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Daesh acquiring sarin nerve gas materials via Turkey: Turkish MP

Hasbara Buster

Aug 17, 2010
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Daesh acquiring sarin nerve gas materials via Turkey: Turkish MP

The Daesh Takfiri terrorist group acquired the necessary materials to produce deadly sarin gas via Turkey, a Turkish MP says.

Citing evidence from a suddenly-closed criminal case, Eren Erdem, a member of Turkish main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP), told RT on Monday that Ankara had failed to investigate the supply routes used to provide Daesh with the ingredients of the toxic gas.

“There is data in this indictment. Chemical weapon materials are being brought to Turkey and being put together in Syria in camps of Daesh,” he said.

On August 21, 2013, a chemical weapon was used in the Ghouta area of Damascus suburbs. Hundreds of people died in the attack. According to reports, the rockets used in the attack were handmade and contained sarin.

Erdem, who claims the Turkish government is covering up the subject, brought the matter up in parliament on Thursday. He referred to a criminal case with the number 2013/12 opened by Adana’s General Prosecutor's Office.

During the case proceedings it was uncovered that several Turkish nationals were taking part in negotiations with the terrorists over the supply of sarin gas.

Based on evidence, Adana police carried out several raids and apprehended 13 suspects. But after a week, the case was closed and all suspects were freed and crossed over the border into Syria.

“Republic prosecutor of Adana, Mehmet Arıkan, made an operation and the related people were detained. But as far as I understand he was not an influential person in bureaucracy. A week after, another public prosecutor was assigned, took over the indictment and all the detainees were released. And they left Turkey crossing the Syrian border,” Erdem said.

Erdem also said that there is evidence that the Turkish Mechanical and Chemical Industry Corporation was also involved.

PressTV-‘Daesh acquiring sarin gas via Turkey’-
RT and PressTV, stopped reading there. If other more credible news sites post this news, then I might believe this
After seeing your turkish flag, I didn't bother reading your post.
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