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Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

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The problems of India and Pakistan are :
India is very rich but the Rafale deal is now got stuck. They are rich but indecisive(most time taken as cash cow).
Pakistan's economy is in very bad shape but she has very much firm determination to go for J10B.
Both are painful but can't help.

The advantage of China is we are both rich and decisive.

As Pakistan is with China side, so money is not always a detrimental problem.

When the first Rafale arrives India in year 2018, PLA might probably have more than 100 J10B in its service. The gap is getting wide and wide. If Indians want the game continue runing, damn sign the Rafale contract.

Don't let the game loose its fun.

Looks like reliance wil get a finger in the massive MMRCA pie when india signs the contract.

IM GLAD that private companies are beginning to play in military affairs it wil help indian military in future.

I want to see future LCA TEJAS programme to shared with private players too
DRDO is the last resort you should go for, India need many new competitors joining the game.
The problems of India and Pakistan are :
India is very rich but the Rafale deal is now got stuck. They are rich but indecisive(most time taken as cash cow).
Pakistan's economy is in very bad shape but she has very much firm determination to go for J10B.
Both are painful but can't help.

The advantage of China is we are both rich and decisive.

As Pakistan is with China side, so money is not always a detrimental problem.

When the first Rafale arrives India in year 2018, PLA might probably have more than 100 J10B in its service. The gap is getting wide and wide. If Indians want the game continue runing, damn sign the Rafale contract.

Don't let the game loose its fun.
Weren't you were crying about the engines in that thread :woot:

If money isn't a problem why not your great CPC just donate 30 billion to Pakistan so their economy can me jump started ..... Or you really don't want to help them.

Yes gap is widening day by day so is the list of anti-China countries. So summation is not going to change too much ;)
Weren't you were crying about the engines in that thread :woot:

If money isn't a problem why not your great CPC just donate 30 billion to Pakistan so their economy can me jump started ..... Or you really don't want to help them.

Yes gap is widening day by day so is the list of anti-China countries. So summation is not going to change too much ;)
India included in anti-China list? Most Pakistan members in this forum say they will count n their own for its dignity.

I respect their decision.

Bhi Sergi, China support India buys Rafale cause The arm race just begins.

Let's see who is the boss in the end.
@sancho What's data link capability coming with Rafael. Is it your own Indian data link would be installed or the french one which would be most probably Link 16. If it's later, than how would you data link Rafael fleet with rest of the fleet?
@sancho What's data link capability coming with Rafael. Is it your own Indian data link would be installed or the french one which would be most probably Link 16. If it's later, than how would you data link Rafael fleet with rest of the fleet?

I will let @sancho clarify more, but Rafale will use Link 16 for its internal data links.
@sancho What's data link capability coming with Rafael. Is it your own Indian data link would be installed or the french one which would be most probably Link 16. If it's later, than how would you data link Rafael fleet with rest of the fleet?

Rafale in IAF will not use Link 16, since it's not compatible with IAFs systems, so there will be an own or customized system that will be added, just like we for other foreign aircrafts. The M2K upgrade will show us more about the config that Rafale for IAF might have in future, be it on data links, EW, LDPs, or weapons (most likely also HMS).
Rafale in IAF will not use Link 16, since it's not compatible with IAFs systems, so there will be an own or customized system that will be added, just like we for other foreign aircrafts. The M2K upgrade will show us more about the config that Rafale for IAF might have in future, be it on data links, EW, LDPs, or weapons (most likely also HMS).

Sancho, while it talks to PODs, Missile guidance and intrenal core activities I guess it will use Link 16 as these internal systems are in built with that data link. However for external communication while talking other fighters, radars etc, it will use a pulg in for link 16 to get to the indian link.
Sancho, while it talks to PODs, Missile guidance and intrenal core activities I guess it will use Link 16 as these internal systems are in built with that data link. However for external communication while talking other fighters, radars etc, it will use a pulg in for link 16 to get to the indian link.

Wouldn't that limit it to weapons that are compatible to Link 16 only, while Brahmos mini, other Russian or Indian weapons, might not be useful?
Not directly related to MMRCA anymore, but still interesting and possibly a good point for us in the negotiations with Dassault:

Saab wins Brazil's F-X2 fighter contest with Gripen NG

Brazil has selected the Saab Gripen E/F for the 36 aircraft F-X2 requirement to replace its air force's older combat types.

With an acquisition cost in the region of $4.5 billion, the Gripens will replace the Dassault Mirage 2000C fighters operated by the 1st Air Defence Group and a number of the modernised Northrop F-5EMs in four other Air Force squadrons.

The long-awaited announcement was made on 18 December by Brazilian defence minister Celso Amorim and Brazilian air force Chief Gen Juniti Saito.

The decision was driven by aircraft performance, transfer of technology and low through-life costs, according to the officials...

Saab wins Brazil's F-X2 fighter contest with Gripen NG
Wouldn't that limit it to weapons that are compatible to Link 16 only, while Brahmos mini, other Russian or Indian weapons, might not be useful?

Brahmos mini will never come to Rafale simply because of the fact that it cant carry that weight. Russian weapons will never come for the same reason too!!...what else did you think bro? they will integrate russian BVRRAMS with Rafale?

M 2000 H upgrade to full dash 5 includes JTIDS
India’s Fighter Upgrades: Mirage 2000s Finally Get a Deal
Joint Tactical Information Distribution System - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Which is fully Link 16 compatible. It can be delivered with or without L-16 and/or upgraded later.

Good day all, Tay.
tay you should speak more on logical lines is what I feel..
Brahmos mini will never come to Rafale simply because of the fact that it cant carry that weight. Russian weapons will never come for the same reason too!!...what else did you think bro? they will integrate russian BVRRAMS with Rafale?

That's not correct, Brahmos mini is aimed on 1500Kg, and Rafale has at least 3 x hardpoints that can carry even higher loads (2000l fuel in sub sonic fuel tanks), so weight is not an issue. I don't expect other Russian weapons either, but Indian weapons could be and why would we develop the recently planned anti radiation missile to be compatible with any NATO data links, I don't even expect Astra will be aimed on such a capability and IF there ever will be a Ramjet version of the missile, it surely will be added to our Rafales too, therefor the main aim will be on an Indian data link system that suits our requirements. If that however will be a modified French one, or the one that we develop with the Israelis needs to be seen.
tay you should speak more on logical lines is what I feel..

I must be too obtuse, Dash mate, for I do not comprehend the meaning of your advice?
1 link to contract content + 1 to implied material with specs seemed logical enough?
Don't hesitate to complete your suggestion here or maybe by way of PM, Tay.
That's not correct, Brahmos mini is aimed on 1500Kg, and Rafale has at least 3 x hardpoints that can carry even higher loads (2000l fuel in sub sonic fuel tanks), so weight is not an issue. I don't expect other Russian weapons either, but Indian weapons could be and why would we develop the recently planned anti radiation missile to be compatible with any NATO data links, I don't even expect Astra will be aimed on such a capability and IF there ever will be a Ramjet version of the missile, it surely will be added to our Rafales too, therefor the main aim will be on an Indian data link system that suits our requirements. If that however will be a modified French one, or the one that we develop with the Israelis needs to be seen.

My doubt is that modifying link 16 to Indian link for internal links will be a big task, if they can let them, else for couple of Indian systems plug-ins will do.

and sorry, you are right about the mini, rafale can carry that in stand off strike mode.and thats a big thing!!
Just a little point, whch may solve some issues. F3R is a SOFTWARE standard, fully retrofittable to previous standards...
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