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Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

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GOOD GOD another thread. ITS EXCITING but god lets get this done TODAY PLZ
If price is the primary factor in Indian decision making, then France is winning this one. While both fighter's are on par with anything other than F-22, the Eurofighter will prove to be more expensive and not really required for the Indian scenario.
Will they tell the price of the aircraft today which they choose to buy ( meaning that lowest bids of both the competitors are revealed to the media ) ? or its just that the winner is being announced ? :undecided:
what are the odds for both the fighters? which one is bookies favourite? I hope there is no last moment flight fixing!!:lol:
Will they tell the price of the aircraft today which they choose to buy ( meaning that lowest bids of both the competitors are revealed to the media ) ? or its just that the winner is being announced ? :undecided:

Neither..the bids will be opened today..it will take 15 days to figure out the entire pricing (airplane cost, weapons cost, upgrade cost). Then a couple of months of bargaining..and then the result.
PAF are no position to reject $100m fighter planes

They are flying obselete F7 & MIRAGES which is 30 year old technology in 75% of the time.

They are replacing these with low cost budget THUNDERS costing $20m each ie a fraction of the cost

They are not in position to buy luxury high end fighters like typhoon or rafale

Its not bout money, Its bout need. Pakistan is surrounded by weak countries.
In East lies India which never attacked on pakistan.
In south They have ocean, No country (Except USA) will attack them from south.
In west They have Iran and Afghanistan, two Islamin countries which will never attack on Pakistan.
In North lies Ex-Soviet countries and china, who never gonna attack on pakistan in next 2000 years...

So in nut shell, they don't need expensive machine, Pakistani govt will use the money to build infrastructure...
so who is winner? today is mighty friday god damn 04-11-2011 as per they will open bids. i think bids are so tight they can't open them :lol:
They will start opening the bids today....when they will finish....Nobody knows..
Probably when they finish the MMRCA bidding process both Eurofighter and Rafael will already be in the Museum ;)
I cant imagine the intensity of FIRST TROLL WORLD WAR waiting to happen here at PDF once the winner is declared. :D:D:D:D:D:D:D

but I m still excited to read all the BS that would come up here

and i am planing to leave for a week after mmrca win i don't damn wanna ban :enjoy:
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