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Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

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Nice article and you definitely should do an english version, especially of the second part that explains the differences in the blocks, tranches... As you said, it's a complex matter and you could create a nice reference here in english and available in the public media.
The first part of the article is a bit too negative though, you point to production problems of a certain company, or spare procurement problems of certain forces, but both are not really quality problems of the fighter itself. Just as the extended use of Tornados is based on the fact that they can use Brimstone and not because the EF isn't capable enough to do CAS in general.
It might had been better to point to the range limits of the EF with a single fuel tank and 2 x cruise missiles (most likely funded with Saudi support), or that the partner countries still haven't decided about a fully fledged AESA development, to point out the real shortcomings of the fighter.

Wrt FCAS, very interesting! Imo the new Franco-British defence relations will definitely boost Europes defence capability, simply by the fact that old nationalistic ego problems between both countries seems to be gone and now both sides focus on the common areas. Dassaults move towards BAE was a very smart one, which poses a counterweight to Airbus and since France gets an alternative industrial option (independent from Germany and their interests), this new formation will get good government support too.
The problems in European defence developments are still the old habits to see each partner country as equal or important and to focus too much on national interests and varients. That's why the EF program has so many different leading partners, different prototype testing and production parts and if France wouldn't had backed out of the program for exactly these issues, it would had been even more complicated. It is simply not easy to join defence interests, or political and economical importance in such programs, unless there is at least 1 clear leader. That's what works better in the F35 program, where the US is the clear leader that provides partners with some workshare, but keeps decision making in house. The nEUROn development is similar, where Dassault is the key driver, while other European partners have supporting roles. If FCAS is lead by France and UK (Dassault and BAE) and just supported by other partners, it could have good potential, but then again a UCAV for Europe will not be a large number program and especially Germany will not be too interested in joining a development of an armed version. However, for Europes future combat capability, an armed UCAV is a must have and France as well as the UK must focus on their interests here.

Definitely. Marte missile is what is commonly heard from the horse mouth, but no clue. Air to Sea iimplementation is a big radar software challenge.

Any news on Qatari requirements for Rafale wrt maritime attack capabilities? Are they using Exocet currently, or do they want other missiles if Rafale would be selected?
I will definitely change the first part if i write an "international version" ;)
About Qatar, no clue, sorry. There were persistent rumours recently about Egypt btw... But thses are just rumours.
Twelve AASM bombs to destroy "a complex Daech


Here is the statement from the EMA on the raid against two Rafale "complex Daech for both manufacturing plant bombs and center of recruitment, training and terrorist training"

On the evening of October 23, 2014, the force Shamal participated in an air raid by coalition against a complex logistics Daech south of Mosul, in the Kirkuk area. The information collected by the coalition since the beginning of the operation helped to plan a bombing mission against a strategic site of the terrorist organization Al Hawijah area, 250 km north of Baghdad.
At about 20:30 pm (Paris), a patrol Rafale, each armed with six AASM bombs (1) and equipped with Damocles pod, issued twelve AASM (modular air-to-ground weapons) on the lens. This air raid which involved our allies helped to destroy a complex Daech for both manufacturing plant bombs and center of recruitment, education and training terrorists. This was complemented by simultaneous strikes our allies on two other strategic sites Daech, carrying a heavy blow to their logistics.
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so First use of AASM in iraq
^^^ Entirely agreed but this was a solicitation so that the interest was sincere even if Egypt is a bit all over the map in mili procurement and came before the line of credit opened by Saudi Arabia with recommendation to buy French post-anti-Morsi "coup".

But yes, by now meaningless as Rafale export plans are concerned unless reiterated.
History tidbit.

Good day all, Tay.
UAE, Egypt, Rafale and Mirage 2000-9s (35 credits)
Posted on: Thu, Oct 23, 2014
Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Commander of the UAE Armed Forces General Sheikh Mohammad Bin Zayed Al Nahyan is said to have sent a delegate to Egypt to meet with Egyptian Defence Minister General Sidqi Sobhi on the Emirati Mirage 2000-9s and Egyptian plans to buy the Rafale. The following 428-word report sheds light on the meeting and tells what about the outcome. [Partly reproduced in Tactical Weekly (Issue No 21/43 – October 24, 2014)]
Considering it is coming from tactical reports (and a similar "agency") in Egypt, to me it is just rumours. Th egyptian also talked about SU-35.
An old article but great info about GaN T/R modules & AESA radar ofcourse relating to EUROPE





Considering it is coming from tactical reports (and a similar "agency") in Egypt, to me it is just rumours. Th egyptian also talked about SU-35.

Not to mention that a lot of politics will play a role there. The US are desperate to retain control, the Russians to gain more, China to get a hold in the area and the Israelis surely won't be happy with Rafales that can be used against them, while UAE would be a political asset for France/Dassault to sell the M2K9s.
By the time India finally completes the deal, and the last Rafale is inducted into the IAF.....it would be an obsolete fighter.
By the time India finally completes the deal, and the last Rafale is inducted into the IAF.....it would be an obsolete fighter.

Not possible, since the 2 fighters we shortlisted are the most modern and with the most future potential. Not to mention that we hopefully will integrate some customizations to further improve capabilities. In fact, any of the 2 will be the backbone of IAF in future, replacing MKI on many missions, because they are more cost-effective to operate or offer technical advantages, while being the perfect counterpart to the FGFA as well. With FGFA and AURA at the top end but in specific roles and with less amounts of flying hours, we need a capable 4.5th gen fighter for the bulk of the operations.
By the time India finally completes the deal, and the last Rafale is inducted into the IAF.....it would be an obsolete fighter.

it will be better to have rafale as a bison compared to having mig21s as bisons.

if you know what i mean. look at m2ks.
MoD to speed up Typhoon upgrade for Iraq campaign

The Ministry of Defence wants to speed up putting precision-guided Brimstone missiles on RAF Typhoon jets because the campaign against Isil has exposed Britain's shortage of ground attack jets

...The MoD is now in talks to speed up the upgrade, but defence analysts say it could still be 2017 before the Typhoons are ready...

MoD to speed up Typhoon upgrade for Iraq campaign - Telegraph
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