain drain, education suffered.
An entire generation of Afghans grew up uneducated and illiterate.

Ethnic tensions were always there, even before the Soviet invasion, but they were forgotten for quite some time, before focus shifted back. Then you had the Kandahar student movement and the appearance of the taliban.

But, all that time, why is it you may ask... did these people begin to associate Islam with the war?
Well, the soviets were the aggressor and Mullahs in Afghan as any other Afghans weren't happy, they didn't call it a holy war, but the situation was perfect for it. The God-less Soviets against afghan saviors.

Well, now you may ask... How is it that this struggle (this Jihad, if you will) become unlawful terrorism?

Well... this is where the political games, comes in.

Here take a look at this:

During the 80's the CIA obviously waged war on the Soviet union and it's very presence in Afghansitan, obviously it could not do so openly, nor could force people to fight. But they did attempt to persuade.

''The CIA supplied hundreds of thousands of books to Afghan children.
Designed and written by the university of Nebraska.

These books taught children Jihad...

The links for this in case you guys need one are from the Washington Post and Canadian broadcasting corporation.
But are from 2002 and have expired. But I trust the site I found it from, other links work and I've used this site before.

University of Nebraska

An example from the the textbooks from Uni of Nebraska...
Taken from a math book.

- If out of 10 atheists, 5 are killed by 1 Muslim, 5 would be left.
- 5 guns + 5 guns = 10 guns
- 15 bullets – 10 bullets = 5 bullets, etc.''


Now, just imagine, if it were not Muslims in Afghanistan, instead you had Christians, Jews, Hindus, Sikhs and so on...
Could they not have easily fallen into this very same trap?

All these reasons and more are why I believe what I believe.

for now, that's all I have time for, it's 2 am here and I'm off to bed.
Good night,
The lies you quoted makes you reailty more cleart Mr Abu Juhal real name of Amr bin Hasham and he is known as fahter of ignorance and got his butt kicked by two kids in Battle of Badar but his touts exist today too busying in eating the **** of their daddy USA Muslims when they were attached to Islam progressed but when they stopped following it they failed and got involved in evils and left the path of education and charity and other good works but if they again get attached to Islam and path of education they will rise and reach the top

I read more history in a day then you will ever read in your entire life.

Often called "Abu al-Hakam", ("Father of Wisdom"), he was considered a wise man amongst the Quraysh. He was a member of the Banu Makhzum clan of the Quraysh and one of the leaders in Mecca[1] prior to the city's surrender to Muhammad's army. He had a son, Ikrimah ibn Abi-Jahl, who later converted to Islam. Because he opposed the early spread of Islam, Muslims came to refer to him as Abu Jahl ("Father of Ignorance").

Jahils are identified by their blind faith without critical thinking and independent research!
Americans follow fascism, so in a debate with Americans, their wannabe's and bootlickers there is no room for ethics...........:cheers: just talk in their language......by making offtopic posts.
I read more history in a day then you will ever read in your entire life.

Jahils are identified by their blind faith without critical thinking and independent research!
I have read history and also research that is how I accepted the faith and that is how thousands who are converting to Islam in Euorpean and USA and other countries are accepting the Islam but independent research you are calling sorry is bunch of complete lies and bullshit
I have read history and also research that is how I accepted the faith -
Then you must supply us with the details for if you don't are you not failing your obligation as a Muslim to propagate the faith?
-Objects in the mirror are closer than they appear.
-Hot Coffee may cause burns
-They hate our freedom

need I say more
I have read history and also research that is how I accepted the faith and that is how thousands who are converting to Islam in Euorpean and USA and other countries are accepting the Islam but independent research you are calling sorry is bunch of complete lies and bullshit

You Mr. Zarvan thank your lucky stars that USA and much of West is relatively secular. And thus people can easily convert in and out of a given faith. Thank the system and thank the enlightened people of the West.

You do something like this in the epitomes of Islam aka in Saudi or in Iran, and you will get your humungous head lopped off in no time thanks to Mullah Hullah ayatuallahs.

when they were attached to Islam progressed but when they stopped following it they failed and got involved in evils and left the path of education and charity and other good works but if they again get attached to Islam and path of education they will rise and reach the top

False history Mr. Zarvan and you keep on repeating it even when you say you have done your research.

Here is a simple comment Mr. Researcher a simple comment.

No region could have been attached to Islam more than modern day Saudi (Makkah and Medina region).

And yet this region has remained the pit of of intellectual and scientific darkness for the last 1300+ years.

So please get out of your Mulla-ized and Ayatullah-ized history and research. it is surely leading you astray.

You Mr. Zarvan thank your lucky stars that USA and much of West is relatively secular. And thus people can easily convert in and out of a given faith. Thank the system and thank the enlightened people of the West.

You do something like this in the epitomes of Islam aka in Saudi or in Iran, and you will get your humungous head lopped off in no time thanks to Mullah Hullah ayatuallahs.

False history Mr. Zarvan and you keep on repeating it even when you say you have done your research.

Here is a simple comment Mr. Researcher a simple comment.

No region could have been attached to Islam more than modern day Saudi (Makkah and Medina region).

And yet this region has remained the pit of of intellectual and scientific darkness for the last 1300+ years.

So please get out of your Mulla-ized and Ayatullah-ized history and research. it is surely leading you astray.


Mr you are giving wrong History Mr Arabs when remain attached to Islam they were progressing they gave lot of modern sciences to world and west including chemistry surgery Algebra Geography medicine and other things Sir but slowly they got involved in all the evils which Islam prohibited and we start loosing the ground and end point was world war two and in modern saudi arabi somethings are of Islam but not full so first read Islam before coming up with crap
You Mr. Zarvan thank your lucky stars that USA and much of West is relatively secular. And thus people can easily convert in and out of a given faith. Thank the system and thank the enlightened people of the West.

You do something like this in the epitomes of Islam aka in Saudi or in Iran, and you will get your humungous head lopped off in no time thanks to Mullah Hullah ayatuallahs.

I have a lot of Muslim and Hindu friends (besides my local friends) so I hear all about this stuff. Honestly, these guys are happy and proud to be in the US and don't ever want to go back. They tell me all the time that the only thing back home (where they came from) is their family and culture. There isn't any freedom, respect of human life and team work as a nation. It's individualism, force by the rich and higher class elites and a total disrespect for the humanity. I know someone told me from India and also from Pakistan that if you spoke against certain political parties, they'll kill you. In India, they might burn your house with you and your family in it. Has happened hundreds of thousands of times in India to Muslims and Christians alike.

Muslims have fake ego in my opinion. The MAIN focus they should have right now, is EDUCATION and INDUSTRY. That'll setup a moderate base for people to learn new things, understand and expand their horizons and be able to communicate in a 'civil' manner. When you go to a Madrassa or a Mandar based school, you may learn the language to worship....but you'll be rigid with your imagination and communication. In fact, too focused on religion in a way that you become a 'loner', you might flip and move towards being harsh with your feelings, reality and religion. Thus, the forceful fundamental views that your mind justifies as 'God's Order' vs. common sense based 'this isn't right'. Education helps all that. It gives you different avenues to keep your life busy, have goals in life, a better financial future for you and your kids (the biggest stress for many), etc, etc. The feeling of well being backed up by education overtakes the strong feelings and views and softens it. Unfortunately, the Muslim world's been behind in education. The amount of scholars they produce (PHD's , Researchers, etc) is a bare minimum and even the majority of the capable comes from the ones who went to the West. Muslim counties have oil and so many things. College education should be a must and potentially free or cheaper for everyone. Nations need to take a stance on getting education, not just follow silly politicians with crazy money making agendas for themselves!!! So wake up my friends. It is 2013!!! Help guide children and adults you know and give them the idea of education if you know anyone without it. Light spreads fast and you reading this, may be the one to spread it
In Iran Nationalism is very high. They don't take Theka of any other Muslim country if they have no national interest or if that nation is not neighbor of Iran's enemy.

US is all about Business and protecting its interest. US repeatedly say that If someone attacks them or their Interests, they will retaliate.

Is it in your national interest to have killed thousand of Sikhs in the 80's, then hundred of thousands of Muslims and Christians by terrorist organizations like RSS, Shiv Sena, BJP who happen to be in gov't or hold the media and gov't close to them??? And nothing comes out in the news or bare minimum comes out??? Why is it that I have NEVER seen ONE Indian person condemn the terrorism related acts done by their own Hindu brethren but if there was a Muslim or Christian doing it, you'll be painting an Indian flag on every single post? Why don't you guys condemn Hindu terrorism when your own gov't accepted multiple times you have fundamental Hindu terrorist training camps in the country?????? I'd love to see for ONCE an Indian condemning the Hindu terrorism. You ask others to do so....why is it different for you? A terrorist is a terrorist. No exceptions!!
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