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Dar greenlights plan to raise $2bn from overseas Pakistanis

Dar greenlights plan to raise $2bn from overseas Pakistanis​

SWIT volunteers to raise $2m interest-free loan to help sail country out of financial crisis

Salman SiddiquiFebruary 02, 2023

finance minister ishaq dar photo reuters

Finance Minister Ishaq Dar. PHOTO: REUTERS

Finance Minister Ishaq Dar on Thursday gave the go-ahead for raising $2 billion from overseas Pakistanis to help the country navigate the current economic quagmire.
Speaking at a conference titled 'Defining a roadmap for Islamization of Pakistan's economy', Saylani Welfare International Trust Chairman Bashir Farooqi sought the finance minister's approval for voluntarily raising $2 billion from overseas Pakistanis using the charity's global welfare network.

Middle finger for you and PDM for taking away our voting rights.

Give me my voting right and restore the democratically elected Imran Khan. Otherwise... GFYYPOS

Now is the time for the overseas Pakistanis to demonstrate their patriotism.

Standup and be counted.

Sure. Give me Imran Khan back.
Give them voting rights first and EVMs operational. if not than,
Allah created Pakistan and Allah will solve problems, not going to IMF and overseas Pakistanis.

So for you IK is more important than Pakistan and Islam?
IK has no value.

If PDM dont their vote than why ask than for money. let them play their role for Pakistan by voting.
Till couple of years ago even Senior Moderators on PDF turning up their noses to remittances from overseas Pakistanis. The quote that I remember from a Senior Moderator is "So thanks but no thanks. We don't need you".

We're off to a lovely start here.

Is that a favor on us? Do you wish to be thanked or perhaps awarded a medal? If that's so then please, keep your money.

I wonder where people who loot our nation go. I think airports are involved.

That's a high horse to be on. That's not how economies work, my friend and the remittances that have flowed are a complicated matter because the economic connections that we've expereinced are multifaceted, for instance, much of the money that flows back to us is from areas where workers are not dual citizens, that's the issue. Secondly, this is a matter for those who are in the 'ruling' class, even here, locally, they seem to enjoy an unholy leverage without dual citizenry but with that the armour they have to abuse and run away is much more complicated. This isn't for the common man who's trying his best; it's for those who try to gain power and obviously we cannot know what's in their hearts the only protection we do have is of the law.

We've the same rule for joining the military service, dual citizens can apply but before joinning they've to be Pakistani citizens solely. Perhaps people in advisory roles can be dual citizens but office holders should be Pakistanis only as they're then subjected to our laws exclusively. The practice of it is another matter but once we've sorted out the papers can we progress on implementing the change.

Here you clearly don't know what you're talking about. Just a small rebuttal, it's not about being CIA & RAW agents but dual citizens are actually subjected to two sets of laws and can slip away to other countries more easily than those who've to go through a process. The people you're talking about have had their leaders indoctrinated and directed once they were away from their homeland getting education or living abroad. The foot soldier has never been our problem, we're well equipped to deal with them and the laws strengthen us to do so as well. It's the leadership peril where they have this layer of protection and a leeway where such events occur, please ask anyone who's worked in the field or read some balanced views on this. I think we should be going by what is really happening rather than what we want to think is happening, brother.

East Pakistan is a whole other chapter.

I think this is the one thing where I resonate what we feel, I mean us lowly locals, of course, we're not asking for any favors so don't expect us to 'thank' you. You don't ask for 'gratitude' from your equal or from your brother. If that's so, then please, by all means, don't help us. We're not asking for it. We'll figure it out, just like we're the only nation in the 21st century to have defeated a force that superpowers couldn't. If you think this is up for debate, then by all means, come with your points. I am a veteran of this war and I would love to put you in your place because we've won this out of blood that we have paid. No one gets to run away from this.

So thanks but no thanks. We don't need you.
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If PDM dont their vote than why ask than for money. let them play their role for Pakistan by voting.

Overseas Pakistanis cannot demand rights if they are unable to demonstrate their responsibilities and duties towards Pakistan.

First they need to prove their loyality, faith and patriotism towards Pakistan before they are considered worthy of any rights.
Is main bhi is BC ka koi scam hoga

Overseas made it very clear... Khan hey tu unkayliye Pakistan hey warna no more emotional blackmailing and attachment... Behkari fooj aur choor PDM - overseas ke L pe

million dollar phrase
Overseas Pakistanis cannot demand rights if they are unable to demonstrate their responsibilities and duties towards Pakistan.

First they need to prove their loyality, faith and patriotism towards Pakistan before they are considered worthy of any rights.
you are more stupid than I can even imagine.

As a Pakistani Citizen, overseas Pakistanis have all the rights, they do not need to prove anything.

Idiots, will accepts Dual Nationals, in their Military, Politics, bureaucracy, but an ordinary Citizens have to prove loyalty.
Maybe that senior moderator was Dar.

....... or may be they were and still are taking overseas Pakistanis for granted.
This attitudes is not only limited to politicians or PMA graduates, I also came across similar sentiments when visiting Pakistan.

So thanks but no thanks. We don't need you.

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