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CV-16 Liaoning - Type 001 Aircraft Carrier News & Discussions

Why china is unable to cater for different religions on carrier ?

And what is wrong with halal restaurant, is it your ignorance ?

Chinese eat dogs we should ban all Chinese in Europe because dog is a pet there ?

China DOES cater to different religions with three halal cafeterias on the carrier.

Read the thread first before making an ignorant statement about dogs and Europe.
Why china is unable to cater for different religions on carrier ?

And what is wrong with halal restaurant, is it your ignorance ?

Chinese eat dogs we should ban all Chinese in Europe because dog is a pet there ?

Lol, not all Chinese food about dog, stop being brainwashed. I think today Chinese younger generation will stay away from eating thing like that. Because PLA servicemen/women came from many background and belief, and this number will increase, they should not using non-halal stuff so supply and food preparedness will more efficient, especially in place like carrier, servicemen should not meet any differences between them like this in serving their country.
Why china is unable to cater for different religions on carrier ?

And what is wrong with halal restaurant, is it your ignorance ?

Chinese eat dogs we should ban all Chinese in Europe because dog is a pet there ?

My understanding is that there is no problem with restaurants named with Halal outside the armed forces. If you can go to China you will clearly see that. Halal restaurants are everywhere in China.

As PLA and PAP, things are totally different because they are CCP's armed force. So no religions are allowed to be practiced within the troops. PLA and PAP are highly political military groups. You may argue it is of dictatorship or something, but normal Chinese people, including most Muslim ethnic groups, offer profound comprehension to such a structure. They definitely learned a lot of lessons from the past foreign invasions and civil wars, and have grown an extreme sensitivity to the unity of the nation with a conclusion that a highly political armed force is really needed.

That's the reason why they name the restaurants as ethnic restaurants to avoid any religious indication and ease the public concerns over the unity issue.
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C'mon folks you all can do better than talking all these culinary or religious things in this AIRCRAFT CARRIER THREAD... bring in news or beautiful pics on Liaoning or just let it rest in tranquility! :offtopic:
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Actually I know that China is catering for all

It was a sarcastic comment for Kuge who said why should china cater for different religions which was a ignorant statement and he got a similar reply
A cool picture of Liaoning aircraft carrier - from July 2017

FIVE YEARS AGO, the very first Chinese aircraft carrier CV-16 LIAONING
was commissioned into the active service by PLA Navy [2012.09.25]





East Pendulum‏ @HenriKenhmann 2017.09.25

Five years ago I was nowhere near to pay any attention into the military things... and how time runs so fast... does anyone still recall the events of the past 5 years? :D
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Inside the CIC (Combat Information Center) of CV-16
#海上长城# #海空雄鹰# CIC即作战情报中心,是军舰行动的大脑,将军舰的防空、反潜、反舰、电子战、编队指挥以及其他情报系统整合到一起,是舰艇作战的核心。对辽宁舰而言,其CIC往往也会是航母编队指挥所之所在。
Inside the CIC (Combat Information Center) of CV-16
#海上长城# #海空雄鹰# CIC即作战情报中心,是军舰行动的大脑,将军舰的防空、反潜、反舰、电子战、编队指挥以及其他情报系统整合到一起,是舰艇作战的核心。对辽宁舰而言,其CIC往往也会是航母编队指挥所之所在。
Very important news & photos
CV-16 has been in a training trip since early October this year 【辽宁舰再次出海训练】2017年10月上旬,辽阔的海面上,辽宁舰飞行甲板上一片紧张、忙碌,伴随着震耳欲聋的轰鸣声,一架架舰载战斗机腾空而起,直刺海天。

Disclaimer: I do not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the information, text, graphics, links or other items contained within these materials.
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