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David Cameron: Britain Will Never Surrender The Falkland Islands

Okay well whatever, the only way the islands will become Argentine diplomatically and peacefully is if the islanders vote to become Argentine. Putting a blockade on them will not help matters. Not to mention the 1982 invasion.

britain will feed lies and propaganda as usual to its people. they will surrender in due course when america falls ie the us dollar hits the tipping point, prob in the next 10 years or so and the argies will just pick the islands up just a matter of time
The imperial powers always bully the weakling and fear the strong tough one.

Back then, KMT also asked Britain to return HK in favor of the rescue in Myanmar against Japanese, but Mr.Churchill asked Chiang Kai-Shek to fck off because KMT was so weak.

Now regarding CCP, see how lady Thatcher felt so depressed after facing a true tough one.

you have been blessed CT with a fine mind staright to the heart of the matter
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britain will feed lies and propaganda as usual to its people. they will surrender in due course when america falls ie the us dollar hits the tipping point, prob in the next 10 years or so and the argies will just pick the islands up just a matter of time

The only one who is full of propaganda and BS, you are blind and cannot see that if they wanted to be apart of Argentina then they would have done it years ago, the only thing argentina is going to get next time is a nice whooping.
Even north ireland had to struggle for so many years to earn their right.
you have been blessed CT with a fine mind staright to the heart of the matter

She acted so tough with Argentina, but so soft with China.

So you can see the difference here.

Today we also have the territorial disputes with other nations, but if those nations believe that we would give up our territorial sovereignty because we fear the war, then they are deadly wrong on this one.

Even a weaker China from 1980s won't hesitate to take HK back with force if Britain refused to give away, today's China will even have much more determination to protect its sovereignty against the foreign intruders.
I live in the land of whites and I know their propaganda they will hold on till the last minute and in due course when they keep shrinking in power give up the falklands

dont forget wmd in iraq brit govt lied

dont forget maijority of brits didnt want war and their were millions on the streets demonstrating against war. But the small number of people with vested interest who control uk went to war.

Guys its like they call themselves a democracy but 80% of the people in this country didnt vote or voted against cameron

How do we know who or what the falkend islanders voted for? were the argentinians able to put a case to them?
britain will feed lies and propaganda as usual to its people. they will surrender in due course when america falls ie the us dollar hits the tipping point, prob in the next 10 years or so and the argies will just pick the islands up just a matter of time
And what propaganda is this? Give me some examples.
Even north ireland had to struggle for so many years to earn their right.

it was a religious struggle on Ireland, in the end North Ireland stayed with the UK.

---------- Post added at 04:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:24 PM ----------

I live in the land of whites and I know their propaganda they will hold on till the last minute and in due course when they keep shrinking in power give up the falklands

dont forget wmd in iraq brit govt lied

dont forget maijority of brits didnt want war and their were millions on the streets demonstrating against war. But the small number of people with vested interest who control uk went to war.

Guys its like they call themselves a democracy but 80% of the people in this country didnt vote or voted against cameron

If you hate living in the UK return to Pakistan.
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