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Day in the Life of an Asian in America's Most RACIST Town [WARNING]

Did you forget Trump's "Kung Flu"?

From one poster on Youtube:

In the US:

Asian = China
Black = Africa
Speaking Spanish = Mexican
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Did you forget Trump's "Kung Flu"?

Nope, there's a whole thread on racism towards Asians. But it went completely silent because most of the perpetrators turned out to be black instead of the "evil white supremacist" and highlighting black crime/racism towards Asians day after day after day isn't on the PDF agenda. So nobody posts about it anymore.

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Nope, there's a whole thread on racism towards Asians. But it went completely silent because most of the perpetrators turned out to be black instead of the "evil white supremacist" and highlighting black crime/racism towards Asians day after day after day isn't on the PDF agenda. So nobody posts about it anymore.

So why do you start a thread with this rosy US complexion? Nobody wants the bombastic lewd Democracy you claim in the USA.

When the pandemic emerged and that "white" moron began calling the virus ‘kung flu’ or ‘China virus,’ those who were aware of how race operates knew that we were about to experience a surge of racism that we haven’t seen in a while. He initiated this hate directly at China and indirectly at Chinese Americans, and with all the other Asians in between being expendable. And with his misinformation that some how the virus was created in a Chinese lab as a biological weapon that had leaked from containment is still spreading like a wild fire today.
Nope, there's a whole thread on racism towards Asians. But it went completely silent because most of the perpetrators turned out to be black instead of the "evil white supremacist" and highlighting black crime/racism towards Asians day after day after day isn't on the PDF agenda. So nobody posts about it anymore.

No, the root of racism comes from the vertical cutting of society by USA ruling group.
USA ruling group vertical cuts American society according to race, color, gender, etc. Let them fight with each other to maintain the stability of their rule. In fact, American society is transverse cut according to wealth and capital.
The biggest discrimination suffered by Americans comes from their ruling group, and the root of American decline also comes from the greed of the ruling group.
I understand you want to stir up conflict between Asians and blacks. In fact, it is wrong to blame racism on blacks, Latinos and even whites and AWSP. The perpetrators of racism are on Wall Street, in the White House and on Capitol Hill.
One day, the false impression forged by the American chaebol group will be pierced by the change of the world.
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Should do this with Muslims.

I am sure the reaction will be quite different.

The whole non-Muslim population hates Muslims whether its China or America due to all the hatred media and governments spew everyday.
No, the root of racism comes from the vertical cutting of society by USA ruling group.
USA ruling group vertical cuts American society according to race, color, gender, etc. Let them fight with each other to maintain the stability of their rule. In fact, American society is transverse cut according to wealth and capital.
The biggest discrimination suffered by Americans comes from their ruling group, and the root of American decline also comes from the greed of the ruling group.
I understand you want to stir up conflict between Asians and blacks. In fact, it is wrong to blame racism on blacks, Latinos and even whites and AWSP. The perpetrators of racism are on Wall Street, in the White House and on Capitol Hill.
One day, the false impression forged by the American chaebol group will be pierced by the change of the world.

This US democratic government don't work for its people, they are purchased by the lobbyist which is the ruling group in power. They will direct policies that will secure their interest and bring further wealth disparity under the false pretense of "democracy and freedom" within its population and globally. And with this "freedom and democracy" that has been recycled over and over, they have managed to lit Middle East on fire.
So why do you start a thread with this rosy US complexion? Nobody wants the bombastic lewd Democracy you claim in the USA.

Maybe to offset all the posts by Asians that the US is the land of racist white boogeyman people that you should be afraid of...EXACTLY the initial fears shown by these three Chinese-Canadians when they first were making the video.

The three then came to the conclusion that everything is completely overblown...at least towards Chinese Asians.

I like how when they are in the Chinese restaurant in the "most racist town" and the Chinese waitress was wondering what the hell they were talking about when they asked about racism.
No, the root of racism comes from the vertical cutting of society by USA ruling group.
USA ruling group vertical cuts American society according to race, color, gender, etc. Let them fight with each other to maintain the stability of their rule. In fact, American society is transverse cut according to wealth and capital.
The biggest discrimination suffered by Americans comes from their ruling group, and the root of American decline also comes from the greed of the ruling group.
I understand you want to stir up conflict between Asians and blacks. In fact, it is wrong to blame racism on blacks, Latinos and even whites and AWSP. The perpetrators of racism are on Wall Street, in the White House and on Capitol Hill.
One day, the false impression forged by the American chaebol group will be pierced by the change of the world.

The real real real problem is you need a college degree to work in most white-collar jobs in corporate America because IQ tests of applicants was deemed discriminatory by Liberal black leaders back in ~1971. This forced the hands of companies to look for an alternative screening process. Degrees were it (as they are race neutral)...and doomed many segments of society.

If you don't have a degree you basically are forced to start your own business or work a blue-collar job probably as an hourly employee/contractor (with less benefits).

So if you don't do well in school (or..ahem..treat as a joke) and don't go to college you have already given yourself a serious job/quality of life handicap. To top it off if you get convicted of a crime companies wont hire you because they pull your records.

Now add off-shoring of manufacturing jobs.

These roadblocks are causing a portion of society to not "make it" and falling into poverty/crime.
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This US democratic government don't work for its people, they are purchased by the lobbyist which is the ruling group in power. They will direct policies that will secure their interest and bring further wealth disparity under the false pretense of "democracy and freedom" within its population and globally. And with this "freedom and democracy" that has been recycled over and over, they have managed to lit Middle East on fire.
The real real real problem is you need a college degree to work in most white-collar jobs in corporate America because IQ tests of applicants was deemed discriminatory by Liberal black leaders back in ~1971. This forced the hands of companies to look for an alternative screening process. Degrees were it (as they are race neutral)...and doomed many segments of society.

If you don't have a degree you basically are forced to start your own business or work a blue-collar job probably as an hourly employee/contractor (with less benefits).

So if you don't do well in school (or..ahem..treat as a joke) and don't go to college you have already given yourself a serious job/quality of life handicap. To top it off if you get convicted of a crime companies wont hire you because they pull your records.

Now add off-shoring of manufacturing jobs.

These roadblocks are causing a portion of society to not "make it" and falling into poverty/crime.

What is the country? The country is a tool. The country is the tool used by the ruling group to rule the ruled group.
If you are not the ruling group, no matter what color you are, you will be discriminated against.

All the problems in USA stem from the greed of the ruling group. The greed of pharmaceutical companies has brought health care problems, the greed of arms companies has brought gun violence, the greed of multinational enterprises has increased the unemployment rate in USA, and so on.
people usually hide it well but stressful or confrontational situations like a roadrage can bring out their inner racists
What is the country? The country is a tool. The country is the tool used by the ruling group to rule the ruled group.
If you are not the ruling group, no matter what color you are, you will be discriminated against.

Is that why CCP leaders lived well for decades while they kept peasants poor and stagnant in the countryside while much of the rest of the world enjoyed an increasing standard of living?

Tell me how the typical Chinese person's life improved from 1945 to before say 1980 when much of the world is enjoying electricity, heat, A/C, supermarkets, big shopping centers, and cars...and they are in the fields behind an oxen team.
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That is just stupid. Why would you visit somewhere that you are surely going to be discriminated against? I believe the best way against racism is to let the racists rot in their own enclave.
No, the root of racism comes from the vertical cutting of society by USA ruling group.
USA ruling group vertical cuts American society according to race, color, gender, etc. Let them fight with each other to maintain the stability of their rule. In fact, American society is transverse cut according to wealth and capital.
The biggest discrimination suffered by Americans comes from their ruling group, and the root of American decline also comes from the greed of the ruling group.
I understand you want to stir up conflict between Asians and blacks. In fact, it is wrong to blame racism on blacks, Latinos and even whites and AWSP. The perpetrators of racism are on Wall Street, in the White House and on Capitol Hill.
One day, the false impression forged by the American chaebol group will be pierced by the change of the world.
Nonsense. The root of racism comes from the fear of unknown and unfamiliar. It is a part of human nature.
That is just stupid. Why would you visit somewhere that you are surely going to be discriminated against?

They wanted to see if was true..and happily found out it was not. Oddly they found it a lot easier to go there than people have trying to go to Xinjiang..
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