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De-hyphenating India-Pakistan!!

would cutting off diplomatic and economic relations bring peace between India & Pakistan???

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3- I agree with you completely...But that is again our pain point...why the heck even political leader of India at the time of partition did not force for complete withdrawl of Muslims from India??? Do not you think it is fair expectation when a nation is getting built soley for the people ??? And again, i still stand by point 3, than the right wing/.nationalist of India will try to minimise the growth of Islam...It is nothing to do with Pakistan as such...If Pakistan starte making noise about Muslims of India, then it will be reason of conflict for sure..
The history books tell us India was for those people who wanted to stay in India with any religion. Remember India was a secular nation for all religions. Or else the Sikh would have gotten their own country, and other provinces would have been carved out for Muslim areas as well as something for the Christian majority areas if any.
Right now there are nearly as many Muslims as Pakistan does, and they chose to stay in India because they were told they would be treated with no prejudice. If India had made clear what you said about only Hindus for India, its borders would be smaller then they are now.
The history books tell us India was for those people who wanted to stay in India with any religion. Remember India was a secular nation for all religions. Or else the Sikh would have gotten their own country, and other provinces would have been carved out for Muslim areas as well as something for the Christian majority areas if any.
Right now there are nearly as many Muslims as Pakistan does, and they chose to stay in India because they were told they would be treated with no prejudice. If India had made clear what you said about only Hindus for India, its borders would be smaller then they are now.

I agree with you 100%...And this is the core point of friction between nationalist and seuclarist in my country...But again, it is nothing against Pakistan as such...It is our struggle internal to India... Why Pakistan needs to get upset about what we are doing withing our own nation???

This entire discussion i am doing to point you out that my friction with Pakistan is not idelogical rather political...You do not mess with us, i do not have any issue with you...It is not like I do not like Pakistan because i have some ideological issue with you...Absolutely no...That is why i am trying to present to all the Pakistan posters..Even i am one of the few posters, who felt the necessity of respecting Mr Jinah doing the favor to India of making Pakistan...Otherwise, we will be another country fighting with fundamentalist Islam in our own backyard...
This entire discussion i am doing to point you out that my friction with Pakistan is not idelogical rather political...You do not mess with us, i do not have any issue with you...It is not like I do not like Pakistan because i have some ideological issue with you...Absolutely no...That is why i am trying to present to all the Pakistan posters..Even i am one of the few posters, who felt the necessity of respecting Mr Jinah doing the favor to India of making Pakistan...Otherwise, we will be another country fighting with fundamentalist Islam in our own backyard...
Your own text books are teaching otherwise in some states. What you teach the youth shows how your policies are moving. Go look at Gujrat's text books with their larger India theory.
Your own text books are teaching otherwise in some states. What you teach the youth shows how your policies are moving. Go look at Gujrat's text books with their larger India theory.

Not sure man...I am not from Gujurat....I am from Odisha..and i know the CBSE text books are different either...But most of the text books in India are not confrontational rather they hide the contribution of Hindu scholars to prove that we are secular people
Not sure man...I am not from Gujurat....I am from Odisha..and i know the CBSE text books are different either...But most of the text books in India are not confrontational rather they hide the contribution of Hindu scholars to prove that we are secular people
There are two options. Stop being secular and then move forward in that direction honestly or declare yourself non secular and then follow the policies on that side. Declaring secularity and not practising it is one of the reasons that there is so much internal unrest.
Your way of burying core issues while starting trade is a joke. What good can come from trade when it is built on tinder boxes. MFN title will do what when the people can not stand to buy each others goods and the borders can close at any moment. No trade relationships can last when there are unresolved core issue.

Yes, just today the GPS saga made headlines. The terrorists had the money to arm themselves, dress themselves, and feed themselves. Yet they could not go online and order GPS from Amazon for a few thousand rupees because that would be impossible to afford. The ISI is the greatest threat with tentacles everywhere in the Indian mind but at the same time it would not use Indian bought GPS but used Pakistani GPS systems. You guys accept anything with no concern of what facts are. They removed all the tags off everything but kept GPS from Pakistan. Logic awesomeness 101
When you learn to admit that the problems you face are your own and your leaders do not fix them but blame Pakistan for everything is when you will open your eyes.
India and China too have border dispute but dont you see the trade flurishing,now imagine if terrorists are being sent to India by China or china sendind terrorists to India do you think the border will be peaceful.
India and china have been cooperating in many platforms which benifit each other.

And regarding GPS devise,its not where they have been brought,you must know every GPS devise logs readings,if the bearings are starting from Pakistan thats the problem.GOP may not be invloved but you dont want rouge elements hurting the image of Pakistan do you ?
Good luck with your evolution i hope you will enjoy and be successful...No comment..

Indian comes into the picture when we are getting impacted..And most of the times, we are getting impacted due to your misadventure to our territory...If Pakistan stops supporting anti Indian elements, then there is no reason to fight with each other...We really do not care whether you are governed by Army or elected government...Till the point, you stop supporting anti Indian elements from Pakistan, India will try to make every attempt to creation a delusion in your language to protect its interests for its own security and survival..
India comes into the picture when it supports anti-Pakistan elements and terrorism in Pakistan. Pakistan did not force India to illegally invade and annex Junagadh and Munavadh -- Pakistan did not force India to renege on her multiple official commitments to implement the UNSC Resolutions on Kashmir -- Pakistan did not force India to support terrorist elements in East Pakistan, destabilise the region and then use said instability and violence as a pretext for invadion -- Pakistan did not force India to invade and occupy Siachen not did it force India to support the NDS in waging a terrorist war against Pakistan in Balochistan and FATA via BLA/BRA/TTP.

India's own history is replete with unprovoked anti-Pakistan policies, hostility and support for terrorism in Pakistan, so for Indians to suggest that India only 'reacts' is outright dishonesty, to put it mildly.
India and China too have border dispute but dont you see the trade flurishing,now imagine if terrorists are being sent to India by China or china sendind terrorists to India do you think the border will be peaceful.
Indian Pakistani hate is much deeper. Go ask Indians how they feel about Chinese and it is not the same feeling as Pakistanis.
And regarding GPS devise,its not where they have been brought,you must know every GPS devise logs readings,if the bearings are starting from Pakistan thats the problem.GOP may not be invloved but you dont want rouge elements hurting the image of Pakistan do you ?
No the GPS thing is something that baffles the mind. You can get one from 5000 rupees in India and why would you bother to remove every sign and leave a GPS there. No one is that dumb, and to expect that to be proof is messed up.
Give me 5 days and I can get a GPS from India and place it anywhere I want. Idiotic to say that is the great proof because if they bother to remove every tag n leave a Pakistani GPS. If you trust that then proof be found under every rock.

What do you think 1947 was?
Birth of Pakistan.

That is about as potent de-hypenation as you are ever to going to get.
1947 was merely the beginning of hyphenating India-Pakistan.
Pakistan has craved for equivalence, but it understands that militarily, economically or diplomatically parity is not a possibility.
Even as we talk if India were to cut off its economic ties with Pakistan then it is Pakistan which would be paying the price and not India. We seriously don't need to bear a cross.

Bangladesh was a part of Pakistan not so long back , so why don't Pakistan and Bangladesh get hyphenated???
It's because Pakistan is not besotted by Bangladesh and because Pakistan would hate to get compared to a country half its size. This my dear is one reason why Pakistan constantly tries to associate itself with India.
In my experiance it is the Indian love for the British Raj that needs resolving. They need to get over that 1849 to 1947 affair. Stop deluding about the sphere called "India" that stretches from one corner of South Asia to another. The British built it. They left in 1947 and you guy's are not British.
We got over our British era hangover long back, I would suggest you to take a look at Pakistan before claiming something like this. Today India is in a position to demand reparations from Britain. Can you??
It reminds me of the delusions the Germans had over "Uropa" being some exclusive domain that they could hold sway over. Stop finding tenous amorphous concepts like "culture" to suffocate us under this blanket you call "India".

We are us. You are you. So what if the British locked us up in open air prison for 98 years called "British India". We got freedom from that prison. You need to celebrate 1947 as well.
So go ahead and tell me that other than your identity as a part of the subcontinent called India what other identity did you have of your own??
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Indian Pakistani hate is much deeper. Go ask Indians how they feel about Chinese and it is not the same feeling as Pakistanis.

No the GPS thing is something that baffles the mind. You can get one from 5000 rupees in India and why would you bother to remove every sign and leave a GPS there. No one is that dumb, and to expect that to be proof is messed up.
Give me 5 days and I can get a GPS from India and place it anywhere I want. Idiotic to say that is the great proof because if they bother to remove every tag n leave a Pakistani GPS. If you trust that then proof be found under every rock.
Again i say its not the GPS as you said anyone can get if from any where.

The point is every GPS willl log its bearings and thats what or should be the proof.not where it was bought or who bought that
The point is every GPS willl log its bearings and thats what or should be the proof.not where it was bought or who bought that
Trust that logic, at one time you say they are smart enough to plan crossing borders past mine fields and soldiers some how beating every detection tool while they are not smart enough to understand how GPS works.
The biggest, the biggest *bleep* *bleep* mistake Ayub Khan made in his presidency was he *bleep* did not attack India in 1962 when Red China gave a thrashing to the Indian's -
You've never questioned that there could be anything morally about the Muslims of Pakistan conquering Kashmir or parts of India, have you?
First point checked. I have absolutely nothing against some normal Pakistani.
Next ?

Okay, good boy. Then send million flowers and Valentines cards to Pakistan? Show some affections, just little bit if you can.

You've never questioned that there could be anything morally about the Muslims of Pakistan conquering Kashmir or parts of India, have you?

No more than the morality of India invading ( sorry Police Action ) of Hyderabad State in 1948.

* Hyderabad 1948: India's hidden massacre - BBC News
* Hyderabad State - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
* Indian integration of Hyderabad - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

No more than the morality of conquest of California by USA in 1846.

* Conquest of California - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

No more than the morality of annexing Texas into USA

* Texas annexation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We of course look upto USA and India as fine examplars of succesful invaders and will try our best to follow suite.
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