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Cutting edge Technology generated by the Islamic nations in the middle east

Iran has the middle east's largest Auto manufacturing. Now this is not new but the following is:

Iran imports 10 tesla cars to reverse engineer in Jetco company (a new scientific company that is in the car industry business. Mockup and rendering below..I will update when production hits the market in two years.

what do they try to find?

that they lack 60 years of technology in comparision with tesla?

absolutly illusional propaganda only good for chest thumping
My Turkish friend..Please ..I try to keep this thread away from politics.. It would be great if you are aware of any new technology about the great nation of Turkey to bring it here so we are all be better informed. To be honest I myself am very curious as to what is going on in turkey with respect to research aimed at producing items that are considered high tech..It could be anything from medicine to space.
And here is an update on the Telescope and National Observatory construction. Good video to watch Telescope control room and operations in the end of video.
It's a pity that all the Muslim countries do produce intellectuals and scientists but they can only thrive outside of their home countries- Abdus Salam, Zaha Hadid, Ahmed Zewail, Anousheh Ansari
Very true statement...Just look at the engineering or science schools in any western country university and you will see majority are immigrant or first generation immigrants...so the brains are there..just need better emphasis on using these brains in their homelands....the good news is that it is happening maybe we should thanks TRUMP!..lol
Yesterday two events happened in Middle East:

UAE spacecraft arrived at Mars and Turkey announced Space plans for the near future. I thought to dig in and find more info on both of these programs. We now have three nations of Iran,Turkey and UAE in this region that have declared Space plans and programs. The aims and goals of all three programs are very different and it is good to look at them a bit in detail.

After some research it appears that the UAE’s objective is to basically bring in science and tech from abroad in order to further the goals of the nation and get some PR out of it at the same time . The Turkish goals appear to be more military oriented but covered under a civilian program for now and involves crashing a probe on the moon in 2 years and eventual soft landing on it in 7 years. On the Iranian side they actually have two separate military and civilian programs the military program gives them SAT killers and 24 hour hi resolution surveillance and the civilian program gives them communication satellites a first manned space flight (in 10 years)and an eventual Space station orbiting the earth.

So just to put it in a simple way. UAEs want to be Martians, Turks want to crash things on the moon and Iranians want to live in the orbit and watch if the Americans are coming for them.lol

Where are they now:
UAE has a Probe that is designed and built by the Americans and launched by the Japanese They have been involved with the process and have done Program management of it and also financed the project which is a good start for anyone who jumps cold into a new domain.

Turks, based on what I have found seems like they are going parallel activities of developing SLV and the moon probe and the Space port all at the same time . What they have are commercial Sats and now started testing sounding rockets a space platform and plans for a space port. They need to build the space port as south as possible and may locate it outside of Turkey (my guess in Qatar).

Iranians started more than a decade ago so they are ahead of every on this (sent two monkeys to the orbit and brought them back alive few years back). They have their own SLVs , Space Platforms ,a Space Port and indigenous satellites already functional. They are adding a new “southern” Space port in Chahbahar which is the most southern part of Iran (Turks could build theirs in there also or share a common one with Iranians just my thoughts). They have also already launched their military Sat in the military program and I expect a new launch soon.
Pictures are : UAE HOPE, Turkish Space port rendering, Iranian Space port and SLV (functional) and Iranian Space port in Chahbahar mockup.
IKH space port.png
ChahBahar space port.png
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Long before the European Renaissance, Middle east region and China were the centers of science and technology in the known world. Chinese, Persian,Turkish and Arab thinkers were generating new ideas every day. Europe was in dark ages. This thread will introduce some of the original work being carried in this region today.

Iran tests home-grown quantum cryptography on longer distance
Monday, 25 January 2021 6:58 PM [ Last Update: Monday, 25 January 2021 7:16 PM ]

US Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) (L) talks with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) during a rally with fellow Democrats before voting on H.R. 1, or the People Act, on the East Steps of the US Capitol on March 08, 2019 in Washington, DC. (AFP photo)

Iran successfully tests its home-grown version of quantum cryptography on a distance of 1,650 meters.
Researchers at the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) have successfully tested a home-grown version of the quantum key distribution (QKD) technology on a relatively long distance of 1,650 meters.
The test carried out on Monday at Tehran’s Milad Tower saw researchers use photons to carry a message encrypted through quantum keys between parties stationed at the tower and the nearby AEOI premises.
AEOI chief Ali Akbar Salehi and Iranian deputy president for scientific affair Sorena Sattari attended the ceremony to promote the home-grown QKD.
Researchers had previously tested the technology on shorter distances of two meters and 300 meters.
The tests began in 2018 when Iran announced it will become one of the few countries in the world to develop QKD.
View attachment 710622

Iran making tangible progress in quantum physics: AEOI chief
The technology uses quantum physics rules to distribute cryptographic keys to remote parties in order to make their communication immune to cyberattacks.
Experts believe QKD would grow in significance in the upcoming years amid increasing demand for more secure channels of communication.
AEOI’s Salehi said his organization is planning to launch a fourth phase of QKD test on a 7-kilometer distance between the Milad Tower and Azadi Tower in Tehran in the near future.
Iran develops secure communication device based on quantum physics
Salehi said the AEOI hopes it could use the QKD for secure communication between the organization’s headquarters in Tehran and a major nuclear site in Fordow in central Iran.
He said the secure channel, planned to come on line in the next one or two years, would be able to carry 90-100 bits per seconds of data through an optic fiber network.
Quantum technology is something is really admire. Congrats to Iran. Really appreciated.
Here are some Ground support elements if you want to track your space assets and communicate with it..I did not find any on the UAE or Turkish sites but here is one of the Iranian ground tracking sites made operational about a decade ago.

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what do they try to find?

that they lack 60 years of technology in comparision with tesla?

absolutly illusional propaganda only good for chest thumping
Only shame is in not trying. We are all human beings. We all can innovate if given the right circumstances! The imperialists want us to think that we are inferior to keep us in check. We should not fall for those lies!
Fastest boat in the world now has become militarized in large numbers..This boat was designed based on the blade runner boat concept..at 90 knots it is now the fastest missile carrying boat designed and deployed by Iran in the Persian Gulf..and that is why it gets to be here in this "cutting edge Tech" thread. (I try to get better pictures if I find some)
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Iran manufactures several military jet engines using reverse engineering and that includes GE-J85.

However Last year Iran announced the first truly indigenous Turbo Fan jet engine entirely designed and built in-house. This is a first for Iran and a cutting edge Tech for any nation in the Middle East..The engine is called "Jahesh-700" and incorporates cutting edge single-crystal blades technology.

This engine has 700 kg thrust and can be installed on planes or big size drones to give a flight ceiling up of to 60000 ft. Jahesh (J-700) is modular, has advanced control system, has very long TBO (time between overhaul) and very low fuel consumption which gives the long flight endurance to a drone.
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Ghazi System on a Chip
An SoC (System on a Chip) design for Google sponsored Open MPW shuttles for SKY130. The processor core is the 3-stage version of the Buraq Core RV32IMC. The hardware implementation incorporates options such as IRQ, Multiply, Divide and the compressed (16 bit) ISA for embedded applications. The SoC has peripherals such as GPIO, UART, a platform level interrupt controller (PLIC) as well as a timer and a debug module all connected using the Tilelink Interconnect and is going to be fabricated using a 130nm process in collaboration with Efabless and SkyWater which will be funded by Google.
  • Support for M extension with a single cycle "Fast" multiplier
  • Separate instruction and data memories
  • TileLink Un-Cached Lightweight (TL-UL) Bus Protocol
  • 32 GPIO with configurable interrupts and option for masked writing
  • 2 pin full duplex UART • RISC-V compliant interrupt controller
  • 64-bit timer with 12-bit prescaler and 8-bit step register
  • JTAG Test Access Port (TAP) for debug


Ibtida System on a Chip
Ibtida - ابتدا means "The Beginning", this System on a Chip (SoC) is the start of many RISC-V based SoCs to come. It is the first CHISEL-based chip to be taped out from Pakistan, and has been designed by Muhammad Hadir Khan, Sajjad Ahmed, and Usman Zain; engineering graduate and undergraduate students respectively. The physical layout of the design is achieved by Aireen Amir Jalal, who is also an engineering graduate. Ibtida is a simple SoC, with GPIO as a peripheral, external instruction and data memories, connected with the TileLink interconnect. It is built around RISC-V based 5 stage pipelined core Buraq-Mini, all developed from scratch using CHISEL HCL.
  • RV32IM extension support.
  • 5 stage pipelined core.
  • Separate instruction and data memories (each 256 Bytes).
  • TileLink Un-Cached Lightweight (TL-UL) Bus Protocol.
  • GPIO peripheral with 30 I/Os connected to the I/O pads.

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Ghazi System on a Chip
An SoC (System on a Chip) design for Google sponsored Open MPW shuttles for SKY130. The processor core is the 3-stage version of the Buraq Core RV32IMC. The hardware implementation incorporates options such as IRQ, Multiply, Divide and the compressed (16 bit) ISA for embedded applications. The SoC has peripherals such as GPIO, UART, a platform level interrupt controller (PLIC) as well as a timer and a debug module all connected using the Tilelink Interconnect and is going to be fabricated using a 130nm process in collaboration with Efabless and SkyWater which will be funded by Google.
  • Support for M extension with a single cycle "Fast" multiplier
  • Separate instruction and data memories
  • TileLink Un-Cached Lightweight (TL-UL) Bus Protocol
  • 32 GPIO with configurable interrupts and option for masked writing
  • 2 pin full duplex UART • RISC-V compliant interrupt controller
  • 64-bit timer with 12-bit prescaler and 8-bit step register
  • JTAG Test Access Port (TAP) for debug


Ibtida System on a Chip
Ibtida - ابتدا means "The Beginning", this System on a Chip (SoC) is the start of many RISC-V based SoCs to come. It is the first CHISEL-based chip to be taped out from Pakistan, and has been designed by Muhammad Hadir Khan, Sajjad Ahmed, and Usman Zain; engineering graduate and undergraduate students respectively. The physical layout of the design is achieved by Aireen Amir Jalal, who is also an engineering graduate. Ibtida is a simple SoC, with GPIO as a peripheral, external instruction and data memories, connected with the TileLink interconnect. It is built around RISC-V based 5 stage pipelined core Buraq-Mini, all developed from scratch using CHISEL HCL.
  • RV32IM extension support.
  • 5 stage pipelined core.
  • Separate instruction and data memories (each 256 Bytes).
  • TileLink Un-Cached Lightweight (TL-UL) Bus Protocol.
  • GPIO peripheral with 30 I/Os connected to the I/O pads.

I Know the design is happening in Pakistan...I do not know if the Fab lines are also in Pakistan.....or the design has to be sent to US fab lines...The design is the most critical part and my congratulation to our Pakistani engineers.

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