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CV-18 Fujian - Type 003 Aircraft Carrier News & Discussions

It's not about sensitive info.
It's rather the guy is playing a guessing game with his fans.
Unblurred image will be released in few days usually.
Actually it could be because of the sensitivity ... a lot of pictures released of the 002 carrier back in the day were also blurred.
Actually it could be because of the sensitivity ... a lot of pictures released of the 002 carrier back in the day were also blurred.
Nah, these are comecial satellite images.
I didn't try myself. But I'm pretty sure you can also access such latest image via paying services like Planet Lab
Nah, these are comecial satellite images.
I didn't try myself. But I'm pretty sure you can also access such latest image via paying services like Planet Lab
It is interesting why we are not getting photos from the side or ground level. I would really prefer these pictures, like we got with 002.
The photo poster forgot to blur the staging area, we can still see details of some modules not yet hoisted into the dry dock.

Side note: There seem to be no new modules in progress for destroyers, may be they are re-tooling for some new designs, or the order book for DDG has been largely cleared, or both of the above.

003 202008 a.jpg
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There is someone do Length measurement of this Type 003 Aircraft Carrier.

According to his measurement, Type 003 AC will have at least 315 m Waterline Length with curent modules in dry dock.

If his analysis is true, then this is amazing. That's mean Type 003 AC will have same Waterline length with Nimitz class.

From 卫星图像发烧员@Weibo
ARRRRRRG ... why so much pixelated!??? :mad:
I don't think they intentionally manipulated the photo this time ... most likely got low resolution photo because they didn't pay for the commercial satellite service. Otherwise very good progress :-).
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