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De-hyphenating India-Pakistan!!

would cutting off diplomatic and economic relations bring peace between India & Pakistan???

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Activity of non state actor will stay in India and Pakistan, its not going anywhere anytime soon. Even India erect a iron wall around. Pakistan and Indian should mutually address this issue with sincerity. War is not cure of resolving issues. Pakistan is not responsible of terrorist acts of Indian muslims, its Indian matter and they have to resolve it.
Kaniska Bhai

I read your first paragraph, and I wanted to send you sweets and high fives.

Then whamo!

you wrote one of the most ignorant piece about history,

Oh bhai jaan

This is the clear indication of the hatred at the heart of Bharati nationalists. They were fed lies about Pakistan and thus they continue harboring hatred towards Pakistani Muslims So sorry to see,
Where did you get the idea that Indians hate ordinary Pakistanies.
We hate who harbour terrorists against India in this case ruling circles in Pakistan.
Yes some of the posters points make sense, other then the Kashmir issue which will not be resolved as stated.
And all this stems from the hate being fed to the Indian people yet again, whatever internal issues pop up some how are linked to Pakistan and it comes down to evil Pakistani army. That will never change and thus any meaningful debate is impossible.
As for the economic figures etc, those are up for debate but it has bee n covered in many threads and rather not get into it here.
I am sorry man....where does i have a hatred for Pakistan people here?? dear friend...actually i compliment Pakistan becomes reality,,,My perception is not based on Histroy..rather the reality what is happening now..
Nothing personal bhai jaan

I was pointing to the hatred among majority of Bahrati nationalists. you probably are a pleasant exception.

bhai jaan,

just read a bit of history. It was the handi work of Bharati nationalist Hindus who threw out Muslim majority provinces after chopping Punjab and Bengal.

But all of your history books do not point this out.

And thus wrong history leads current day Bharati nationalist towards wrong perceptions about Pakistan,.
And you conveniently sneaked in that statement. Calling the only issue between Pakistan and India as not an issue...
His OP is a rehash of some Indian commentator's op-ed lament on an Indian news site.

It's nothing new, the Indians really have no interest in abiding by their international commitments, made multiple times, in the UNSC.
Where did you get the idea that Indians hate ordinary Pakistanies.
We hate who harbour terrorists against India in this case ruling circles in Pakistan.

Very political statement. Sort of top notch spin doctory

Oh bhai jaan

Bahrati nationalists absolutely hate Pakistan and the idea of Pakistan. The day you realize it, the day you will start addressing this misplaced hate.

Peace to you
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Yes some of the posters points make sense, other then the Kashmir issue which will not be resolved as stated.
And all this stems from the hate being fed to the Indian people yet again, whatever internal issues pop up some how are linked to Pakistan and it comes down to evil Pakistani army. That will never change and thus any meaningful debate is impossible.
As for the economic figures etc, those are up for debate but it has bee n covered in many threads and rather not get into it here.
How convenient,India is the one which has been saying lets take other issues forward ,but Pakistan is the one dragging its feet,as for economics India gve Pakistan most favoured nations ages ago and still Pakistan has not resiprocated.its the same attitude because of which other sccarc countries are having agreements to cooperate without Pakistan.

As for brainwashing any sane person can figure out who is the brainwashed lot.
You can blame,but facts dont support that.
Nothing personal bhai jaan

I was pointing to the hatred among majority of Bahrati nationalists. you probably are a pleasant exception.

bhai jaan,

just read a bit of history. It was the handi work of Bharati nationalist Hindus who threw out Muslim majority provinces after chopping Punjab and Bengal.

But all of your history books do not point this out.

And thus wrong history leads current day Bharati nationalist towards wrong perceptions about Pakistan,.

I agree with you...But again, Hindu Muslims animosity is deep rooted...It is not like it started in 1947...It started long time back when Islamic invaders invaded us....So the massive riot and killing from both sides are the manifestation of continuous anger and difference between Hindus and Muslims....

So i always takes a practical rational view...In 1947, both Hindus and Muslims are killed mercilessly....I am least interested to know who started it, but the fact is that so many people have lost their lives....That shows the amount of hatred that was creeping with each other which exploded with a slightest provocation...I would like to keep that part of our histroy..I am not blaming neither Muslims not Hindus..Rather i take it as a opportunity to present a fact, that it was inevitable at later point of time which Mr Jinha could able to foresee it and asked for a separation...Just to let you know, i feel Muslims and Pakistan are two different entity for me..My complain with Gandhi and Jinah is only one thing...If a nation was created for Muslims, why not India was not turned into a Non Muslim nation???? In that scenario, it might have happened, that Kashmir may have been automatically given to Pakistan where Muslim majoruty people of JK are staying...Now Indian is not giving Kashmir with execuse that Indian is a secular country where Muslim dominated areas still stay along with India...

So try to understand my point....I am not blaming any one ...rather being a far right Hindu, who loves my nation but my being right wing Hindu does not automatically makes myself or anti Pakistan...
Just looks at the daily news channel discussion in Pakistan...They always categorize,,,Gov, Judiociary and Army who operate for their own interests...So stop blaming Indian for own failures...If Indian think incorrectly, we will pay the price for it...Why are you worried about it??? Just follow the video in youtube for Geo and other news outlet which always discuss how Army and Gov is always out of sync...And agian, you have butches up history where Army kills and takes over elected Government...So to whom you are fooling about....

Every country on earth including yours has interest groups, vested lobbies all tugging at each other. However your looking from the outside window. To you we are one. Don't bother bringing some fringe groups that way we can bring Naxalites, or crazy Khalistanis or even minorties from Arunchel Pradesh like that member Abotani.

Even in United States they have the military industrial complex. the big banks houses and other groups. However as regards outsider we are one. I am a PTI paid up member but trust me when it comes on the international front I stand behind Nawaz because he is our Prime Minister. I also take pride in General Raheel etc.

The only place where you won't get myriad of pressure groups is absolute dictatorships like North Korea. Where one will prevails. What you ses on those media is firsrt of all free press in action with all differant views being espoused and colliding.

I saw this image I I really liked it. The army, the politicians and the people togather.

How convenient,India is the one which has been saying lets take other issues forward ,but Pakistan is the one dragging its feet,as for economics India gve Pakistan most favoured nations ages ago and still Pakistan has not resiprocated.its the same attitude because of which other sccarc countries are having agreements to cooperate without Pakistan.
Your way of burying core issues while starting trade is a joke. What good can come from trade when it is built on tinder boxes. MFN title will do what when the people can not stand to buy each others goods and the borders can close at any moment. No trade relationships can last when there are unresolved core issue.
As for brainwashing any sane person can figure out who is the brainwashed lot.
Yes, just today the GPS saga made headlines. The terrorists had the money to arm themselves, dress themselves, and feed themselves. Yet they could not go online and order GPS from Amazon for a few thousand rupees because that would be impossible to afford. The ISI is the greatest threat with tentacles everywhere in the Indian mind but at the same time it would not use Indian bought GPS but used Pakistani GPS systems. You guys accept anything with no concern of what facts are. They removed all the tags off everything but kept GPS from Pakistan. Logic awesomeness 101
When you learn to admit that the problems you face are your own and your leaders do not fix them but blame Pakistan for everything is when you will open your eyes.
Very political statement. Sort of top notch spin doctory

Oh bhai jaan

Bahrati nationalists absolutely hate Pakistan and the idea of Pakistan. The day you realize it, the say you will start addressing this misplaced hate.

Peace to you

I think you are mixing 2 things....We the Indian are not saint either...But we hate something else that you are not presenting..

1- We hate to loose from Pakistan...Reason...we have some sort of sense that we are superior and can loose anything to Pakistan...And due to this reason, Kashmir is not getting resolved.

2- We absolutely do not hate Pakistan expect Pakistan interference in Kashmir and other parts of India....

3- Rather, we have significant portion of people, in Indian itself, who do like to see a puritairan version of Islam in India..i belong to that catergory...You can of course blame me for that..I do not mind...But we will resist all attempts the rise of any form Islam in India..as it will endanger Non Muslim people in our nation....Now..the problem is that if you see this thing as an hatred to Pakistan, then we can not help you..Becuase, this resistance to stop the growth and influence of Islam in India is not any way related to Pakistan itself...so why should you be worried about...???
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We saw how political stand off between Imran Khan and Nawaz Sharif went on for weeks and what it brought to Pakistan. Political instability is a far more powerful weapon if used wisely.
You should have also noted the (drastically) decreasing frequency of such confrontations and the increasingly infrequent assignment of blame, on the Army, for political instability.

Pakistan is in uncharted waters, well on her way to seeing a second democratically elected government completing a 5 year term. Under Kiyani and Raheel you have an officer corps that has advanced through the ranks over 8 years with chiefs that staunchly opposed Army intervention in governance.

@FaujHistorian referenced this, and I'll state it again, Indians are blind to Pakistan's complex dynamics and evolution as a State and society, and blind to the evolution of thought (ideological and military) in Pakistan's Armed Forces. And this inability to understand a nation they go into spasms over, at times claiming it as their land and other times calling for total estrangement, is what results in Indian pipe dreams such as yours.

For many Indians, the India they see is the India of 2015 while the Pakistan they see is the Pakistan of 1971 and Kargil rolled into one. I personally don't care what private delusions you want to cling to in order to feel better as an Indian, but don't expect to let those delusions go unchallenged when you spout them publicly.
1- We hate to loose from Pakistan...Reason...we have some sort of sense that we are superior and can loose anything to Pakistan...And due to this reason, Kashmir is not getting resolved.
When you want to talk to someone and have a feeling of superiority no issues can ever be resolved.
2- We absolutely do not hate Pakistan expect Pakistan interference in Kashmir and other parts of Pakistan....
Internal issues are being ignored and being blamed on Pakistan. Google the number of freedom struggles in India in the last 20 years and tell me how many are Pakistan related. Rather any incident is blamed on Pakistan to avoid any real soul searching.
Rather, we have significant portion of people, in Indian itself, who do like to see a puritairan version of Islam in India..i belong to that catergory...You can of course blame me for that..I do not mind...But we will resist all attempts the rise of any form Islam in India..as it will endanger Non Muslim people in our nation....
What principle was Pakistan Indian divide made on and what promises were made by Indian leadership to those minorities staying in India?? please do look at your history books and tell me that.
Very political statement. Sort of top notch spin doctory

Oh bhai jaan

Bahrati nationalists absolutely hate Pakistan and the idea of Pakistan. The day you realize it, the say you will start addressing this misplaced hate.
Peace to you
No bhai jaan our nationalists hate the idea of Pakistan which tries to hurt India(terrorists).
Other than that there are no issues,yah one thing is there though,those generations with the historic baggage are gone,fortunatly or unfortunatly Pakistan will have to deal with a India,which will not show the other cheek,instead we will leave our finger prints on the opponets cheek.
When you want to talk to someone and have a feeling of superiority no issues can ever be resolved.

Internal issues are being ignored and being blamed on Pakistan. Google the number of freedom struggles in India in the last 20 years and tell me how many are Pakistan related. Rather any incident is blamed on Pakistan to avoid any real soul searching.

What principle was Pakistan Indian divide made on and what promises were made by Indian leadership to those minorities staying in India?? please do look at your history books and tell me that.

I agree with all of your responses...That is why i say that this is my thought...However is right or wrong is always debatable...

1- I like your response to P-1...I am not saying what i think is correct, rather it is a fact on the ground..I do not mind if you blame me for this thought..

2- Now, to say that Khalistan separatism and Kashmir terrorism is not sponsored by Pakistan is not true..Of course, rest of the unrest in India is always due to internal problem, i agree with you...But it is a fact that Kashmir and Sikh terrorist are financed and sponsered by Pakistan..Again, you have some valid reason to do so...You are right with your support..But i am just presenting the fact that this is a sentiment due to which i find Pakistan has to blamed for..

3- I agree with you completely...But that is again our pain point...why the heck even political leader of India at the time of partition did not force for complete withdrawl of Muslims from India??? Do not you think it is fair expectation when a nation is getting built soley for the people ??? And again, i still stand by point 3, than the right wing/.nationalist of India will try to minimise the growth of Islam...It is nothing to do with Pakistan as such...If Pakistan starte making noise about Muslims of India, then it will be reason of conflict for sure..

You should have also noted the (drastically) decreasing frequency of such confrontations and the increasingly infrequent assignment of blame, on the Army, for political instability.

Pakistan is in uncharted waters, well on her way to seeing a second democratically elected government completing a 5 year term. Under Kiyani and Raheel you have an officer corps that has advanced through the ranks over 8 years with chiefs that staunchly opposed Army intervention in governance.

@FaujHistorian referenced this, and I'll state it again, Indians are blind to Pakistan's complex dynamics and evolution as a State and society, and blind to the evolution of thought (ideological and military) in Pakistan's Armed Forces. And this inability to understand a nation they go into spasms over, at times claiming it as their land and other times calling for total estrangement, is what results in Indian pipe dreams such as yours.

For many Indians, the India they see is the India of 2015 while the Pakistan they see is the Pakistan of 1971 and Kargil rolled into one. I personally don't care what private delusions you want to cling to in order to feel better as an Indian, but don't expect to let those delusions go unchallenged when you spout them publicly.

Good luck with your evolution i hope you will enjoy and be successful...No comment..

Indian comes into the picture when we are getting impacted..And most of the times, we are getting impacted due to your misadventure to our territory...If Pakistan stops supporting anti Indian elements, then there is no reason to fight with each other...We really do not care whether you are governed by Army or elected government...Till the point, you stop supporting anti Indian elements from Pakistan, India will try to make every attempt to creation a delusion in your language to protect its interests for its own security and survival..
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