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Dead Indian guru in freezer for 'deep meditation'

Looking for company?

Don't worry, I will call for the wambulance for you.

It's been fun talking with you.

Now wait, it hasn't, you constantly bore me with your one-dimensional whine fests and shouting matches.

Either way, I intend to gain greater intellectual simulation by watching Jersey shore marathons.

Kills less brain cells than reading your posts anyway.

I do have to keep my mental agility after all. It is the only way to keep my head up my own *** like you perfectly do.

So when the next time a topic on Pakistan and Islam comes up, call the WAAAMBULANCE.


:lol: you have time more sobbing and that too based on wrong assumption.

bad idea for your brain cells
That said...I may start a clinic :whistle:

Yes, it's the followers who want to refrigerate his dead body, and court said do whatever but don't waste our time. Court didn't approve that this guy has any chance to resurrect, did they? So, why are you saying that "Court approved it"? :)
\Fraud can be challenged in court . Its not about faith at all. Its just a pure fraud .

The court rejected the plea of the petitioner where he said these "followers" are keeping his body on false pretext just to grab his wealth
Soon this guy will become "Avatar Ashutosh Maharaj", He might have told to his followers about some thing after his death reason why they are keeping them in freezer.


\Fraud can be challenged in court . Its not about faith at all. Its just a pure fraud .

The court rejected the plea of the petitioner where he said these "followers" are keeping his body on false pretext just to grab his wealth

It is the wish of his followers to keep his body in freezer, many people also preserve their bodies in freezers these days. It is between the followers and the family of this guru.
It is the wish of his followers to keep his body in freezer, many people also preserve their bodies in freezers these days. It is between the followers and the family of this guru.

;) may he was a bhramacharya .

oye how do you know his family agreed to it or he has one?
;) may he was a bhramacharya .

oye how do you know his family agreed to it or he has one?

Seems this guy is a Brahmachari, then the issue is with his devotees according to court ruling.

The devotees feel that this guy is talking to them from Samadhi (a state where the physical body shuts down and people think some how the guru can wake up).

In Hinduism we have the puranas and some stories related to this kind of event. Even Sai Baba went into this state and woke up after 3 days this happened in 20 th century.

Scientifically there are some medicines/drugs/herbs etc..etc... that can make the human body shut down and after the effect of it is over then guy will wake up just like he woke up from sleep.

There are some techniques in Yoga where one can shut down the physical body by himself (scientifically not yet proved nor anyone has demonstrated this technique in modern day).
View attachment 20984
Reminds me of this picture. Those who know military history will know about a four letter word that an American commander said in response to a German call for surrender. Apt.

@Manvantaratruti @chak de INDIA @45'22' @Indischer @levina @Indischer - Interesting thread :D Your views are welcome.

First of all - I don't see a continuous self righteous bashing among Hindus and Muslims. Had that happened, India would have been a raging inferno and I would be in the street burning some houses and not in an office in peace.

Secondly, I reserve judgement about you. First- because you are a foreigner and have no direct bearing on my nation. Second - because it's your personal affair.

Third - You have never been called names for being an Atheist. At least pretend not to offend by calling others names. Because what people appear to you - appear to you. It's relative. Keep your opinions to yourself and don't pass sweeping judgements on all. Does not suit someone like you. :coffee: Agree to disagree - but with courtesy.

Please consider this the last post from my side on this topic to you.

Ohh yaar we all know the intention behind opening this thread :D
Why did you take the bait???

I know thats stupid
but intentions of opening this thread are not any better either :enjoy:

Special note:
Dear springy!
Whenever you open a thread in members club it means you're in a mood to troll. :D
Ergo proved!
Ohh yaar we all know the intention behind opening this thread :D
Why did you take the bait???


Special note:
Dear springy!
Whenever you open a thread in members club it means you're in a mood to troll. :D
Ergo proved!
My 'rant' was not directed against Springy :D :whistle: But this has become boring now...I am off for greener threads. :ashamed:
SarthakGanguly said:
View attachment 20984
Reminds me of this picture. Those who know military history will know about a four letter word that an American commander said in response to a German call for surrender. Apt.

@Manvantaratruti @chak de INDIA @45'22' @Indischer @levina @Indischer - Interesting thread :D Your views are welcome.
First of all - I don't see a continuous self righteous bashing among Hindus and Muslims. Had that happened, India would have been a raging inferno and I would be in the street burning some houses and not in an office in peace.

Secondly, I reserve judgement about you. First- because you are a foreigner and have no direct bearing on my nation. Second - because it's your personal affair.

bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah oh come on your reinforcement ( @Manvantaratruti @chak de INDIA @45'22' @Indischer @levina @Indischer ) cant save your bastonge here :D

BTW why are you going NUTS.

the bastonge fight also took atleast three weeks to stop ;)

Ohh yaar we all know the intention behind opening this thread :D
Why did you take the bait???


Special note:
Dear springy!
Whenever you open a thread in members club it means you're in a mood to troll. :D
Ergo proved!

hahah Levina when i open a thread in Members club it means some bharatis should NOT become rondoos on everything ;) but again Should not could not are just speculative
bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah oh come on your reinforcement ( @Manvantaratruti @chak de INDIA @45'22' @Indischer @levina @Indischer ) cant save your bastonge here :D

BTW why are you going NUTS.

the bastonge fight also took atleast three weeks to stop ;)

hahah Levina when i open a thread in Members club it means some bharatis should NOT become rondoos on everything ;) but again Should not could not are just speculative

Firstly, what's a Bastonge? Secondly, in what context are you using it here? Thirdly, what's with your fixation on balls?:lol:
bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah oh come on your reinforcement ( @Manvantaratruti @chak de INDIA @45'22' @Indischer @levina @Indischer ) cant save your bastonge here :D

BTW why are you going NUTS.

the bastonge fight also took atleast three weeks to stop ;)

hahah Levina when i open a thread in Members club it means some bharatis should NOT become rondoos on everything ;) but again Should not could not are just speculative

Thats rich coming from a Hypocrite, didi ji :coffee:
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