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Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions [Thread 2]

@Abingdonboy : 300 is the total orders from France and ME.
Oh yes I see what you said. Well I don't think any profit maximising firm would ever be satisfied with "enough" they will always want more, if Dassualt can get an additional 66% units from India (126+63) then they would surely go for that, this is just common sense.
Oh yes I see what you said. Well I don't think any profit maximising firm would ever be satisfied with "enough" they will always want more, if Dassualt can get an additional 66% units from India (126+63) then they would surely go for that, this is just common sense.

But you forget the technology inside the Rafale is owned by the French state and not
private companies.

Dassault has to work within state guidelines.
But you forget the technology inside the Rafale is owned by the French state and not
private companies.

Dassault has to work within state guidelines.

That ha been taken care of

Havent you seen the number of visits/ meetings between French Defence Ministers
Foreign ministers and their Indian counterparts

What do they talk about ?
That ha been taken care of

Havent you seen the number of visits/ meetings between French Defence Ministers
Foreign ministers and their Indian counterparts

What do they talk about ?

Really? Where is the actual contract draft the specifies the terms that they are working within?
Oh yes I see what you said. Well I don't think any profit maximising firm would ever be satisfied with "enough" they will always want more, if Dassualt can get an additional 66% units from India (126+63) then they would surely go for that, this is just common sense.

Once Dassault tastes success ; it would want more

Then RUB it in on EUROFIGHTER's face :p:

Really? Where is the actual contract draft the specifies the terms that they are working within?

It is being drafted as we speak

Honestly ; I dont see why are you so excited

We have had technology transfers / Joint ventures for several years now
with Russia ; Israel ; French and even US firms

With RAFALE we are moving to the NEXT LEVEL
It is being drafted as we speak

Honestly ; I dont see why are you so excited

We have had technology transfers / Joint ventures for several years now
with Russia ; Israel ; French and even US firms

With RAFALE we are moving to the NEXT LEVEL

What technology transfers so far?

India is unable to manufacture its own versions of any of the weapons systems it has brought.

No country will ever transfer core technology for any price.
No country will ever transfer core technology for any price.

That is true but still buying like Saudi Arabia is also a bad idea

SO you get whatever technology you can and then move forward from there

Every programme has its own spin off benefits
That is true but still buying like Saudi Arabia is also a bad idea

SO you get what you can and then move forward from there

Every programme has its own spin off benefits

What India really needs is the engine and radar technology from Rafale - the rest it has proved it can develop in LCA. This is technology that the French will never transfer.

Personally I am not sure why India wants up to 200 Rafales as it would be better to buy half this number and invest the saved money in engine and radar( less requirement) development. Too much spending on foreign weapons will only harm indigenous developments.
An order for 24 aircraft is a decent first export sale. There will be other orders from other ME countries.

France wants to see Rafael to India but at the price it wants and certainly no key technology
will be transferred.

Think about it this way - if France was that desperate then the sale would have been concluded by now.

French and whatever orders it gets from ME would run into maybe 300 units - plenty for Dassault.

French is notorious for making all the wrong choices in history. Which is why the world today speak English and not French. Throughout history they have snatched defeat from the mouth of victory. Sad but True.
French is notorious for making all the wrong choices in history. Which is why the world today speak English and not French. Throughout history they have snatched defeat from the mouth of victory. Sad but True.
Very smart remark. Hear it in a bar?

What importance does the DPP2006 have for Dassault and do they acknowledge that the MMRCA tender is based on it?
You do realise that "spares" as just REPEAT parts of the Aircraft. right ? Those with lower MTBF.

Many things will be there , electronics, spare partrs, equipment maintaince and regular check ups of the fighter plane.

MTBF-based reserves relate to items which are not lifted but will have to be replaced on failure. The MTBF provided by the vendor forms the basis for these reserves. Manufacturer recommended list of spares (MRLS) caters for scheduled and unscheduled servicing and maintenance for the first five years after induction. The vendor is bound by ‘adequacy of spares’ clause and a ‘buy back’ clause in case of under/over assessment of spares required.

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