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Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions [Thread 2]

You might want to check how often he, or other French government officials visited India since the election last year and what effect these visits had on the MMRCA deal. This is just political support, but French government has no leverage over Dassault, which was pretty evident in the UAE as well, where they were even pretty angry about Dassaults behaviour. This deal is stuck on Dassault taking responsibility till the last fighter is delivered or not and that is only up to Dassault to decide. If they say no, it's up to the Indian government to reject it or not and that's all that we are talking about now.

IMO here you can see the difference between dealing with the French government and Dassault!

The Egypt deal is largly negotiated and done by the French Government, not only by giving the guarantees for the loans, but also by diverting Rafale orders for the French forces, to Egypt. They don't have to talk to Dassault for that and since the deal does not include any ToT, or industrial benefits from Dassault, the OEM is pretty much unimportant to fix this deal. This however is not comparable to the Brazilian, UAE and of course the Indian deal, where Dassault is the key, no matter how much good will comes from the French government.
Egypt gives the French Government not only the possibility to save some money in the current budget, by selling the Rafales to Egypt, but also to support Sagem and keep their AASM production line open with orders from Egypt, let alone the additional orders for DCNS with the Fremm. It's a big win for French Government, but just a little one for Dassault, it actually even creates a problem for Dassault, since now they might not be able to provide the 1 x squadron for India or Qatar till the end of 2017 as they planned earlier and depending on how the production line will change now.

Self delete.. sorry mate. My post was meant for someone else. :(

Egypt deal
  • The Rafale, frigate and missiles will be covered by specific contracts rather than a global contract, the first official said.
  • Egypt will pay for half of the total deal using its own funds, with the other half financed by bank loans, the official said.
  • The bank loans will be insured by Coface, the French state-backed export credit guarantee department, the official said. That 50:50 ratio of payment reflects the guidance set by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.
  • The Coface insurance means the French government would repay banks and manufacturers if Egypt fell into payment problems on the loans.
  • The size of the down payments would differ for the fighters, frigate and missiles as the amount depends on whether the platform is built. As the Normandie frigate is built, the down payment would be larger than the standard 15 percent.
  • BNP Paribas, Credit Agricole and Societé Générale are the banks raising the bank loans for the Egypt contracts, French media have reported.
  • Source: In France, Relief Over Rafale Sale to Egypt

If you give liberal terms like these, with semi guarantee of 50% payment by French government in case Egypt fails to pay what it shows is simply the desperation of Dassault to sell Rafale urgently. Strangely, why this desperation is not seen versus India where contract is potentially 126+63 vs 24 implying almost 8 times size with sizeable TOT as well as a second line at HAL giving benefit of supplying assurance in case of Nato pressures also (specifically counters all future issues in the category of Mistral fallout where bcz of Nato pressures France did not hand over Mistral to Russia).

I can clearly spell it out that these types of terms wont be repeated again and again. This move is only to shift France own commitment of buying rafale and rescheduling it via Egypt deal so that its outflow gets limited and still say "we are committed to Rafale"

I also feel by selling arms to Egypt Dassault is trying its best to pep up that entire region to see who else can buy from them asap.

After reading various sources and full colored views of Russian media and false marketing as well as a propaganda warfare with offerings of anything and everything, France and particularly Dassault needs to wake up badly. Thats all i can say. Hopefully today we may hope to see a more positive approach.. and hints of whats in store. If only Dassault acts a bit smartly, the twin benefits to both nation seems immense.

What is your point here? Of course Dassault would want to sell as many as possible.

The lenient deal with Egypt could be as its the first sale. They want to make sure this sale happens so that France can attract more buyers. Whats wrong in that?

French will not let the Indian deal go. Its too big a deal and there is a question of reputation of their product as well that is at stake.
Livefist @livefist · 55m55 minutes ago
Sources: Crucial issue of liability for 108 aircraft, choice: joint liability with HAL or Dassault gets supervisory access to HAL line.
Livefist @livefist · 2h2 hours ago
Sources: Asked if a conclusion was likely before PM Modi's Paris visit in April, Indian side reiterated March final decision window.
Livefist @livefist · 2h2 hours ago
Sources: French Defence Minister was assured that due process was being followed, negotiations committee report would be final word. 2/3
Livefist @livefist · 2h2 hours ago
MoD sources: French Defence Minister delegation informed that a decision on Rafale will be taken by end of March at the latest. #MMRCA 1/3
Livefist @livefist · 3h3 hours ago
Fine little Rafale vs Flanker dogfight playing out in the Indian press. Be sure it'll get more intense. Everyone primed.
Livefist @livefist · 6h6 hours ago
Talks between Indian & French defence min 'positive', my sources tell me. Awaiting specifics. All involved justifiably tight-lipped. #MMRCA

Rafale Deal on Track, PM Modi to Take Final Call
Rafale Deal on Track, PM Modi to Take Final Call

NEW DELHI: French Defence Minister Jean-Yves Le Drain and his Indian counterpart Manohar Parrikar appear to have sorted out one of the key issues holding up the estimated $15 billion deal to buy 126 Rafale fighter jets for the Indian Air Force. A final decision is expected to be taken before Prime Minister Narendra Modi before his visit to France in April.

The deal, billed by some as one of biggest defence procurement by any country in a long time, has been on hold for almost a year over the issue of producing the planes here.

Of the 126 jets, 18 are to be purchased ready-made from France. The rest are to be manufactured by the Bengaluru-based Defence Public Sector Unit Hindustan Aeronautics Limited as part of the government's initiative for defence manufacturing in India.

The French defence manufacturing giant Dassault was hesitant to guarantee the quality of the jets produced in India, since it does not control the process. More importantly, Dassault estimates that the jets can be produced faster, with fewer man hours, than calculated by HAL, which can keep the cost down.

HAL has countered that Indian labour isn't as productive as in France and also, the level of automation here is less.

Senior Defence Ministry Officials told NDTV the first issue - that of guaranteeing the quality of aircraft produced in India - has been settled. India has given Dassault the option of physically inspecting the jets and guaranteeing the quality. Alternatively, Dassault is free to take a counter-guarantee from HAL on the process and quality of inputs.

The second issue - the man hours and the cost -- is now between the two companies to sort out. It will be reflected in the report of the crucial Cost Negotiating Committee, which will be submitted to the ministry shortly.

Mr Parrikar recently said he would not want to comment on the progress of the deal since it could influence the report.

India had decided to buy the Medium Multi-Role Combat Aircraft in 2012 over rival offers from the United States, Europe and Russia. The deal was initially worth $12 billion but is now estimated to have jumped to around $15 billion.

Good news. So i guess by April 2015 PM Modi will announce Deal Completion with Rafale and Contract signing plus initial amount transfer by June 2015. Rafale may be finally coming to India.......
Looks like we are a few weeks away from a decision one way or another but there is a lot of positive speak, someone has been playing a very nasty misinformation game lately and Shiv Aroor seems to have alluded to that.

To think that in just 6 weeks this 3+ years of agony will be over.
With the distinct possibility of 189 orders + likely that the Malaysian Air Force/UAE will be more confident in following suit (thus further orders) + debacle of Mistral, it is in the French government's and Dassault's interests for this deal to go ahead.

Was it not the quality of the Mirage-2000 which lead to the IAF yearning for the Rafale? Surely Dassault taking such a myopic view is mis-placed considering the possible knock-on effects (maybe even a possible 6th generation fighter JV between India-France/Dassault)
Looks like we are a few weeks away from a decision one way or another but there is a lot of positive speak

That depends on what exactly this means:

India has given Dassault the option of physically inspecting the jets and guaranteeing the quality.

It sounds like MoD has given Dassault a compromise option, to fulfill the requirement of the performance guarantee, by given them access to HAL for inspections. If so, we still need to see Dassault accepting the compromise and to be ready to take responsibility for the whole deal. That however was denied so far, so let's see. The ball seems to be back in Dassault's court.


Everyone is responsible for what he does. We are responsible for organizing the program, that is to say, to provide the license and as such, to provide the tools, documentation, technical assistance, training, we check quality standards . After ... the one who takes the hammer and taps on the sheet metal will be Indian. If he fails, he will be responsible, it' normal.
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That depends on what exactly this means:

It sounds like MoD has given Dassault a compromise option, to fulfill the requirement of the performance guarantee, by given them access to HAL for inspections. If so, we still need to see Dassault accepting the compromise and to be ready to take responsibility for the whole deal. That however was denied so far, so let's see. The ball seems to be back in Dassault's court.

What Eric TRAPPIER said is true but I believe the bone of contention is the design flaws and other stuff which HAL as a producer cannot do as that will have to be done by Rafale engineers
Okie. Thread about Fake news by ToI has been deleted by me.

Some French sources say that India signed for a first batch of 24 rafales. :o:

L'Inde aurait signé pour l'achat de 24 Rafale

Saw that.

I don't know any french but I think I read 'quotidien indien Times of India' which if it means what it seems to mean then another one just got trolled by TOI

Its a world wide troll...

Hope the guy ( a defence article writer) gets fired for false news without substance.
:( In my school I never learn the french.

It says that,The Times of India said today that India signed for 24 Rafale,but Dassault and the French MoD denied it and said that what it is written in times of india,wasn't discussed yesterday and ins't serious.
It says that,The Times of India said today that India signed for 24 Rafale,but Dassault and the French MoD denied it and said that what it is written in times of india,wasn't discussed yesterday and ins't serious.
They also caught up in ToI troll. :P
Its a world wide troll...

Hope the guy ( a defence article writer) gets fired for false news without substance.
Oh have some merci:pleasantry:
It says that,The Times of India said today that India signed for 24 Rafale,but Dassault and the French MoD denied it and said that what it is written in times of india,wasn't discussed yesterday and ins't serious.
Our side has also debunked the reports.
TOI is just useless.

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