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CV-18 Fujian - Type 003 Aircraft Carrier News & Discussions

Now Type 003 is more and more likely to be nuclear powered. :yahoo:




2.4. 交货期:合同签订后12个月之内完成系统验收,满足第一阶段使用条件;预计合同签订后约38个月进行最终负载(实船)验收。合同签订后2周内提供设备对土建的建设要求。
2.5. 交货地点:江南造船(集团)有限责任公司 上海市长兴岛长兴江南大道988号
Now Type 003 is more and more likely to be nuclear powered. :yahoo:



2.4. 交货期:合同签订后12个月之内完成系统验收,满足第一阶段使用条件;预计合同签订后约38个月进行最终负载(实船)验收。合同签订后2周内提供设备对土建的建设要求。
2.5. 交货地点:江南造船(集团)有限责任公司 上海市长兴岛长兴江南大道988号
Could you provide a translation in English as well?
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Could you provide a translation in English as well?

The post #4124 of this thread has already interpreted it.

Could you provide a translation in English as well?

Suggested evidence of 003 being nuclear.

Jiangnan Shipyard is looking for someone to build a boiler room on land for testing purposes. Including facilities to take the steam via pipe onto ships. There's no direct evidence that this is intended for 003, however:
  • if the boiler is intended eventually to go onto a ship, why build it on land first and pipe the steam onto a ship? Why not install it directly onto the ship in one go?
  • 001 and 002 were all tested directly, generating steam from onboard boiler to test their turbines rather than doing such a round about manner
  • if this test boiler is for 003 than by the same token, 003 cannot be gas turbine. And in any case 003 is almost certainly going for EMLAS and so does not have a requirement for lots of steam to test catapults
  • the requirement ask for two steam lines, this suggest two sources of steam for 003, or in other words two reactors driving four turbines. If it's instead conventional power we would expect something like 8 boilers and 4 turbines, so we would expect in that case there should instead be 4 or 8 steam test pipes
  • there's a similar request for another such facility at Huludao, home of the nuclear sub fleet. Surely Huludao isn't building submarines with conventional steam boilers
Thus this suggests this test boiler facility is indeed intended to test a nuclear powered ship's turbine system while the reactor remain offline to check for things like leak and to purge oxygen, before reactors are warmed up for the first time. You do not want to fire up the reactor before you first test the rest of the power system.

So why the requirement for the Huludao facility now, given they've been building nuclear subs for ages?
  • Huludao's ship building capacity are being expanded right now, so new facility at this time makes sense
  • previously there's never been a situation where more than 2 nuclear subs where in trial at the same time, the new expanded Huludao might have as many as six subs that need trial at the same time, plus the two from the original facility

  • [*]new generation of nuclear sub might be employing much more powerful reactors that before, thus previous testing facility might no longer sufficient

    Credit to @Temstar
For testing the performance of the steam turbines, the Type 001 & 002 can directly use their onboard boilers to activate it.

Whereas the Type 003 won't have any onboard boilers, therefore it needs the assistance from the testing facility on the land to activate its steam turbine system before it can safely activate its nuclear reactors.
Interesting read

so this satalite image of the drydock is like.. totally new right? and by saying "new" I don't mean the date it was taken in but I mean we have never seen this particular image before now right?
2020 July is the submission date for tender document of the new boiler test facility on Zongming island Tender result will be known ?? months later. Contract to be signed thereafter, this will be around end of 2020. Contract duration stipulated is 38 months, so the project will be handed over to JNCX shipyard at end of 2023 or early 2024.

After hand-over, there will be pilot test runs of equipment intended for familiarization by the engineers and technicians from JNCX shipyard. By the time the facility is ready to go for real thing, it is already middle of 2024.

So this facility seem more likely is built for aircraft carrier 004 instead of 003. 003 is expected to be launched middle of next year (2021), complete its outfitting in 2022, and sea trial by 2023 and enter PLAN service at end 2023 or early 2024.

So the timeline does not match.

If 004 commence steel cutting this year, in 2 years time it will be in dry dock for assembly of hull modules ( year 2023/2024), it will get its boiler tests completed in time for installation, before 004's hull housing power plant is sealed and join with other hull modules. Thus more likely this facility is for CV004.

Whether 003 is or is not nuclear powered is another matter. 003 is expecting to have its power plant hull module seal and join with other hull modules before end of this year.
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WHY don't we make a fun poll whether the 003 is CVN / CV, poll closed after some time before thing becomes too obvious and remove all the guessing funs.

The 003: Nuke Or Conventional ???

I hv been wondering why Dalian has not yet engaged in any new carrier building after Shandong?

Any idea?
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WHY don't we make a fun poll whether the 003 is CVN / CV, poll closed after some time before thing becomes too obvious and remove all the guessing funs.

The 003: Nuke Or Conventional ???

I hv been wondering why Dalian has not yet engaged in any new carrier building after Shandong?

Any idea?
Hopefully it will be nuclear powered ... having made the leap to EM catapults, why not just take it one step further and also make it nuclear powered? There are no real technical or resource limitations stopping its way.
WHY don't we make a fun poll whether the 003 is CVN / CV, poll closed after some time before thing becomes too obvious and remove all the guessing funs.

The 003: Nuke Or Conventional ???
Good idea!
Why don't you start a poll thread? Let's have some fun!
2020 July is the submission date for tender document of the new boiler test facility on Zongming island Tender result will be known ?? months later. Contract to be signed thereafter, this will be around end of 2020. Contract duration stipulated is 38 months, so the project will be handed over to JNCX shipyard at end of 2023 or early 2024.

After hand-over, there will be pilot test runs of equipment intended for familiarization by the engineers and technicians from JNCX shipyard. By the time the facility is ready to go for real thing, it is already middle of 2024.

So this facility seem more likely is built for aircraft carrier 004 instead of 003. 003 is expected to be launched middle of next year (2021), complete its outfitting in 2022, and sea trial by 2023 and enter PLAN service at end 2023 or early 2024.

So the timeline does not match.

If 004 commence steel cutting this year, in 2 years time it will be in dry dock for assembly of hull modules ( year 2023/2024), it will get its boiler tests completed in time for installation, before 004's hull housing power plant is sealed and join with other hull modules. Thus more likely this facility is for CV004.

Whether 003 is or is not nuclear powered is another matter. 003 is expecting to have its power plant hull module seal and join with other hull modules before end of this year.

It may be for 004, but the bidding procedure could be just for something already in processing or even finished. That's not rare for many government purchases in China. Anyway, if 003 is not nuke powered, 004 must be!
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