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Deadly Daesh Attack

Dude , FSA is long gone , There might be a small group in Dar'a but you won't find any sign of them in other provinces .
Yes/no question. Would you like me to show you SAA setbacks in the FSA-controled areas in the last two weeks? I hope your answer is no to save my time.
Yes/no question. Would you like me to show you SAA setbacks in the FSA-controled areas in the last two weeks? I hope your answer is no to save my time.

FSA is not even a minority group . The whole clashes are between Nusra , Syrian army and it's allies , ISIL .

Do you see that FSA flag in these days ?!!!

No , Because they're gone , All you see is back flags .
Those pictures you have seen belongs to no more than 10 soldiers, more than 250 have retreated to other places.
And about Daesh, they are still not finished with rebels either, I hope too they kill as many of each other as possible, just like last months. More than 8,000 of both sides are killed, and that's a good thing.
I don't know, I didn't dig in enough into this. But ISIS claims they have killed and captured tens of them, pictures actually show more than 10; beheaded. However, I really doubt that the number 8000 is true. ISIS were driven out of Eastern Goutah last week.
They fight the same scumbags in their own countries, but when Iraq fights them, it's 'oppressing Sunnis'. Amazing hypocrisy man, you can find it only in sectarian minds who are full of crap.
People of Iraq say that ISIS with their modest forces can't drive Iraqi army out of 60% of Iraqi territories alone. That's impossible. Sunnis were fed up with Maliki so they fought along with ISIS. Anyway, what do you want from us to do? Cheer for Al-Maliki, the corrupt, sectarian, traitor on the expense of oppressed Sunnah because of ISIS? Al-Maliki with all his miserable failures still has the nerve to stay in the government.

FSA is not even a minority group . The whole clashes are between Nusra , Syrian army and it's allies , ISIL .

Do you see that FSA flag in these days ?!!!

No , Because they're gone , All you see is back flags .
You didn't answer my question.
Yes/no question. Would you like me to show you SAA setbacks in the FSA-controled areas in the last two weeks? I hope your answer is no to save my time.

where exactly ?

What was the role of the so called FSA ?

Where they on their own or under the command of Nusra and ISF ?
where exactly ?

What was the role of the so called FSA ?

Where they on their own or under the command of Nusra and ISF ?
You didn't answer the question and I have no desire to post many videos. So let's leave it.
I think this is what happened. He underestimated ISIS and turned a blind eye on them until they grabed some lands so the world freak out and rush to help Al-Maliki strengthening his grip of Iraq, until then Sunnis rights and demands are dead. He miserably failed.
'You think' in the previous comment you were stating it as it was a fact.

Maybe he simply doesn't have the knowledge and capacity to do his job ? keep THINKING

I think this is propaganda, Sunni people are happy of getting rid from Al-Maliki sectarian forces. They even chant 100 Daeshi is better than one Safawi, as Shia used to chant 100 Amerki is better than 1 Tekriti when Iraq was being invaded in 2003.
Never heard of those chants, any video of the chant you described ?

Come on man, this is not mud slinging contest, this is not about Jordan. We should be objective. Sunnis have being marginalized and when they protested and sat in Al-Maliki underestimated their demands and used force to disperse them, and he killed their representatives. All indicators showed that the MP was stripping Sunnis from their rights so he can be the autocrat of Iraq. But fortunately Sunnis acted before that.
i'm being objective, I wonder what oppression it is. I hear Muslims are being oppressed in Egypt by al Sisi, Sunnis being oppressed in Jordan by the king. In Syria they were oppressed while now they live free right ? Oppression all over the Middle east.

Al Sisi is offering help to Iraq's government in many fields + offering armaments, can you explain why. He threw out a few of Iraq's channels from Nilesat who were promoting ISIS. How come this allie of yours is suddenly helping a Safavid, I thought it was thawrat al asa'ir against the Iranian oppressors, suddenly they've found themselves being thrown into a prison by ISIS. Let me quote a few citizens of Mosul, after the army withdrawal they saw ISIS removing checkpoints, roadblocks and it was suddenly safe no more car bombs. Now who do you think was doing all those bombs for a decade long ? If anyone kills and oppresses Sunnis it's ISIS. The Iraqi army is not a professional force as I explained here in the last post : Attack on Gaza by Saudi Royal Appointment | Page 10

However they (try to ) keep stability where ISIS bombs and spreads chaos, therefor they are needed or should everything be destroyed by those goons ? will that make you happier ?

Alawi and his likes are the best for Iraq nowadays, no doubt about that, he is the savior.
I don't bother with the election, I think the entire political system and constitution should be overthrown, they were written to function in a sectarian way and only benefit kurds. Alawi is a no body, the only reason you mentioned him is for his religion which makes your statement a joke already.

Still I don't expect much from arguing with you, you dream Iran daily, everything is Iran.
Syrian regime is the one who created ISIS and has been supporting it by all means according to crystal clear facts on the ground and more importantly according to your PM. Bashar created it because he knew it's the best way to trash Syrian revolution, and turn national and international community against Syrian revolution. Furthermore, ISIS greatly undermined FSA groups, for instance, recently Halab was besieged by SAA and that was impossible without ISIS undermining FSA groups there, and it's retreat from some areas which allowed the SAA to come and fill in. However, ISIS is greedy and evil, they have no friends, so when it came to grabbing lands and getting more oil and gas fields they turned against the SAA and bit their hands. Before this ISIS and SAA clashes were rare.
Lolz. Your Funny bro. CRYSTAL CLEAR facts. Remember me of the consoiracy theories that claim TTP is secretly created by Pakistan Army. LOLZ
Takfiris are Shit heads. Lying bastards all of them.

FSA was something else. Some people may have claimed that it is a genuine resistance or a movement. But this Alnusra and ISIS is shit. Destroying Shrines of Sahaba Ahle beit and Prophets. Mass murdering government officials, Prisoners of war,.

And all there supporters are shit heads as well. They are the same as TTP.

PDF members here are too much on this topic.
Blinded by Firqa Parasti. Syria under Assad was peacefull and stalewart of anti Israel. Helping Hammas and Hizbollah regardless of Sunni shia.
And look what these goons did. They cant attack Israel that is just accross the border. All this so called jihad is about killing Muslims.

and all tgere supporters Brainwashed shitheads
They fight the same scumbags in their own countries, but when Iraq fights them, it's 'oppressing Sunnis'. Amazing hypocrisy man, you can find it only in sectarian minds who are full of crap.

Yes of course. Egypt fights them, Algeria fights them, Saudi fights them on the Yemeni border, Yemeni army fights them, Pakistan fights them, everyone fights them but in Iraq they are revolutionaries :o:

Well.. sure they are, but I am glad that they got their chance this time, now look who is taking names and tapping *** in Mosul: ISIS. Where is Izzat al douri and his Naqshabandi, nowhere. Not even a video has been posted showing them anymore in Mosul, you only see ISIS.

People can't even bring me a video of a non ISIS groups on the streets of Mosul after the ISIS takeover all the while you claim they work together.
Yes of course. Egypt fights them, Algeria fights them, Saudi fights them on the Yemeni border, Yemeni army fights them, Pakistan fights them, everyone fights them but in Iraq they are revolutionaries :o:

Well.. sure they are, but I am glad that they got their chance this time, now look who is taking names and tapping *** in Mosul: ISIS. Where is Izzat al douri and his Naqshabandi, nowhere. Not even a video has been posted showing them anymore in Mosul, you only see ISIS.

People can't even bring me a video of a non ISIS groups on the streets of Mosul after the ISIS takeover all the while you claim they work together.
Some Iraqi politicians explained this. They said Sunni tribal rebels are not as organized as ISIS, and they want to keep themselves with low profile with ISIS so they don't fight and only focus on Al-Maliki. ISIS was a great asset to them but absolutely they can NOT do what has been done alone, definitely not.
Some Iraqi politicians explained this. They said Sunni tribal rebels are not as organized as ISIS, and they want to keep themselves with low profile with ISIS so they don't fight and only focus on Al-Maliki. ISIS was a great asset to them but absolutely they can NOT do what has been done alone, definitely not.

Iraqi politicians are liars & corrupt million faced dollar worshippers, whether Majoosi or Vahabi like you. Never trust their word.

Which tribal revs are those, a few people with a turban hiding their face from any camera & being interviewed in a home, there are tribal Sahwat of Ahmed Abu Risha and the former assassinated Abdul Sattar Abu Risha fighting ISIS, what about them ?

Anyway just use your eyes and accept the facts as shown on the streets by video's.

I don't bother with the election, I think the entire political system and constitution should be overthrown, they were written to function in a sectarian way and only benefit kurds. Alawi is a no body, the only reason you mentioned him is for his religion which makes your statement a joke already.

Still I don't expect much from arguing with you, you dream Iran daily, everything is Iran.
I agree, keep sectarianism away. Alawi is Shia BTW but he's secular and I like his rational views. Look, it's like you're talking to me as if I have a hand of what's going on in Iraq, I don't so please wake up. If you're interested in my honest opinion, I hope ISIS and other Shia and Sunni terror groups get finished off. A patriotic and clean guy rules Iraq no matter what's his sect as long as he works for Iraq. Iraq returns back as a regional super power.
I agree, keep sectarianism away. Alawi is Shia BTW but he's secular and I like his rational views. Look, it's like you're talking to me as if I have a hand of what's going on in Iraq, I don't so please wake up. If you're interested in my honest opinion, I hope ISIS and other Shia and Sunni terror groups get finished off. A patriotic and clean guy rule Iraq no matter what's his sect as long as he works for Iraq. Iraq returns back as a regional super power.

My only point here is that it's ISIS whom are responsible for the daily bombings in the country & responsible for the Mosul story of June, neither Douri's Naqshabandi nor tribal fighters have influence, they're nothing. So far no one has shown the opposite of that.
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