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Dead Osama was brought into Abbottabad and ‘killed’ - Pakistan Oberver

Abdu Samad


New Recruit

Apr 30, 2011
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Dead Osama was brought into Abbottabad and ‘killed’
Special Correspondent

Washington—Information collected from various sources and pieced together gives altogether a different turn to the Abbottabad episode and this scribe now tends to believe that the slain Osama bin Laden was captured and killed some years ago by the US forces and was brought in a coffin to Abbottabad on the night between May Ist and 2nd and “killed.” Some reports suggest that the body of the dead Osama was lying in a morgue specially erected by US Army in a small safe house at the Bagram Air Base, Afghanistan for the last few years and as per CIA’s plan, he was now “captured” from a place inside Pakistan and “killed” at the “appropriate time”.

The body of frozen Osama was brought to Abbottabad by a helicopter under the most sophisticated and hi-tech operation and taken to the upper storey of the building. A commando immediately sprayed a blood-like solution at his face to establish that the leader of Al-Qaeda was killed on the spot. Exclusive reports and photographs acquired by the Pakistan Observer in the United States establish that the body of Osama bin Laden was transported in a coffin as seen in the accompanying night vision picture during mid-night operation. The Pentagon officials have confirmed that after some time there was a blackout at the compound and minutes later a unit of Navy SEALS staged the killing drama.

Some analysts believe that the “killing” of Osama bin Laden in Abbottabad was reflective of two possible considerations: One, that the death of the mastermind of Al-Qaeda will provide yet another excuse to the US Administration to hasten the process of withdrawal of its forces from Afghanistan and Second, his “recovery” from the now much known compound in Abbottabad will further justify the mounting pressure on Pakistan to “do more.”

Highly informed sources in Washington also told Pakistan Observer that the May 2 “Operation Neptune’s Spear” was launched with full force involving not just four helicopters but about twenty advanced aircraft and at least 40-100 soldiers and military personnel. American journalists having access to Pentagon officials confirmed that several hundred troops and dozens of aircraft remained standby at Jallalabad and in the Arabian Sea U.S. fleet.

According to defence sources United States used EC-130H, P-3, F-18E, E-2C, EA-68, MH-X and MV-22 helicopters used in addition to several other US Air Force planes in Abbottabad Operation.

In addition to this US Ships station at Arabian Sea near Gwadar also coordinated with the action and provided logistic support to US Navy SEALS.

Dead Osama was brought into Abbottabad and ‘killed’

Please read full discussion on this subject in my next post
then osama's wife/doughters/sons would have know this before Special Correspondent of pakobserver !!
Unless Pakistan confirms this, i will go for the US version. How does it matter anyway, all are happy he is dead.
Dead Osama was brought into Abbottabad and ‘killed’
Special Correspondent

Washington—Information collected from various sources and pieced together gives altogether a different turn to the Abbottabad episode and this scribe now tends to believe that the slain Osama bin Laden was captured and killed some years ago by the US forces and was brought in a coffin to Abbottabad on the night between May Ist and 2nd and “killed.” Some reports suggest that the body of the dead Osama was lying in a morgue specially erected by US Army in a small safe house at the Bagram Air Base, Afghanistan for the last few years and as per CIA’s plan, he was now “captured” from a place inside Pakistan and “killed” at the “appropriate time”.

The body of frozen Osama was brought to Abbottabad by a helicopter under the most sophisticated and hi-tech operation and taken to the upper storey of the building. A commando immediately sprayed a blood-like solution at his face to establish that the leader of Al-Qaeda was killed on the spot. Exclusive reports and photographs acquired by the Pakistan Observer in the United States establish that the body of Osama bin Laden was transported in a coffin as seen in the accompanying night vision picture during mid-night operation. The Pentagon officials have confirmed that after some time there was a blackout at the compound and minutes later a unit of Navy SEALS staged the killing drama.

Some analysts believe that the “killing” of Osama bin Laden in Abbottabad was reflective of two possible considerations: One, that the death of the mastermind of Al-Qaeda will provide yet another excuse to the US Administration to hasten the process of withdrawal of its forces from Afghanistan and Second, his “recovery” from the now much known compound in Abbottabad will further justify the mounting pressure on Pakistan to “do more.”

Highly informed sources in Washington also told Pakistan Observer that the May 2 “Operation Neptune’s Spear” was launched with full force involving not just four helicopters but about twenty advanced aircraft and at least 40-100 soldiers and military personnel. American journalists having access to Pentagon officials confirmed that several hundred troops and dozens of aircraft remained standby at Jallalabad and in the Arabian Sea U.S. fleet.

According to defence sources United States used EC-130H, P-3, F-18E, E-2C, EA-68, MH-X and MV-22 helicopters used in addition to several other US Air Force planes in Abbottabad Operation.

In addition to this US Ships station at Arabian Sea near Gwadar also coordinated with the action and provided logistic support to US Navy SEALS.

Dead Osama was brought into Abbottabad and ‘killed’

wow how stupid can Pakistani conspiracy theorists get??
All unbiased analytical minds knows that 911 was a drama that was an inside job. That drama was played in order to justify new crusader-war against Islam after the collapse of USSR. Only blindly following dull minds does not know about this truth. For proof, search in Google "Truth about 911" and also search in Youtube and Google "Webster Tarpley". Also watch video in following link:
PressTV - 'US seeks to Balkanize Mideast'

OBL denied clearly his any link with 911 but it was CIA-sponsored Al-Jazira of Qatar who twisted his interview and told blind-world that OBL has accepted the responsiblity and Blind-world is always very generous in accepting fabricated Crap w/o enquiring about it if it is truth or not becaz we humans are by nature sheeple. People do not have time to analyse, so they just believe the lies & fantasies; as it save their time.

"Do not follow that of which you knoweth not; remember, your sense of sight, hearing and cognitive capabilities will be questioned. [Noble Quran 17:36]

"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense" (Dul-Kafal - Siddhartha Buddha)

Blindly following dull brainwashed minds brand THE TRUTH as conspiracy theories. Well: when u have all irrefutable Proofs then it is nonsensical to declare that Truth as a conspiracy theory.
It is now a days a fashion to dump down even the 100 % truth by branding it a conspiracy theory.

Pearl harbour attack was an inside job in order to justify attack on Japan in 2nd world war. In first world war, such kind of drama was also played in order to attack Germany. They sent their ship deliberately in war zone, so that It could be attacked by German Navy.
Similar drama was played to start long veitnam-war in which thousands American soldiers died and millions innocent Veitnamese perished. But US Defence industry did not suffer but made huge profits & this was target of War. International Bankers partially owned by Bush Family also made huge profits. The bloody-profits that are always made by slaughtering millions of innocence by waging long wars and to sell arms.

Also death of Osama in Abottabad Pakistan is NOTHING ELSE but picturization of the script of a Movie that was written years ago.

Let we analyse the incidence of Abbotabad now:

Question: If OBL was really in Abbotabad; why CIA did this action alone?
Answer: They did not do it alone. PAK GOV and its subordinate departments were fully aware and in agreement with US CIA to play this drama.

Question: Why they needed to play this drama?
Answer: They did this drama in order to justify their near-future attack on Pakistan. Besides, to strengthen Obama's coming elections.

Question: Did Osama die many years ago.?
Answer: French, Irani, Pakistani, CIA's all past many authentic reports show that he was died many years ago naturally and his body was handed over to CIA. They froze it in Morgue for many years in Balgram Air base of Afghanistan for future use. On 2nd May 2011, they brought dead frozen Osama in the compound and killed already dead Osama again. Who was then living in that compound in Abottabad? All people of CIA & ISI from months.

Question: Was OBL in that Compound of Abbotabad from 5 years. Did any one saw him there in 5 yrs?
Answer: No one ever saw him. How u can see OBL there when he never lived there.

Question: Who are these so-called wives of OBL that are being interviewed ONLY AND ONLY by Pak Military and CIA and not by any independent Pak Media?
Answer: No any wife existed there. These are women stooges of CIA+ISI. If really existed, they could have invited independent Media to interview them to prove the truth!!!

Question: Was that house so-called compound in Abottabad worth millions as broadcasted by US CIA+MEDIA thru already pre-planned Media campaign?
Answer: We have read its whole plan & cost from first day to today. It is not a mansion of Millions worth as propgandaized by CIA Sponsored Media. In Baluchistan and Tribal areas, u can see many houses similar to that house. U can also see bad peeled off paint on walls with many spider webs in and around that house. U can judge from windows [not that CIA made in Computer to misguide], that, house was of old shape and even not a good house. Whole worth of that house with land is not more than 25000 dollars.

Question: Why Pak GOV is believing & reconfirming all stories what US GOV and US media claimed/claiming?
Answer: Pak GOV and his agencies' heads are participant in this drama. It is team B of CIA. and They are fooling whole nation like the matter of drone attacks.

Question: Always, it is MUCH MORE useful to arrest a terrorist than to kill him, as during enquiry it will be possible to expose network of terrorist. Then why they killed unarmed OBL in Abottabad?
Answer: Because if they had really arrested him, they have to show him to court and public but how can they show when he was already died many years ago and was in frozen morgue in Bagram Base of Afghanistan. U cannot make a already dead alive in order to show him to people.

Question: Why even after 10 days, PPP's GOV & its subordinate agencies has not allowed an independent judicial investigation about Abottabad Case?
Answer: They will never allow it becaz they know, that Judicial commission will expose a Grp of traitors ---> already sold under NRO+extensions - a Team B of CIA

Question: Why Pak Gov did not allow independent Pak media at the spot to visit that compound in Abottabad?
Answer: Because as TEAM B of CIA, it was their duty to hide the truth. When PPP's sharmeela Farooqi was asked in Talk Show, why Pak GOV did not do DNA test of blood that is found in that Compound? She said, PPP GOV do not need it as it is already done by US GOV. When PPP GOV is asked to raise this matter in UNO, they denied; Why? Because they are Team B.

Question: Why news about wives and children of OBL are only coming from Pak Military and why they did not show wives of OBL to Independent Pak Media? why even after 10 days, Pak Military+ISi is not allowing Pak Journalists to interview the wives of OBL? Why? Why? Why?
Answer: Because as team B of US, they want to hide the truth. Zar, Ky, Pa, Malik are already sold stooges. Pak is hijacked by a grp of traitors who want to destroy Pak. In bad time, they have billions outside. They will simply fly aboard and live abroad. These CIA's Pakistani stooge must be arrested and hanged for treason. How u can allow over 10000 VISA to black water w/o prior enquiry? Mr Zardari, Rehman Malik & Pasha! Tell us how many thousands of anti-Pak Balck water's agent entered in Pak under cover of USAID, Kerry logger and other aids & during flood relief efforts. Were u all sleeping?. Now these thousands of agents have trained BLA and TTP who are making daily explosions in Pak. How can u give many air basis in ur country to a country who wants to annihilate u? If an ignorant person like me a layman can understand clearly from past 50 years that USA is not ur friend and was never ur friend ever; then how it was not possible for u guys to understand this truth? Clearly either u are brainless or sold out traitors. Why Mr Gilani, Zardari and Foreign agent Rehman Malik u advised PAK-Renegade Hussein Haqqani to issue thousands of visas w/o ISI clearance? Should u all be not arrested under treason charges?

Question: Why thousands of NATO Containers coming from Karachi were disappeared and never reached to Afghanistan?
Answer: Were full of all kind of Arms that has already been distributed among CIA launched terrorist orgs like TTP and BLA by black water agents of CIA. How Mr Zordari, Rehman Malik, and ISI allowed that all? We need grand cleaning operation in Pak GOV, Military and ISI to get out all who are employed by Foreign agencies.

Question: Why did they quickly throw body of OBL in Sea. But they kept dead body of son of Saddam Hussein for 11 days to show to public and Sadam Hussein too? A person who dies at ground/earth is never thrown in Sea as per Islamic Law. Why they were in so hurry???
Answer: In order to hide the truth. Because it was not OBL of Abottabad - to hide the truth.
Example: Let assume that in ur area is one very dangerous Tiger that have attacked and killed many innocents. UR GOV announces 25 Million reward for, who will kill that dangerous animal. One day when in a forest u are attacked by that animal; u fired at and killed him. NOW WILL U SHOW UR GOV AND PUBLIC THAT U HAVE KILLED THAT DANGEROUS ANIMAL FOR PROOF, or u will quickly drag it to nearby river and throw it in it in order to hide that u have killed it? . OBL incidence in ABOTTABAD is a BIG LIE.

Question: All news we are listening are coming just from two sources, from US GOV+Media and their team B "Pak GOV". Is there any report from an independent TV or Journalist? NO.
Answer: Why should we believe in just One Media Source that is twisting the facts as he wants? How u can appoint a thief as a guard of a Bank?

It will be very unwise , if Indian Army's FOOLISH Generals believe in this drama and start to threat Pakistan as they always do. This creates hate of Indian Army in our minds, even in the moderate minds like me that love poor Indian People. That kind of hate which is being generated by Indian Army Generals rhetorics is VERY VERY DANGEROUS FOR INDIA & Pakistan. Indian GOV must kick out all those Criminals Generals from their Army who generate always hate among two nations & always love to beat the drums of war. They must understand that a very tiny group in Pakistan and also in India like Bal Thakray & Shiv-Shina are involved in terrorist activities. We must not punish over 99% peace-loving poor people of India and Pak only due to the criminal activities of such a tiny minority. We in Pak have already lost 35000 People n fighting the terrorism. But still u do not trust us? They Indian Generals must be wise like PM Manmohan sing who said that India has no plan of any war with Pak.

India is not USA, & for Pakistan, USA was not different from India if USA had long border with Pakistan. It is different only becaz it is far away from Pakistan. Pak is already working to bring its borders near to Pak as India is. Therefore If Indian Army Generals launch any assault on Pakistan; thu Pak will be destroyed but also India will be wiped out from the world map. Pakistan have capability to make India NO-MAN Land of Radiation for next 1000 years. So Let foolish Indian Generals, who always love to beat drums of war, understand that poor People in Pak and India need love & friendship and not War. War does not bring any thing but misery. Do not be misguided & over-excited by CIA's filmi dramas that they are playing from 200 years.
At the above poster- Give it a rest will you ?! How much longer till you decide to face reality and not hide behind conspiracy theories.
"Genius has limits, but stupidity has NONE!"



But who knows, the Amreekis may have brought an "inflatable" Osama Bin Laden doll with them.
And avoided having to carry a stinking corpse in the choppers with them; and have had to wear full NBCD gear!
One Million Dollar Question

Who is Number ONE enemy of Pakistan?

Is it Sri Lanka or Nepal or Brunai or India or USA?

The US plan to make peace with the Taliban in reality involves the idea that the US can gain control of the Pashtun population and play that ethnic group in a cross-border civil war into Pakistan with the idea being the same one it's always been: wake up Pakistan into the Sindh, Punjabi, the Baluchistan area, the [Pakhtunkhwa] area.

"In other words, fragment Pakistan in four ways, which will mean that you'll never have a Pakistan energy pipeline with an oil pipeline from Iran into China. And that is the big strategic goal.

So the breakup of Pakistan is at the top of the agenda of USA. And it has to be done indirectly because Pakistan, of course, has nuclear weapons. In a certain way, nuclear deterrence is operative against the United States in several military realms."

References: Islam Times - 'US seeks to divide Pakistan'

PressTV - 'US seeks to Balkanize Mideast'
Looking at all the threads in PDF, one can sense the confusion in the Pakistan media.

Some of the breaking news
1. Osama is dead long before the operation
2. Osama was killed and brought to Abbottabad
3. It was not Osama in the videos
4. Osama lived in Abbottabad for 5 years
5. Pakistan -Taliban retaliates to Osama killing in Pakistan

Media in Pakistan should make up their mind before jumping up and down.
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