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Dadri lynching: IAF mulls moving personnel's family - Air Chief Marshal Arup Raha

What do you mean horses have been left to the "mercy" of the wilderness? Horses thrive in wilderness and have always been part of wilderness before being domesticated and exploited for human needs. You talk as if animals living in wilderness are living in extremely sorry conditions when the actual fact is that that is their natural habitat.

I was watching a documentary where they were talking about how domesticated animals loose their natural instincts/skills overtime and will have hard time surviving in the wilderness. For example, a deer in the wild is better adapted to escape the predator than a domesticated deer from a city zoo. Same is the case with predators like lions or tigers in the zoo which would not have the same hunting skills of their cousins in the wilderness.

Anyway domesticated animals may or may not thrive in the wilderness depending on how well they will be able to adapt and how long it will take them to adapt. My point was that Humans have domesticated or left them in the wilderness based on their utility.

Likewise, Cows can roam where ever they want in India. If cows could speak they would tell you that being alive even if ingesting occasional plastic is better than being killed and eaten.

Of course they would prefer to survive than die. Why is this even a question. I never said otherwise.

I have a good breed Labrador who is fat and well fed. Unfortunately, she too has the habit of eating off stuff from the roads and often I see plastic pass out in her stool. As far as I see she has come to no harm until now. So there is no merit in the argument that cows should be killed because they are eating plastic.

I never said cows should be killed. I do not know why you got this impression. My whole point was that equal importance should be given to all life, not just cows. Also, I was saying that the concern should be genuine rather than a propaganda tool for political purposes.
OK, agreed. The statement that " there is a pervasive effort to denigrate minorities" is a very different one to the original highly inflammatory and patently false " studies show that all communal riots are provoked by the majority community to dominate the minority community".
I would agree that there is an element of casual discrimination in India and perhaps even some concerted effort to denigrate the good name of minorities. However, might I also add, like much else in our country, we don't do the denigration part all that well either. We neither have the finesse or sophistication of the Danish or French anti-Muslim bigot nor the aggressive ruthlessness our neighbors in Africa and the near east display to their own minorities.
Thanks and regards.

I am sorry, but where exactly was it said that "....studies show that ALL (emphasis added) communal riots are provoked by the majority community to dominate the minority community...."? This is disingenuous. There was no such statement.

Even a cursory glance at the original wording will show you that there was no proposition made by any study that I can recall, or that I reported, to the effect that each and every riot was a deliberate act of aggression. That would be a charge-sheet, a part of a criminal investigation, not an academic study's conclusions. The difference is quite clear, and there is no contradiction between the original statement that studies showed that communal riots were used to dominate the minority community, and what we have arrived at, that, inter alia, while we look at the communal riots as a phenomenon, it is clear that there was a concerted effort at denigrating the minority communities.

Can we legally draw a straight line between this effort and a hypothetical, centralised policy-driven and planned effort at staging specific communal riots, and can it be said that each and every communal riot was staged by the majority community? Can it be said that there was a clearly defined attempt at, first, staging a riot, second, using the riot's aftermath, the governmental attitude and the actions of governmental agencies to create a particular atmosphere of fear, and of minority domination by the majority?

No. Legally, as far as the judicial system is concerned, we cannot; strictly speaking. Nobody has succeeded in doing so, so far. Not for lack of effort. One of the reasons for the concerted effort at 'getting at' Teesta Setalvad seems to be - again, not legally provable - that she and her associates have been most dogged and persistent in exploring and exposing the links between riots that occurred, and the governmental attitude, and the actions of governmental agencies to create an atmosphere of fear and thereby achieve domination.

That only proves that given the hostility and unwillingness to cooperate of official agencies, it is difficult for unofficial agencies to make either a criminal case or the much greater effort needed to bring individuals to book in criminal proceedings stemming from an established crime. But short of a legal proof, is there a case?

These riots have in fact been used, both by the Sangh Parivar and by their nominee governments, to dominate the minority community; both Gujarat 2002 and Muzaffarnagar are specific cases, exemplars selected by me, in point, without going through a roll-call of each and every communal riot that has occurred since 1947. The question raised BY YOU is whether or not the studies mentioned stated that these were centrally instigated by an institution, and whether this was a premeditated outcome. The answer was that none of the studies that I have read or even read about have said so in their academic conclusions.

What we do have is sufficient narrative short of a legal procedure. We have BJP MLAs and MPs, sectoral party workers, and members of the front organisations of the Sangh Parivar, the VHP, the Bajrang Dal in particular, all implicated by eye witnesses, very often not recorded by police accounts, in agitation and instigation of hostile emotional feeling immediately before the riots. We have these, and many other persons of the same background and affiliation, then making statements and actively continuing to mobilise the local population in a manner that makes it clear that there will be no legal repercussions, in fact, that there will be an active glossing over of the riots, or of individual killings.

It is not difficult to see how this fierce refusal to acknowledge that anything criminal has occurred, by the same people who staged the riots is an active ingredient in creating fear in the minds of the minorities. This has nothing to do with the tensions and provocations incidental in leading a life on the margins of society, or on the margins of survival.
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Again, your posts reveal the moral wasteland that is the mind of a saffronist. So much for your independent Hindu stand. What quacks like a duck and walks like a duck......

The history of communal riots in independent India has been studied to death. Except for the most palpably biased communalists, it has been universally concluded by the variously affiliated students of this phenomenon that these have been majority provoked, and that the riots were used increasingly to dominate the minority community of Muslims into cowed submission. Exactly what was done in Gujarat in 2002. How cynical is it to destroy an entire community's faith in the law and order system and then point to the mass withdrawal from social assertion and self-identity as a token of goodd governance?

Your posts make increasingly less sense, as you lose your connections with your faux-neutrality and reveal yourself increasingly as being of a bigoted and hate-filled set of communalists.

Carry on with your hatred... All I will say is

“You can’t wake a person who is pretending to be asleep”
IAF provides accommodation to Dadri victim’s son - The Hindu
Updated: October 9, 2015 18:40 IST
The Indian Air Force (IAF) has provided accommodation to Sartaj, son of Mohammad Iqlakh who was lynched in Dadri last week, in New Delhi, Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar on Friday said.

“He has been provided with an accommodation as per his entitlement, but out of turn, which is also permitted within the power of the IAF.

“So, it is a normal exercise to provide accommodation to our man. Whenever they are in need, we do it. It is our personnel’s family so we have provided accommodation on priority,” Mr. Parrikar told reporters in Delhi after a parade to mark the 66th anniversary of Territorial Army.

Sources said Mr. Sartaj’s family has already moved into the Air Force’s accommodation at the Subroto Park in Delhi.
A good place to start saying it would be to the mirror.
The fact that you consider the gujarar riots which started off with a mob of muslims burning a train compartment full if innocent Hindus, as an example of a "majority provoked" riot says it all about you, and why the Hindus of india (who are habitually far more tolerant) are sick of the sickularist class.

Last Updated: Sunday, October 11, 2015 - 13:32

Dadri: Shaken by the beef lynching episode, the troubled Bishada village in the district is agog with activity on Saturday with Hindus joining their Muslim brethren in making preparations for the wedding of two girls belonging to the minority community.

Bishada resident Hakeem, who till a few days ago was toying with the idea of shifting the wedding venue outside the village in the wake of the beef rumours that saw a man being brutally beaten to death, is now all smiles as villagers have ensured security for the family celebrating the marriage today.

Hindu families are all set to welcome the bridegroom and their families and are busy making preparations for food and tent.

Hakeem was earlier planning to shift the marriage venue out of the village due to the tense situation in the village after 50-year-old Iqlakh was beaten to death and his 22-year-old son Danish was critically injured by a mob which barged into their house on the night of September 28 following rumours that the family had consumed beef.

However, after Hindu families extended support he decided against doing so.

SDM RK Singh said situation in Bishada is slowly returning to normalcy.

Meanwhile the victim's son Danish was yesterday shifted to Army's Research and Referral (R&R) hospital in the national capital.

The 22-year-old was moved from Noida's Kailash Hospital, where he was being treated for the past 12 days.

Dr Anil Gurnani of Kailash Hospital had said that Danish has recovered well and is able to walk and move about. He is being essentially shifted for rest and rehabilitation.

"He was able to recognise (people) and also walk with support. He has eaten food as prescribed by doctors," said Irfan, son of Iqlakh's elder brother, Jamil.

Earlier state minister Azam Khan had sent ambulance for shifting Danish to a Ghaziabad hospital but his family had declined to shift due to his critical condition.

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