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Dalai Lama: ‘I Am a Son of India’

You can choose to believe whatever you want .

You seem too hell bent on hating . Indians dont even talk about tibet and nobody believes it belongs to India , ilive here i know . You can continue believeing whatever you want . Nobody here gives a damn.

This is odd, you accuse him of generalizing from a small sample size of Indians, yet you are doing the same thing. Surely you haven't spoke to everyone in India about their political views.

You can argue that you have a better idea of how Indians think but you can't say you represent the diversity (or even the majority) of Indian opinion.
I posted a page scanned from a book in the thread discussed tactical history of the Sino-Indian war ( http://www.defence.pk/forums/india-...ous-action-pla-lessons-sino-indian-war-5.html)

In it, a high ranking Indian general whose book claims Tibet as a part of India. So its not all fanboys on the internet I guess.


Found his name again

Brigadier Man Mohan Sharma, and the name of the book "the state of the army"
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Given that Tibet is at the border of India and China it is conceivable that in the past some Indian kingdom ruled over parts of Tibet and that some Chinese kingdom ruled over parts of Tibet too. That is irrelevant to the current situation.
ohh God just leave it guys.. He said what he believed in, if tomorrow manmohan singh says I am a son of china or US or whatever what can we do about it? Why the hell we are fighting.. Let him be.. Just a request you can slap me if I am wrong..
One the benefits of Internet is that people can tell their real thoughts without any embarrassment.

In this case, what Indians say in cyberspace is more credible than what they say in real life.

Internet is also a place where no matter what topic of the discussion is,eventually they end up to race and religions .

Check any youtube video comments section.

By that stretch of logic ,there are alot of weird things i"ve seen Chinese and Pakistanis say.

What matters is the official stand.

For India ,Tibet is the source of our lost Buddhist heritage,since when Buddhist were persecuted by foreigners,all of them fled to Tibet.So i'm sure they have works fro that era.

Dalai Lama is someone we expect to resurrect the lost Buddhist thought/philosophy/spirituality in India.

Also on the question of Tibet being a part of India,just because some kingdoms might have ruled those parts doesn't make them a part of that country.

Present day Afghanistan was ruled by Indian kings that doesn't make Afghanistan a part of India.

In fact in 1000-1500 BC itself,we considered those people as foreigners.

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This is odd, you accuse him of generalizing from a small sample size of Indians, yet you are doing the same thing. Surely you haven't spoke to everyone in India about their political views.

You can argue that you have a better idea of how Indians think but you can't say you represent the diversity (or even the majority) of Indian opinion.

Believe whatever you want to , you have already made up your mind .

Lets just carry on that way . i hope not everybody in china is that rigid and blind to realities.

Internet is also a place where no matter what topic of the discussion is,eventually they end up to race and religions .

Check any youtube video comments section.

By that stretch of logic ,there are alot of weird things i"ve seen Chinese and Pakistanis say.

What matters is the official stand.

For India ,Tibet is the source of our lost Buddhist heritage,since when Buddhist were persecuted by foreigners,all of them fled to Tibet.So i'm sure they have works fro that era.

Dalai Lama is someone we expect to resurrect the lost Buddhist thought/philosophy/spirituality in India.

Also on the question of Tibet being a part of India,just because some kingdoms might have ruled those parts doesn't make them a part of that country.

Present day Afghanistan was ruled by Indian kings that doesn't make Afghanistan a part of India.

In fact in 1000-1500 BC itself,we considered those people as foreigners.


Forget it man , some of them have already made up their minds , there is no point trying to reason with them .

Let them live in their own world .
I posted a page scanned from a book in the thread discussed tactical history of the Sino-Indian war ( http://www.defence.pk/forums/india-...ous-action-pla-lessons-sino-indian-war-5.html)

In it, a high ranking Indian general whose book claims Tibet as a part of India. So its not all fanboys on the internet I guess.


Found his name again

Brigadier Man Mohan Sharma, and the name of the book "the state of the army"

This is first time i m seeing anything relating india to tibet n except for mansarover lake n mt. kailash there was noting abt. tibet which any ordinary Indian knew

Tibet was is n will remain part of China no Indian has any issue regardin it
Except for Times Now probably nobady is China Hater here in India
have you tried reading The HIndu or Frontline most respected publishing house in India do read them will be surprised to read its China related articles
Indians involved in biz. tend to look at chinese with awe for there mft. geniuse lot of enterpenure in my town Panipat (Textile Hub) have visited Shanghai n r in complete awe of mft. capabilities of china
Only issues Indian have with China is regardin missile prolifration of Pakistan n Aksai chin n arunachal last two can be solved very easily but the first one is really very contatiouse

Currently if any Indian views China negatively is because of its policy of Stapled Visa which I think has been created by Chinese side unnecessarily

Dalai Lama is respected guest he has been attached no political significance by gov.

Dalai also advocate one China policy As India n R.O.W. its better u guys talk to him as he is all for non voilence but its ur Internal matter u can do watever u wish to do
Believe whatever you want to , you have already made up your mind .

Lets just carry on that way . i hope not everybody in china is that rigid and blind to realities.


I am always willing to discuss, you keep saying that I have made up my mind but I haven't. I have presented my side of the argument, I welcome you or anyone to rebutt any of the specifics point. No one has done that yet.
I'll say it again. Indians (today) view China with suspicion because it actively aided (and continues to aid) Pakistan militarily (especially the transfer of Nukes and Ballistic missle tech). 1962 war is just a bonus.

Now Chinese members will say that Pakistan is their closest friend and will continue to aid them (which is imo the postion of the Chinese gov). Peace between India and China (atm) won't come before there is peace between India and Pakistan (it seems so)
I'll say it again. Indians (today) view China with suspicion because it actively aided (and continues to aid) Pakistan militarily (especially the transfer of Nukes and Ballistic missle tech). 1962 war is just a bonus.

Now Chinese members will say that Pakistan is their closest friend and will continue to aid them (which is imo the postion of the Chinese gov). Peace between India and China (atm) won't come before there is peace between India and Pakistan (it seems so)

Everything you say is true, but that would just complicate an already complicated debate, so I like to go through the roots of Indian-Chinese enmity which predates the Chinese-Pakistan friendship. Any thoughts on posts 39 and 72?
Chinese brothers please stop responding to this troll thread. India has Dalai congrats. He will stay there and rot there. The end.
You're more or less correct. But you vastly overestimate the amount of propaganda.

Indians (today) learn about the 1962 war (from whatever questionable sources) because of Pakistan (being a close ally of China)

You are saying that China's relations with Pakistan is what causes Indians to view China with suspicion?
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