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Deal signed to launch Bangladesh’s first satellite

100 crore BDT is 1 billion BDT and 80/- BDT is USD 1$

I will provide more details and news about Bangabondhu Satellite...

Bangabandhu 1 is the first Bangladeshian geostationary communications satellite.

The satellite was ordered in November 2015 from Thales Alenia Space, who will build, launch and operate the satellite for the Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission

Built likely on Thales Alenia Space's Spacebus-4000B2 platform, will be stationed at an orbital slot at longitude 119.1° east with 40 transponders.

The satellite will be launched in December 2017 for a 15-year expected lifetime.

Nation: Bangladesh
Type / Application: Communication
Operator: Thales Alenia Space for Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC)
Contractors: Thales Alenia Space
Equipment: 14 standard C-band, 26 Ku-band transponders
Configuration: Spacebus-4000B2
Propulsion: S400
Power: 2 deployable solar arrays, batteries
Lifetime: 15 years
Mass: ~3500 kg
Orbit: GEO

Source : Space Gunters

The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC) will finance the country’s first ever satellite Bangabandhu 1.

Thales Alenia Space, a French aerospace manufacturer and work order winner of Bangabandhu Satellite Implementation Project, has arranged this financing through a one-to-one discussion.

Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC) signed a Tk2,967 crore agreement with Thales Alenia Space on November 11, 2015.

The HSBC will be the major financier while the local City Bank will provide the rest of the amount to construct this dream project of the current government.

An important meeting will be held in this regard at the BTRC office in the capital. High officials of Thales Alenia and the Bangabandhu Satellite project director will take part in the meeting with BTRC Chairman Dr Shahjahan Mahmood.

Dr Shahjahan Mahmood told the Dhaka Tribune that Thales Alenia arranged the financier but the government would have to pay off the loan.

“We hope this proposal would be better compared to that of other proposals. In spite of the fact we will have a discussion over the matter as far as our interest is concerned.”

An official of the commission said there is a pressure from the government end to expedite the project.

According to the BTRC’s provision if the country’s first-ever Bangabandhu Satellite Project misses its installation deadline, Thales will have to pay compensation.

An official of the BTRC said the government had incorporated the provision as it wanted quick implementation of the project.

Thales Alenia has already embarked on the Bangabandhu Satellite Project so that they can complete the job within two years as per the government requirement.

On October 20 the Cabinet Purchase Committee approved the tender proposal in favour of Thales as all other participants were non-responsive during the bidding process.

Once the satellite is launched into orbit, it will eventually help the country save $14m annually. The government can also earn by renting the satellite.

Bangladesh has already signed a deal with Russia-based Intersputnik to take out a lease on an orbital slot worth $28m.

In June last year, four international companies – Great Wall Industry Corporation of China, MDA Corporation of Canada, Thales Alenia Space, and Orbital ATK from USA – participated in the tender process of the installation and post-installation support services for launching the country’s first-ever satellite.

Though the MDA Corporation had the lowest bid of $222.75m, it could not win the tender because of some inconsistencies in the price it quoted.

Considering all facts, the committee reportedly selected the Thales Alenia Space, the second-lowest bidder that offered $248m for the project.

Source : Dhaka Tribune

The government of Bangladesh on Nov. 11 contracted with manufacturer Thales Alenia Space to build the Bangabandhu-1 telecommunications satellite, ushering a new nation into the large group of Asian countries with their own national satellite capacity.

The contract, valued at $248 million, includes the construction of the 3,500-kilogram Bangabandhu-1, its launch — likely aboard a European Ariane 5 rocket — and the associated ground segment including satellite control and network operations centers. Loan guarantees have been provided by the French export credit agency, Coface.

The Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC) said the project’s goal is to launch the satellite on Dec. 16, 2017, a national holiday. Thales Alenia Space said it is aiming for a late-2017 launch.

Bangladesh has had difficulty securing an orbital slot for its satellite and ultimately purchased rights to 119.1 degrees east from the international Intersputnik organization of Moscow. The 15-year, renewable lease is valued at about $27.5 million and was concluded in January.

Bangladesh has until late 2018 to place the satellite into its intended orbital position according to International Telecommunication Union regulations, although the regulator has been known to extend deadlines if nations have demonstrated they are building a satellite for the relevant slots.


Bangladeshi and Thales Alenia Space officials celebrate the contract signing for the Bangabandhu-1 telecommunications satellite. Credit: TAS
Bangabandhu-1, based on Thales Alenia Space’s Spacebus 4000B2 platform, will carry 26 Ku- and 14 C-band transponders to provide telecommunications services in Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, the Philippines and Indonesia.

BTRC officials have said owning the satellite will save Bangladesh some $14 million spent annually on leases of commercial bandwidth. They intend to use half the satellite’s capacity for domestic purposes, and to create a private company to commercialize the remaining capacity in the region.

“The contract … marks a major turning point in the history of Bangladesh, not only in reducing the digital divide, but also generating business development and creating jobs,” BTRC Bangabandhu Project Director Golam Razzaque said in a statement.

Source : Space News

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has expressed his ‘earnest intent’ to take the country’s cooperation with Bangladesh to the sphere of space.
“The two countries have set an example of how relations between the neighbours should be, of how to make an inter-dependent world,” he said on Wednesday.

He made the remarks at the inauguration of the supply of 100 MW electricity supply from India and 10 GBPS internet bandwidth from Bangladesh to Tripura.

Modi and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina both inaugurated the facilities through video-conferencing.

Referring to the Bangladesh-Bhutan-India-Nepal (BBIN) connectivity deal, the Indian leader said, “We have already started working together on road connectivity. Today, we are forging a new bond through electricity sharing. We are also working together on digital connectivity, a must for the 21st century.

“This means Bangladesh and India are going forward hand in hand in the spheres of land, water and space.

“I have said earlier that we should work together in the sphere of space. It is India’s earnest desire that India wants to be with Bangladesh in the Bangabandhu satellite [project].”

In 2012, the Bangladesh government initiated the project for the Bangabandhu-1 Satellite and Tk 29.68 billion was cleared for it in 2014.

In January this year, Bangladesh signed a deal with Moscow-based Intersputnik for taking on lease an orbital slot for the satellite.

The government hopes to launch the satellite by the end of 2017.

At the beginning of his speech, Modi greeted Hasina in Bengali. He also used Bengali to wish Bangladesh a happy Independence Day on Mar 26.

Source : BDNews24


BANGABANDHU SATELLITE the first satellite of Bangladesh Today, almost all the modern and enlightened nations have their own satellite in the orbit. A sovereign country, in a pursuit of sustainable development, needs its own satellite in order to reduce its dependency on other nations.

A country like Bangladesh is highly exposed to natural disaster risk because of its unique geographical location. Telecommunication system in Bangladesh has always been suffering from interruptions and problems as erratic disasters hit the country. Satellite network can play an important role in ensuring uninterrupted telecommunication services in Bangladesh. It has significant advantages over terrestrial network because of a number of reasons. One of the important reasons is that satellite network is more effective in ensuring high-level of communication redundancy than the terrestrial network. Besides, by having its own satellite network, Bangladesh can save a significant amount of foreign currency paid as the transponder rental charge. In spite of having some shortcomings including larger propagation delay and high-cost of the project, the long term benefits and advantages of satellite network surpasses its shortcomings.

In order to ensure better telecommunication services, BTRC has always felt the need of having its own satellite network. It had a long cherished dream of having the country's first communication satellite. In order to materialize the dream, it has formed a committee and initiated its first satellite project in April 2008.

During the working phase, it became apparent that bringing any satellite project into success requires an in-depth knowledge in Network Interference Calculation, Coordination Technique, Radio Regulation of International Telecommunication Union and related software. ITU functions as the global body for international use of radio spectrum and promotion of international cooperation in assigning satellite orbits and frequencies. That is why the team established a continuous communication with ITU to perform all secretarial jobs in this regard.

The team visited Vietnam in July 2008 to observe the operational strategy of the satellite VINASAT-1 launched in April 2008. In this visit the team members attended several meetings with the Ministry of Information & Communication (MIC), Radio Frequency Directorate (RFD) and Vietnam Post and Telecommunication Group (VNPT).

The team got training in "Basics of satellite launching procedure" conducted by ITU on July 2008 and acquired basic knowledge of ITU regulatory process, Radio Regulation articles, electronic filing process etc. Subsequently the team participated in the "World

Radio-Communication Seminar 2008” in December and gained advance knowledge Radio-communication Seminar 2008" in December and gained advance knowledge on Bureau of Radio communication Software Pack used in different phases of a satellite project. As most of the trained officers left BTRC, a new committee will be formed soon.

The initial step of a satellite project is to submit an electronic filing to ITU with desired set of technical parameters. Regulatory time-limit for the entire process is seven years maximum. Bangladesh had already submitted a filing to ITU in last December 2008. According to the filing parameters, name of the satellite is BANGABANDHU SATELLITE and the orbital location is 102? E longitude. The next step of the regulatory procedure is to submit Request for Coordination with more detailed technical parameters including antenna parameters, earth station parameters, beam parameters, pfd calculation and service area etc. by December 2010.

The chance of completing a satellite project under a single filing is very low. As it is a long term project and ITU maintains first-come-first-serve method in satellite filing, it is suggested by ITU to submit more filings to create a pipeline. Hence having few filings in the pipeline will increase the chance of success. There are costs involved in each steps of regulatory process set by ITU. But, in each year, each member country of ITU gets an opportunity to submit a single filing free of cost.

Bangladesh looks forward to a successful launch of the country's first satellite which will ensure improved connectivity with the rest of the world.

Today, almost all the modern and enlightened nations have their own satellite in the orbit. A sovereign country, in a pursuit of sustainable development, needs its own satellite in order to reduce its dependency on other nations.

A country like Bangladesh is highly exposed to natural disaster risk because of its unique geographical location. Telecommunication system in Bangladesh has always been suffering from interruptions and problems as erratic disasters hit the country. Satellite network can play an important role in ensuring uninterrupted telecommunication services in Bangladesh.

Satellite Project
Preparatory functions and Supervision in Launching a Communication and Broadcasting Satellite Project.

Today almost all the modern and enlightened nations have their own satellite in the orbit. A sovereign country, in a pursuit of sustainable development, needs its own satellite in order to reduce its dependency on other nations. BTRC started working with the vision to open new dimension of possibility in the telecommunication sector of Bangladesh by launching its first ever satellite. Preliminary implementation activities are in progress with the consultation of USA based consultancy firm Space Partnership International (SPI) and specialist advice of International Telecommunication Union (ITU). A country like Bangladesh is highly exposed to natural disaster risk because of its unique geographical location. Telecommunication system is Bangladesh has always been suffering from interruptions and problems as erratic disasters hit the country. During such emergency situation, Satellite network can play an important role in ensuring uninterrupted telecommunication services in Bangladesh.

Background & Objective

In order to ensure better telecommunication services, BTRC always felt the need of having its own satellite network. It had a long cherished dream of having country’s first satellite. In order to materialize the dream, BTRC formed a committee in April, 2008 which was then reformed in January, 2010. This committee performed various important activities like submission of electronic filing for 1020 E and 690 E to ITU, Coordination Request (CR) notification to ITU etc. The committee also maintained a continuous liaison with ITU to perform all secretarial jobs in this regard. This is to be mentioned here that every member state of ITU has to follow ITU regulations in order to launch their satellite.

Recognizing the importance of the satellite launching preparatory activities, BTRC formulated a project with the title “Preparatory functions and Supervision in Launching a Communication and Broadcasting Satellite”-which was then approved by the government on 26 January, 2012 with an estimated project cost of Taka 8,681.51 lakh and with an implementation tenure from 01 July, 2011 to 30 June, 2015.

As the allotment process of orbital position and relevant frequencies from ITU is very complex and Bangladesh had no previous experience in satellite launching activities, the need of expert consultant to assist in the primary activities was highly felt, and a USA based consultancy firm Space Partnership International (SPI), was appointed under the project on 29 March, 2012 following proper rules and regulation.

Since then the Project team and SPI is working hand in hand to materialize the objectives of this Project.

Baseline Characteristics of the country’s first Satellite:

Bangladesh has planned to launch a Communication & Broadcasting Satellite consisting 24 Ku and 16 C-band transponders. The priority satellite applications are Direct to Home (DTH), VSAT, Backhaul and Trunking, Network Restoration, Disaster Preparedness and relief etc. The Primary Service Area (PSA) would be Bangladesh and neighboring countries and the Secondary Service Area (SSA) would be South East Asia, Europe, MENA, and East Africa depending on orbital slot.

The system concept of the proposed satellite comprises with satellite payload requirements, orbital slot/frequencies, coverage area(s), ground segment, user terminal design characteristics, satellite operations and environmental factors. There will be two ground stations for satellite operation and control, one as the primary site and other as the backup site. The RF survey for probable sites has already been completed. However, these requirements shall be finalized during the preparation and finalization of tender document for launching the satellite.


Current Project Activities

The preparatory project has made significant progress since its inception in the area of feasibility study, frequency coordination for achieving an orbital slot, arranging source of fund, RF survey for finalizing two locations for satellite ground stations and preparation of DPP for the next project named “Bangabandhu Satellite Launching Project” etc. The project team has taken training on Satellite systems in Washignton D.C., USA and is working relentlessly to fulfill the major objective of the project of having country’s first satellite in orbit. The Project activities are continuing with proper direction of Project Steering Committee (PSC) and the Project Implementation Committee (PIC) as well as with the efficient and experienced consultation of SPI. The project office is working to achieve an orbital slot for launching our own satellite for the probable locations like 690 E, 740E, 1020 E and 1330 E. The API has been submitted and CR-C notification is being published by ITU in BR IFIC for the above mentioned orbital slots. Besides, for initiating the coordination activities, the project office has already sent formal requests to many administrations including Iran, USA, India, Pakistan, Israel ( R U FUKIN' KIDDIN' ME? ) Japan, Cyprus, Armenia, Uzbekistan and many more for 690 E and 1020 E orbital slot. The detailed coordination activities are expected to start soon.

In addition to regular activities, the project office communicates with ITU and maintaining liaison as and when required. Now, Bangladesh is looking forward to a successful launch of the country’s first satellite which will ensure improved and uninterrupted connectivity with the rest of the world

Source : Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Comission

Why did we sent a formal request to a terrorist nation like Israel anyways? Uuughhh
I dont like people following me around. These Burmese want a satellite because BD going to launch one. Thats irritating. Where were they all those years when Thailand had one?

If you need one you get one.. don't follow others. It will only harm yourself.

It will take time before they launch a satellite of their own like us; their need also doesn't require a satellite now.
India doesn't have asat capability against geo satellites! :lol:

If we can put a satellite there with precision, then...

@Rain Man If the Chinese,Russians or the ESA crash the rocket and destroy our satellite we will be understanding but if you crash you know we will never forgive you.

That's very true.

Dear Burmese and dear Bengalis, I don't want to delete, and keep editing your silly wars.

"Bangladeshis"...to be particular. We are not responsible for what happens here in Bangladeshi section, we just see and react sometimes.

Your is a too submissive and too apologetic a post that only fan Indians' minds.
Well gotta keep the RAW paycheck rolling.


It is good to see our army satellite will be observing Indian military movements from the sky, what a thing to happen? We will see all those Indian cantonments and the 300,000 IA troops surrounding BD all round the year after that encounter with BDR in 2001 that caused a total of 97 IA troop deaths.

Bangladeshi Spy Satellite.

And stop reading Jamati papers, your host country may not be too appreciative of insanity.
"Bangladeshis"...to be particular.
How many times you will ''correct'' the people of other countries that Bangladeshi and Bengali are not the same? Accept the reality and move on.For outside world you are just Indian,nothing more.They don't give any crap whether you are Bengali or other ichy-bichy indian tribe.
How many times you will ''correct'' the people of other countries that Bangladeshi and Bengali are not the same? Accept the reality and move on.For outside world you are just Indian,nothing more.They don't give any crap whether you are Bengali or other ichy-bichy indian tribe.

Ignore a person's negative sides and focus on the person's positive sides...The negative sides will disappear if they are not given attention or priority,and on the other hand,the positive side will flourish if you do that...
How many times you will ''correct'' the people of other countries that Bangladeshi and Bengali are not the same? Accept the reality and move on.For outside world you are just Indian,nothing more.They don't give any crap whether you are Bengali or other ichy-bichy indian tribe.

Outside world don't know about Bangladesh, so they don't know you are Bangladeshis. I am just spreading awareness.
Guys let's keep politics out of this.

What I'm more interested is - what will be the launch vehicle chosen.

For Indonesian Palapa-D, (almost same type of satellite), they chose Long March latest version (although relationship with China is a bit cold),

From an Indian point of view the excitement and too much nonsense comments are like a kid just won a primary school race. Good luck but never talk bulshit about Ur masters in the field. :)

One hyped up rabbit on redbull says "India don't have ASAT capabilities"

Well it will take another 50 years of you to understand that we'll before 2016 India already has ASAT capability just with one agni 5 missile. Only that India was so graceful enough not to mess up the space with more debris created by flasher China.. By just refitting upper stage India can take out enemy eye in the sky which always be pie in the sky for our neighbors for ever.

Our relationship with China?
Ur relationship with China is doing great keep going and keep rocking. Just think about the consequences when India decided to do what Pakistan been doing in Bangladesh for decades. We don't have to travel to Singapore or Asian countries to come back to Bangladesh to create mess. We just have to step up few meters and can find lots of those who want to. Destroy Bangladesh with in. Might be funny to hear but very true isn't it. Ur present government and present sri lankan Myanmar or Bhutan government was made this issue very clear

Bangla Academy


Yeah primitive asat techniques of India! :P
Refer above message as you will take another 50 years to understand space technology in general.
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