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Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

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yes btw minister of Foreign affairs and president will also talk to him, but in the afternoon. he is sensed to represent indian pm.

French Rafale carrying a 300 kilotonnes nuclear warhead
India Agreement for Tokyo with the purchase of military aircraft
Tuesday, January 28, 2014 7:45 p.m.

NEW DELHI, Jan. 28 (Reuters) - Japan is close to an agreement with India to provide emergency amphibious aircraft, according to official Indian sources, while Tokyo aims to strengthen bilateral cooperation on funds tensions with China.

India would be willing to acquire 15 aircraft US-2i products by manufacturer ShinMaywa Industries for a total of at least $ 1.65 billion based on a price of about $ 110 million, according these sources.

"This is a strategic imperative for both parties and it was approved at the highest level by the two governments," said an Indian military source.

With this agreement, Japan would make its first export of military equipment from the embargo on arms sales that was imposed on itself in 1967 and it has eased in 2011. However it is a civilian version would be delivered, including private, according to another Indian military source, the friend-foe identification system.

The two countries had set up last May a joint working group to study the possible acquisition. It will meet in March to consider an assembly of equipment in India

In the field of combat aircraft, the French aircraft manufacturer Dassault Aviation has entered into exclusive negotiations with New Delhi in January 2012 to provide 126 Rafale, an estimated $ 15 billion (€ 11 billion) giant command still to be finalized. (Sanjeev Miglani, Marc Joanny for the French service, edited by Dominique Rodriguez)

© Thomson Reuters 2014 All rights reserved.

Did i read Reuters estimation of half what so called indian media reported???

HAL team’s visit to Dassault facilities in France on hold

New Delhi: The visit by a HAL team to Dassault facilities in France has been put on hold amid efforts by the government to verify the linkages between AgustaWestland's parent firm Finmecannica and other European defence companies. The defence ministry earlier this month scrapped a deal with AgustaWestland for procuring 12 VVIP choppers after charging it with breaching contractual obligations.

A high-level team of HAL was scheduled to visit France to visit the facilities of the Rafale fighter jet as part of the ongoing negotiations between the two sides for jointly producing the aircraft but it was cancelled at the last moment, said defence ministry sources in New Delhi.

The HAL team was also scheduled to meet other aerospace companies such as Eurocopter and Turbomeca for exploring potential to work on ongoing and future projects, they said. The visit has been put on hold at a time when after cancelling the VVIP chopper deal,

India is verifying linkages between European firms and the Finmecannica group.

The French firm Dassault Aviation was selected by India to supply 126 Rafale combat aircraft to the Indian Air Force as part of its Medium-Multirole Combat Aircraft (MMRCA) deal expected to be worth over Rs 60,000 crore. India and France are holding negotiations on commercial aspects of the deal and have had differences on several points, including the work share for Reliance Industries Limited in the project. HAL has to produce 108 of the 126 Rafale aircraft in India as the lead integrator in the project while 18 aircraft would be supplied directly by the company from its facilities in France.

After scrapping AgustaWestland's contract to supply choppers, the defence ministry has also barred Finmecannica and its five other group companies from taking part in its military exhibition Defexpo-2014 in New Delhi. Proposals to procure equipment from its group companies have also been put on hold including one to buy heavy-weight torpedos from WASS to equip the under construction Scorpene submarines in Mumbai. The defence ministry has also initiated a process to blacklist the Anglo-Italian firm and is holding consultations with law ministry and CBI in this regard before taking a final decision. PTI

HAL team’s visit to Dassault facilities in France on hold | Firstpost

I don know why the hell Sir Anthony Does nt want to expedite the ordering and gng round and round over this deal... How is Dassault linked with this ??? :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:

If anyone can shed some light , it will be helpful
Asked... Prolly BS, awaiting for an answer.

Most likely, the article just link the 2 issues with eachother, but doesn't give any real reasons, in fact it doesn't even say who cancelled the trip, just that (unnamed sources :what:) in the MoD had stated it. So wait and see, a lot of BS in the media these days.
Google translated:

Visit Le Drian Merignac: Major advances for the Rafale, but not that ...

Visit on January 10 important sites of the French defense industry, the defense minister Jean Yves Le Drian is especially made for Dassault Aviation in Merignac for a visit to the charge before delivery of the contract development of a new standard Rafale and the signing of a defense pact SMEs. The portal aviation enthusiasts attended the meeting, and we will deliver here all the information we have gained from this rich morning...

...The new standard F3R, and future updates

The new standard F3R includes studies and tests related to the integration of the new European Meteor long-range missile, and the integration of the new laser designation pod being developed by Thales. Will be added to the new Mode 5 / S IFF (identification friend or foe), improvements in Radar RBE2 and also adding or improving features Spectra electronic warfare system.
Upstream of study programs (EAP) and Incas Tragedac will not be included in this standard, but in a future, making more important day intervene for the big improvement Rafale mid-life, around 2020. These preliminary studies programs also confirm that the burst program is still actively being developed. We return to these PEA in a dedicated section.
The development of standard F3R should come to an end in five years, for an expected mid 2018 qualification. The update is mainly about software, all airplanes in a park in the Air Force and the Navy...

By cons, we will not know the exact content of the updated electronic warfare system, the Rafale, the SPECTRA. I ventured to ask whether the program would DEDIRA party standard F3R, I did not get a direct answer. At best I will learn it flies and works well, my partner of the day it will just more of a mischievous smile says it all ... while staying in the most total blur. DEDIRA is revealed in Air & Cosmos, to reduce the radar signature of the aircraft program. If the demonstrator program flies, then it can not be shipped on board the B301, which had also made a journey on the road to carry out some tests to test the DGA Bruz center. Coincidence? Other indiscretions military had helped establish almost with certainty the existence of a so-called "active cancellation" feature that allows the Rafale to evade the opponent detection based on the capabilities of Spectra. If DEDIRA program actually flying on Rafale and the B301 development with no change in visual order, active anulation Rafale is something that can then be more or less confirmed as at least being studied .

Rafale production

During his speech, the minister recalled that the current military planning law covering the current period up to 2019 will be the acquisition by France only 26 Rafale. Gie Rafale can not produce less than 11 Rafale per year, the rest of the production is a big thirty Rafale will be sold for export. Le Drian said that 2014 is a year where it will be totally unrealistic to expect a signature of a first contract. First client referred, India. Then come the "Gulf" countries, to spare their susceptibility are not mentioned in public by the authorities. Yet they are clearly identified, with two large prospects, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates...

le portail des passionnés de l'aviation: Visite de Le Drian à Mérignac : Des avancées majeures pour le Rafale, mais pas que...
Is this deal on or off. WE ARE GETTING rather mixed signals from all sources in media
Is this deal on or off. WE ARE GETTING rather mixed signals from all sources in media
wat do you expect... this is a deal that can change military balance of the region...
so everybody is dng their bit...
God is gr8888 my *** this is what we r all wting for, mr chutiya antony is the most disgusted DM ever:hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:
Major Indian procurements delayed until after general election, say officials - IHS Jane's 360
can u plz comfirm it
Techincally GOI cant take major financial decisions after the code of conduct is active. So the decisions that will not be taken before Feb will most likely to be going for next GOI.
If Price escalation of 100% is true then most probably next govt will take decision on that.
when is code of condut active exactly?
And no 100% cost is false (checked in France aswell as shiv aroor did in india)

@jiki last time i talked with a Dassault executive (about ten days ago) they still hoped a sigature before elections
when is code of condut active exactly?
And no 100% cost is false (checked in France aswell as shiv aroor did in india)

@jiki last time i talked with a Dassault executive (about ten days ago) they still hoped a sigature before elections
Code of conduct will be active in late Feb or early March.
Even I believe the 100% increase is a BS but cant say it for sure.
Dassault is playing unnecessary hard ball. Its dangerous for deal. With Reliance in equation the scenario after the elections will be a whole new game.
There are some views in political circle that if a change in guard happens in New Delhi the deal may nt go thru citing too many stringent conditions and cost (not what media has reported). The so called some back up plan envisions more indigenous (read LCA variants) and direct off the shelf purchase to bolster up squadron reduction strength seen with retirement of Mig 21 and Mig 27 and stalling of up-gradation of Jaguars...

I believe Dassault/French Government and MOD/HAL should seal up the deal asap.. Both sides needs the deal.. The more the delay is, there can be shocker for all in store with deal cancellation to many other surprises..

BTW @halloweene , m hearing that both Russia and UK are offering some new deal talks.. Russia it seems had offered a packaged deal of Super Sukhois, Su35 and later FGFA with TOT which can be fitted to the MKIs and Su35 later. Its still lying in cold storage as no where in media it has been reported. The surprise os SU35 at very low cost of offering to offset high cost of FGFA had MOD surprised..... UK is still pursuing back channel talks and offered MOD to look at what best it seeks from UK Defense industry which can be coupled together as being second lowest bidder in MMRCA. Both these is directly from horse's mouth who is working closely with Mr Anthony. So far both these ideas are just kept warm for possible back up strategies which now IAF chief had come to know a month back and had begun to push MOD for either Dassault or backup action. Mr Anthony is nt pursuing any of backup deals atm as both UPA chairperson and VP are clear that L1 bid won fairly by Dassault shud be given the fair chance to complete the deal. But then you nvr know, elections can make them take 180 degree turn as nothin is signed as of now.
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