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Dancing girl murdered by Taliban


Nov 27, 2008
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Dancing girl 'murdered by Taliban after refusing to give up traditional performances despite death threats'

By Jane Bunce, Daily Mail UK, January 12, 2009

Shabana was killed after defying the Taliban's ban on dancing

The Taliban has reportedly killed a traditional dancing girl in Pakistan, underlining its growing power in the the North-West Frontier Province.

Shabana's bullet-riden body was found slumped on the ground in the centre of Mingora's Green Square, strewn with money, CD recordings of her performances and photographs from her albums.

A Taliban leader later appeared on FM radio to admit the killing and warn the militant organisation would not tolerate any 'un-Islamic vices'.

He said any other girls found performing in the city's Banr Bazaar would be killed 'one by one'.

The last of the bazaar's celebrated dancing girls - once a 1000 strong industry - have reportedly packed up and fled to Karachi and Lahore, where their talents remain in great demand.

A resident of Banr Bazaar, Fayaz, said dance performances had earned participants about 50,000 rupees (£415) a night until the Taliban denounced them as prostitution.

The narrow street where the performers plied their trade until last week now closes at 8pm and only residents can enter, while signs state:'We have stopped dancing, please do not knock on the door.'

Shabana reportedly paid the price for publicly defying the Taliban's radio mullahs, ignoring personal warnings to stop performing and training young dancers.

'On the eve of January 2, some men knocked at the door and asked for a dance party,' Shabana's father Qamar Gul reportedly said.

'She instantly agreed and opened the room and asked the men to wait while she prepared herself.

'When she returned the four men said: "Let us start." They seized her at gunpoint and told her they were going to slit her throat'

The dancer reportedly cried for help and begged for her life, but she was dragged out of her house to Green Square and shot.

The Taliban and the Pakistan Army have been fighting for control of the Swat Valley, where the millitant organisation recently ordered girls' schools and music shops to close and forced barbers to stop shaving beards.

But with the woman's death and the dancers' banishment the Islamic extremist group has once again tightened its hold.
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Oh.. what a crap..!!! These guys have to be killed point blank..!!! Come on pakistani's do something..!!!!!! And i sincierly pray that you guys win this time over those ba******s..!!!!!
Guys, for me it looks like she is stupid! Sorry to say this she knew she is going to be killed. What she suppose to prove? Life is important..Run and save your life first. PPl think they are ethical and great always. World knows that they cant win against terrors with guns! Wat pak can do now? Kill other two terrors?
Change is something we as educated ppl need to bring in folks. We should avoid as many killings first. Gun is never the answer for terrorism.
I pray god may departed soul rest in peace.
Taliban wud probably slit your throat and hang you dry for using the internet and computer :) Careful who u support ;)
Oh.. what a crap..!!! These guys have to be killed point blank..!!! Come on pakistani's do something..!!!!!! And i sincierly pray that you guys win this time over those ba******s..!!!!!

That all sounds good but its not really when ur government is funding these guys. The information we are getting is not pleasing our ears.

Terrorism is our enemy. Indian government must stop supporting these murderers and using them to destabilise Pakistan and start working with us to destroy them.

These assholes are getting their money and shitloads of it from somewhere. Every talibani soldier is paid twice that of one of our policemen. Even in suicide bombing every survivor is getting 20000$. This is very dangerous and these bastards are getting huge amounts of money.
That all sounds good but its not really when ur government is funding these guys. The information we are getting is not pleasing our ears.

Terrorism is our enemy. Indian government must stop supporting these murderers and using them to destabilise Pakistan and start working with us to destroy them.

These assholes are getting their money and shitloads of it from somewhere. Every talibani soldier is paid twice that of one of our policemen. Even in suicide bombing every survivor is getting 20000$. This is very dangerous and these bastards are getting huge amounts of money.
We say the same thing in Kashmir and You say the same thing in Baloch!
its not good indeed, but the prostitution is a bad profession anyway and need to be supressed. TS r u sure u ppl dont spread propaganda!!, to link the people rebeling the army at frontier and taliban is bullshit!!, many pakistanis believe, actually its the american/indian hands making the rebel elements in pakistan strong!!, and indeed gop hiding the real facts, to please their "masters", these elements only want instability in pakistan, thts their sole aim anyway!!

taliban were the one to stop heroine production in afghanistan, now, its production is at its peak and heavely smuggled to pakistan, u ppl r only making mess in afghanistan killing innocents!!, even u ppl r no good in anyway
We say the same thing in Kashmir and You say the same thing in Baloch!

We have proof of it. Its not standard procedure for us to blame first of all.

For every attack it seems Pakistan is somehow strangely involved by the media.
Saeed Naqvi

Samjhauta express attacks were proven false before but we were blamed on Pakistan if u remember. India has lost all credibility and is using the fact that memory is short. Malegaon was blamed on pakistan if u remember and the truth was later released.

You were even lied to in mumbai. U a muslim? Ur own Muslim leaders are saying Mumbai was an inside job. Go to 8:00.

...Go to point 13 u'll see all muslim names. Syed naqvi, abdul ruff colachal and most important your minority affairs minister antulay said the same. They all raised the fact that karkare's killing was political and the attacks by hindu terrorists. If u want i can have my representative take u to delhi mosque and ask imam as well? Would u like that? I dont really care wat you have to say but you will suffer the brunt and its consequences for this attack not me. The indian muslims are the ones who will suffer so do think before believing everything in the media

Want me to question the terrorist afghan Rashid Khan u paid?? We know whats going on. All we can say to the indians is just stop it. There is little point in discussing this with you guys because u have no clue but the Indian government may be toppled itself in the storm it is raising. They must stop this. It is a dangerous game and ISI will respond one day when it loses patience. This is dangerous. Stop it. We dont know what u're up to but its no good. Stop it and let both our people live in peace.

Gud Night.
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We have proof of it. Its not standard procedure for us to blame first of all.

Samjhauta express attacks were proven false before but we were blamed on Pakistan if u remember. India has lost all credibility and is using the fact that memory is short. Malegaon was blamed on pakistan if u remember and the truth was later released.

You were even lied to in mumbai. U a muslim? Ur own Muslim leaders are saying Mumbai was an inside job. Go to 8:00.

hal6h6BlT_Q[/media] - Truth about Mumbai Attacks

...Go to point 13 u'll see all muslim names. Syed naqvi, abdul ruff colachal and most important your minority affairs minister antulay said the same. They all raised the fact that karkare's killing was political and the attacks by hindu terrorists. If u want i can have my representative take u to delhi mosque and ask imam as well? Would u like that? I dont really care wat you have to say but you will suffer the brunt and its consequences for this attack not me. The indian muslims are the ones who will suffer so do think before believing everything in the media

Want me to question the terrorist afghan Rashid Khan u paid?? We know whats going on. All we can say to the indians is just stop it. There is little point in discussing this with you guys because u have no clue but the Indian government may be toppled itself in the storm it is raising. They must stop this. It is a dangerous game and ISI will respond one day when it loses patience. This is dangerous. Stop it. We dont know what u're up to but its no good. Stop it and let both our people live in peace.

Gud Night.
and Kasab is a Pakistani! ;)
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******* bastards, only dear Allah has the right to take and give away life, he decides what is wrong and what is right, this pathetic scum just killed an innocent woman, son of a bitches, they should be exterminated, they have no right to do this, and in name of Islam?
What have they done?? Mis-using, abusing our beautiful religion for these kind of malicious and horrific actions?
The root of all our problems regarding perception of Islam by the western world lies with these idiots.
This is yet again news that shocks me and other people, it's not the first time that they killed innocent men/women, especially women.
Because they think these women are "un-islamic"? Who the F*CK are they to judge?
I sincerely hope that the Pakistani Army will Inshallah take care of these dogs once and forever, it's crucial for our country, we cannot have these lowlives think they have authority to do whatever they like.
The Pakistani state is in charge, and the state must make sure nothing like this happens ever again.
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