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Cutting edge Technology generated by the Islamic nations in the middle east

Iran's Military space program got a boost recently by launching a second Satellite into 500 km (LEO) orbit. NOOR-2 satellite was launched by "Qased" space launch vehicle.
The following photos and video are from the final assembly stage of the satellite with the SLV.












The only photo of Noor_2 Sat mounted on the kick stage carrier available (black box)


Iran now has two functional Military Sats orbiting the earth...top track is Noor_1 and Bottom track NOOR_2

Full video of Sat to SLV assembly:
What are you talking about you crazy nutjob, Hamas transfers weapons to Syria from landlocked Gaza? Quit parroting crazy nonsense. You need Hamas more than Hamas need you. And reason Iran doesn't give them better weapons is because it prefers Hezbollah to have qualitative and quantitative advantage so people can attribute their military feats to their religion. To draw association between Shia Islam and military performances. It doesn't want a Sunni group to have same arsenal of Hezbollah and give Hamas much wider recognition among domestic populations of ME so people don't gravitate to Hamas interpretation of Islam.

Your hatred of Hamas is same hatred of all other dictators and anti-God people. Burn in your hate:

Umamah Al-Bahili (ra) reports that the Prophet (saw) said, “A group of my Ummah will remain on truth, they will vanquish their enemy and those who disagree with them will not be able to harm them until Allah commands”. “Where are these people”? The Companions (ra) asked. The Prophet (saw) said, “In and around Al-Quds (Jerusalem)
Recall what happened in al-Qosayr
Iran's Military space program got a boost recently by launching a second Satellite into 500 km (LEO) orbit. NOOR-2 satellite was launched by "Qased" space launch vehicle.
The following photos and video are from the final assembly stage of the satellite with the SLV.












The only photo of Noor_2 Sat mounted on the kick stage carrier available (black box)


Iran now has two functional Military Sats orbiting the earth...top track is Noor_1 and Bottom track NOOR_2
View attachment 828657
Full video of Sat to SLV assembly:
I know what they have done there. Years and years of studying earth, its magnetic field and its gravity, multiple branches of science e.g. Mechanics, metallorgy, Electronics, aerodynamics, aeronautics, space structures and its production, etc.

And we have done it all alone.

Btw, the satellite could be anything. IRGC not only announced its space achievements but also they have an eye on ICBMs. Same technology, different functionality.
Graphene / Borophene (Material of the Future)

Turkey was become one of 10 Countries in the World that produce Graphene on a large scale

Turkey's first Graphene mass production Plant was opened in Ankara ( to produce 100 tons of Graphene, annually )

Graphene is 200 times stronger than Steel, hundreds of times more conductive than Copper

One of the most critical components of nanotechnology as 2-dimensional nanomaterial with a single atomic thickness

Thanks to Graphene to produce longer-lasting materials, ultra-fast rechargeable batteries, faster and lighter Aircrafts, bionic devices that can connect to neurons in the body
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View attachment 809911

Turkey was become one of a few Countries in the World that produce Borophene

Turkey produced Borophene from boron mineral which will replace Graphene in many uses from superfast quantum Computers to batteries, from transistors to touch screens

Borophene is stronger and more flexible material than Graphene

Sabancı University Nanotechnology Research and Application Center (SUNUM) is home to manufacturing of borophene, which is a substance made from boron. Manufactured by only a few countries in the world,
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View attachment 809913
Good thing that Almancı guy is banned. Turkey is not in Middle East, we are an EuroAsian country, not a backward zealot country.
Good thing that Almancı guy is banned. Turkey is not in Middle East, we are an EuroAsian country, not a backward zealot country.
Your economy does show your development and your future mr.developed

You have nothing, you are Muslim baby killers. Keep Holy Hamas out of your dirty mouth you repugnant and repulsive being.
They will never learn, They change the words of the rasul and twist it and call it shia islam, theres only one religion this isnt christianity we wont have the same fate
Iran's Military space program got a boost recently by launching a second Satellite into 500 km (LEO) orbit. NOOR-2 satellite was launched by "Qased" space launch vehicle.
The following photos and video are from the final assembly stage of the satellite with the SLV.












The only photo of Noor_2 Sat mounted on the kick stage carrier available (black box)


Iran now has two functional Military Sats orbiting the earth...top track is Noor_1 and Bottom track NOOR_2
View attachment 828657
Full video of Sat to SLV assembly:
I wished they would have made first stage solid too ... but maybe still wanna do it cheap.
A New and innovative product for the Iranian Navy
Intelligent underwater submersible....

some call it a "loitering torpedo" some call it "a loitering mine" and some call in a "Drone sub"..no official designation has been announced. No spec has been released on this item..It is deployed and in mass production. Video shows the power of this weapon

Well for slv solid fuel have no benefit over liquid fuel
Well if we really wanna work on our space program I don't think Qased is a good SLV in long term unless they go after more powerful launchers , Simorgh is an obsolete technology and has nothing to offer as we need more powerful liquid fuel engines ... that's why I take Qased as a ballistic missile (could be a step towards an ICBM) that if first stage be a solid fuel then its mobility would get increased ...even Hajizade stressed on such a capability ... Iran gotta work on Qaem and shift to bigger satellites .. Qased is good for cubic small sats unless we wanna have a tactical slv unless they just use it as test bed ...
1. It can not carry heavy sats into orbit even with soild first stage.
2. In long term it can not serve Iran space program.
3. The goal behind it be it slv or BM was mobility.
4. with using solid as first stage it could be compared to Midgetman.
5. Current liquid engines are not working (simorgh) we need work on cryogenic engine.

Well if we really wanna work on our space program I don't think Qased is a good SLV in long term unless they go after more powerful launchers , Simorgh is an obsolete technology and has nothing to offer as we need more powerful liquid fuel engines ... that's why I take Qased as a ballistic missile (could be a step towards an ICBM) that if first stage be a solid fuel then its mobility would get increased ...even Hajizade stressed on such a capability ... Iran gotta work on Qaem and shift to bigger satellites .. Qased is good for cubic small sats unless we wanna have a tactical slv unless they just use it as test bed ...
1. It can not carry heavy sats into orbit even with soild first stage.
2. In long term it can not serve Iran space program.
3. The goal behind it be it slv or BM was mobility.
4. with using solid as first stage it could be compared to Midgetman.
5. Current liquid engines are not working (simorgh) we need work on cryogenic engine.

View attachment 830503
current liquid engines even if work , won't help advancing , our space program much . we must go to more powerful fuel and oxidizers if we want to go to geostationary orbits . and building big enough solid fuel engines for that role is also very hard and dangerous .
I still wonder what sort of power that gel fuel they were talking can give us if it get used
current liquid engines even if work , won't help advancing , our space program much . we must go to more powerful fuel and oxidizers if we want to go to geostationary orbits . and building big enough solid fuel engines for that role is also very hard and dangerous .
I still wonder what sort of power that gel fuel they were talking can give us if it get used
Such a solid fuel engine exist be it hard or dangerous.


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