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Dams Under Construction- News and Updates...

83 MW Kurram Tangi Dam Under Construction in North Waziristan

Salient Features.....................

Dam Height 322 ft
Gross Storage 1.20 MAF
Live Storage 0.90 MAF
Installed Capacity 83.4 MW (350 Gwh)
New Command Area (84,380 acres)

(Sheratalla Canal 12,300 acres, Spaira Ragha Canal 4,080 acres, Thal Canal 68,000 acres)




Jabba Khattak Dam Nowshera Completed .
It will irrigate 465 Acres.



Mardan Khel Dam Karak Completed
It will irrigate 1500 acres


Kundal Dam Swabi with satellite view Completed
Will irrigate 13350 acres



Kiyala Dam Abbottabad 91% completed
Will irrigate 3000 acres.




Gudwalian Dam Haripur 92% completed
Will irrigate 3700 acres


Diamer-bhasha dam: Power minister says land acquisition complete

ISLAMABAD: Minister of State for Water and Power Abid Sher Ali said the process of land acquisition for Diamer-Bhasha dam is almost complete and work would start from next year.

“We’ve acquired the required land for the dam and work on it will start next year,” Ali informed the National Assembly in response to a question.

He said no practical step for construction of dams was taken by previous governments, adding that the present one had initiated work on eight to nine new dams, with each of them producing over 50 megawatts of electricity. He said after the 18th Amendment provinces could build dams, which could produce electricity up to 50 megawatts.

Earlier, answering a question asked by Shaikh Rohale Asghar, the minister said that CPEC electricity generation projects were categorised as prioritised and actively promoted projects having total capacity of 17,045 MW.

Published in The Express Tribune, December 17th, 2016.

finally? after more then a decade. Its funny how previous governments used to inaugurate Bhasha dam without even having brought the land.
son in 2 years we went from complete to 85%..i wonder how did this happened
3rd unit of Golan Gol hydro project to start production from August 2018:

The third unit of Golan Gol Hydel Power Project in district Chitral will start production by August this year.

In an exclusive interview with Radio Pakistan Peshawar correspondent, Project Director Golan Gol Hydro Power Project Muhammad Javed Afridi said the project will be completed at a cost of about thirty billion rupees.

The first two units of the project have already been completed.

With the completion of the third unit, the power project will produce one hundred and eight megawatt electricity.
c. 1960s: Mangla Power House Under Construction
Photo by Sterling Hickson


Engineers visit 4320 MW Dasu Hydro Power Plant dam site Kohistan

Main Civil Works Contracts awarded to M/s CGGC, China. Contract Agreement with M/s CGGC, China signed on March 08, 2017. Contractor has commenced their services and mobilized at Site w.e.f June 23, 2017. Construction activities on Access Roads to Diversion Tunnel Inlet (CR1 & CR2) and on Adit are in progress.

Mohmand Dam


The Project is expected to commence from November 01, 2017 to be completed after 5 years and 8 months i.e. June 2023, along with a one year Defect Notification Period and six months for closing of the Project. Overall, completion time is 7 years and 2 months, reported WAPDA. Mohmand Dam Hydropower Project is a multipurpose facility with the objective of hydropower generation of 800 MW, flood control, irrigated agricultural development of 6,773 hectares and a drinking water supply of 13.30 cumecs to Peshawar. The dam site is located on Swat River basin, about 48 km from Peshawar in Mohmand. The reservoir area of the dam extends upstream to Mohmand and Bajaur. The total length of the reservoir is about 56 km in the rocky gorge of Swat River.

The area is formed by barren and rugged hills and the command area is spread across administrative units; namely Mohmand, Tehsils Shabqadar and Tangi of district Charsadda, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The total cost of the project including engineering and administrative cost, taxes, duties, interest during construction etc. is Rs 291.86 billion - Rs 224.24 billion is local funding and Rs 67.71 billion is foreign funding. The Project is proposed to be financed through 66 percent equity (WAPDA and PSDP) and 34 percent debt by Foreign Re-lent loans/ Supplier's Credit and CDL/ Local Commercial Loan.

The Dam, upon construction, will store approximately 1.3 million acre-feet of water and generate the most economical hydropower of 800 megawatts, thus helping to overcome the country's energy crisis. Additionally, the project will help irrigate nearly 17,000 acres of barren land, thus bringing a green revolution and prosperity in the area. The dam will be useful in controlling floods by averting flood damages downstream of the dam and also serve as a source of many job opportunities

unda Dam is a proposed multi-purpose concrete-faced rock-filled dam located on the Swat River approximately 37 km north of Peshawar and 5 km upstream of Munda Headworks in the Mohmand .

Once completed, the dam will generate 740 MW of hydroelectricity, irrigate 15,100 acres of land and control floods downstream.] It is expected to provide numerous estimated annual benefits including Rs. 4.98 billion in annual water storage benefits, Rs. 19.6 billion in power generation benefits by generating 2.4 billion units of electricity annually and Rs. 79 million in annual flood mitigation benefits.

Munda Dam is also expected to protect Nowshera and Charsadda districts from seasonal floods by storing peak flood water in its reservoir and releasing it in dry seasons. In December 2010, in the aftermath of the July 2010 floods in Pakistan, the Pakistan Supreme Court had constituted a flood inquiry commission to investigate the damage caused by the July floods that engulfed the country and caused unprecedented damage to life and property. In its report, the commission noted that if the Munda Dam had been constructed, there would have been minimal damage downstream in Charsadda, Peshawar and Nowshera districts and Munda Headworks.

The reservoir that will be created behind the dam would also provide recreational facilities and promote fisheries.

Salient features

Type: Concrete-Faced Rock-Filled
Length: 2,500 ft (760 m)
Height: 698.82 ft (213.00 m)
Width: N/A

Reservoir Capacity:
Gross: 1.290 Million acre-feet (MAF)
Live: 0.676 MAF
Dead: 0.314 MAF
Flood: 0.081 MAF

Power Generation:
Maximum Capacity: 740 MW

Command Area:
Total: 15,100 Acres

Construction Period: 7 years

The Pakistan Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA) is implementing a low-cost energy generation plan on priority to help reduce the electricity shortfall and increase the ratio of low-cost hydropower in the national grid.
Under the plan, 17 large projects are under construction or at the detailed engineering stage. These projects will generate more than 20,000 megawatts (MW) of electricity and store about 12 million acre feet (MAF) of water.
WAPDA Chairman Shakil Durrani expressed these views while presiding over a progress review meeting at the WAPDA House. WAPDA members and general managers also attended the meeting.
While emphasising the importance of hydropower to meet the electricity needs in the country, the chairman urged the project managers to complete these projects within the stipulated time.
It is pertinent to mention here that hydropower is the cheapest form of electricity generated through water. The average tariff for hydro electricity is Rs 1.54 per unit as compared to the overall electricity tariff of about Rs 9 per unit.

Earlier, the meeting was told that seven projects with a cumulative capacity of more than 1500 MW are under construction. Out of these, five projects of about 400 MW will be completed in the current year, while the 969 MW-Neelum-Jhelum and the 106 MW-Golen Gol hydropower projects are progressing at a good pace.

In addition, the 4500 MW Diamer Bhasha Dam with a gross storage capacity of 8.1 MAF and the 84 MW-Kurram Tangi Dam with a water storage capacity of 1.2 MAF have also been initiated. Besides, the 1410 MW-Tarbela 4th Extension and the 7100 MW-Bunji Hydropower Project will soon be available for initiating construction work, as the detailed engineering designs of the two projects are almost complete.
The meeting was also told that six mega projects are currently in the stage of their detailed engineering designs, including the 740 MW-Munda Dam multipurpose project with a storage capacity of 1.3 MAF, the 4320 MW-Dasu with storage capacity of 1.1 MAF, the 122 MW-Keyal Khwar and three other projects that will generate 1761 MW.

The meeting expressed satisfaction that the Greater Thal Canal, Khan Khwar hydropower and Mangla Dam Raising projects have been completed during the last couple of years, while the Satpara Dam, Gomal Zam Dam and Jinnah Hydropower Project will be completed this year.
Karot hydropower station likely to be completed by 2021


Work on the 720 Mega Watt Karot Hydropower Station has been going on smoothly and it is likely that the project would be completed by the end of 2021.

The project, which is a part of China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), is to be completed at a cost of US$1420 million. According to official sources, the land acquisition award had already been done and the financials of the project were achieved on February 2, 2017.

The 25 per cent civil work of the project has been completed as construction of access road/bridge, concrete batching plant, diversion tunnel and spillway is in process. The project is located at River Jhelum in Azad Jammu and Kashmir and Punjab.

It is the fourth among the five cascade hydropower projects being developed along the Jhelum River. Sources added that its structure layout includes rock-fill dam, spillway, powerhouse, diversion tunnels, head race power tunnels and tail race tunnel.

The project was being developed on Build-Own-Operate-Transfer basis with five years construction period and 30 years concession period. Karot Hydropower Project, executed by Karot Power Company (Pvt.) Limited, has been listed as one of the prioritized projects under the CPEC.

The project’s main sponsor, China Three Gorges (CTG) South Asia Investment Limited, is an investment arm of CTG Corporation in South Asia, the sources added. The construction of the project has also provided employment to more than 2,000 people.
Kurram Tangi Dam... KPK --- 83 MW

Concrete on gallery flooring was done yesterday, it was a huge concrete activity of about 634 cubic meters, finished in 26 hours.








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