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Deal signed to launch Bangladesh’s first satellite

Outside world don't know about Bangladesh, so they don't know you are Bangladeshis. I am just spreading awareness.
yes outside world dont know us we live in under world people only know endia which is biggest open toilet on earth and only county where cow urine price is higher than cow milk rest in peace pochim bongio refugee
yes outside world dont know us we live in under world people only know endia which is biggest open toilet on earth and only county where cow urine price is higher than cow milk rest in peace pochim bongio refugee


Try using these two things in future.
Moron, first try to find out who started bringing the issue of anti-sat capabilities. And I'm actually write to state the fact that India doesn't have any anti-sat capabilities against geosatellites. And no matter which technology you acquire, all these things are meaningless if you don't understand the importance of using toilets!

And number of people who want to destroy India within or outside is way higher than that of Bangladesh, if you ever try to go for any adventurism, the result is quite predictable!
They even had a nuclear program to create atomic bomb.
Not only atomic bomb, this is also true that Burma is recently following China and it has a great plan to build a 'String of Pearls' throughout Pacific and Indian Oceans. I am worried about this development. Will @alaungphaya take over BD as the 1st Governor General deputed from Burma?
Not only atomic bomb, this is also true that Burma is recently following China and it has a great plan to build a 'String of Pearls' throughout Pacific and Indian Oceans. I am worried about this development. Will @alaungphaya take over BD as the 1st Governor General deputed from Burma?

And India still thinks they are Myanmar's ally...
Apparently,we are missing the JeI point of view in this matter...

I have no affiliation with JEI. please contact them directly if you want their inputs in this matter.

I only sympathize with their leaders and activists. My stand is against state terrorism that taking place against them. As a Muslim it's my Imaani duty to side with Mazlum.
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Dear Burmese and dear Bengalis, I don't want to delete, and keep editing your silly wars.

I see you edited my posts but not the ones they were in response to. I only respond in kind here. I can't help it if your erstwhile compatriots can't help but get their knickers in aassorted twists. :azn:
I have no affiliation with JEI. please contact them directly if you want their inputs in this matter.

I only sympathize with their leaders and activists. My stand is against state terrorism that taking place against them. As a Muslim it's my Imaani duty to side with Mazlum.
If you are not a Jamati, we can say even Qader Molla is not also a Jamaati, too.
Myanmar is planning to lease part of an existing foreign satellite, similar to what Afghanistan did.

No we're not, little Bangladeshi. We are building our own with foreign assistance. Most likely contracting a foreign design and kitting it out with some home built equipment.

I dont like people following me around. These Burmese want a satellite because BD going to launch one. Thats irritating. Where were they all those years when Thailand had one?

If you need one you get one.. don't follow others. It will only harm yourself.

Did bongos invent satellites? o_O I suspect ours will launch first anyway.
I see you edited my posts but not the ones they were in response to. I only respond in kind here. I can't help it if your erstwhile compatriots can't help but get their knickers in aassorted twists. :azn:
You are WANTED in the thread titled 'Bangladesh on track to become a top 30 economy'. Go to that thread and tell us why we do not deserve to becoming the 30th economy without almost a single dollar of FDI. Your kind participation there would be highly appreciated.

No we're not, little Bangladeshi. We are building our own with foreign assistance. Most likely contracting a foreign design and kitting it out with some home built equipment.
Did bongos invent satellites? o_O I suspect ours will launch first anyway.

No, but did your father invented satellite?
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