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Cutting edge Technology generated by the Islamic nations in the middle east

which means you're not relying on UAVs but strike package that's what i want to hear from you, but you're insisting send a swarm of UAV ONLY and watch the result lol

if we use only UCAVs , then need to send 100 UCAVs instead of 20 to wipe out carrier battle group

even if We lost 50 of 100 UCAVs ( max $350 million ) , thats not problem , India will lose carrier battle group ( min $5 billion ) and thousands of personnel

and our Fighter Jets , AEWCs , Frigates , Submarines , etc also will be in action in a large scale war ....... you ignorant TROLL

Turkish Bayraktar TB-2 UCAVs raped enemy Tanks and has put forward a "new military doctrine" in the world

cutting-edge-technology Turkish AKINCI UCAVs also will rape enemy Warships ..... wait and see

Greek or French Frigates can be the first victim
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if we use only UCAVs , then need to send 100 UCAVs instead of 20 to wipe out carrier battle group

even if We lost 50 of 100 UCAVs ( $500 million ) , thats not problem , India will lose carrier battle group ( min $5 billion )
Oh bother you do nothing about tech, when those UCAVs comes to fire their range long before they will be destroyed from Multiple long range/Medium range SAMs launches, fighter jets from aircraft carriers. Aircraft carriers has own AWACS patrolling over the sea looking for threats lol
Oh bother you do nothing about tech, when those UCAVs comes to fire their range long before they will be destroyed from Multiple long range/Medium range SAMs launches, fighter jets from aircraft carriers. Aircraft carriers has own AWACS patrolling over the sea looking for threats lol

Nahhhhh ...
Aircraft Carrier including MIG-29Ks on the deck will be under attack by hundreds of 1.000-1.500km KARGI Kamikaze Drones in first line of attack

then so easy to hunt İndian Frigates / Destroyers by AKINCI UCAVs

even I am not talking about our Fighter Jets , AEWCs , Frigates , Submarines ,etc in a large scale war

İts drone superpower TURKIYE , not Pakistan
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Nahhhhh ...
Aircraft Carrier including MIG-29Ks on the deck will be under attack by hundreds of 1.500-2.000 km KARGI Kamikaze Drones in first line of attack

then so easy to hunt İndian Frigates / Destroyers by AKINCI UCAVs

even I am not talking about our Fighter Jets , AEWCs , Frigates , Submarines in action in a large scale war

İts TURKIYE , not Pakistan
LOL, there is no long range multiple AESA on IN frigates/Destroyers to detect/track/Engage those UCAVs, lol are your UCAVs are invisible invincible to all electromagnetic radiation, what a stupidity you have
LOL, there is no long range multiple AESA on IN frigates/Destroyers to detect/track/Engage those UCAVs, lol are your UCAVs are invisible invincible to all electromagnetic radiation, what a stupidity you have

and Indian Frigates/Destroyers will be without SAMs and how to stop swarm attack of hundreds of KARGI kamizake Drones .. you stupid TROLL

as the small Drone (with its small radar cross-section) can evade SAMs and radar detection systems which are designed to target much larger aircraft or to intercept fixed-trajectory missiles

never forget that 6 S-300 SAMs easly were destroyed by Kamikaze Drones which used by Azerbaijan

btw if a small Drone comes in low altitude as 5 meters over the sea , then it's almost impossible to detect small Drones
Radars will be destroyed by KARGI kamikaze Drones which using its anti-radar homing system
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and Indian Frigates/Destroyers will be without SAMs and how to stop hundreds of KARGI kamizake Drones .. you stupid TROLL

btw learn about Military , if a small Drone comes in low altitude as 5 meters , then so hard to detect small Drones

never forget that 6 S-300 SAMs easly were destroyed by Kamikaze Drones which used by Azerbaijan
Lol you first learn about military you stupid Naval ships have multiple AESAs/radars to detect different kind targets at once and they have short range surface to air missile to shot down anti ship missiles/smart munitions and last ditch weapons is CIWCS, and all naval ship also have IR system on it, subsonic anti ship missiles and drone is no problem for any navy now, world already in an era of supersonic anti ship missile and countering them, and world moving toward hypersonic anti ship/surface missiles, go study and learn about military tactics first than talk
Lol you first learn about military you stupid Naval ships have multiple AESAs/radars to detect different kind targets at once and they have short range surface to air missile to shot down anti ship missiles/smart munitions and last ditch weapons is CIWCS, and all naval ship also have IR system on it, subsonic anti ship missiles and drone is no problem for any navy now, world already in an era of supersonic anti ship missile and countering them, and world moving toward hypersonic anti ship/surface missiles, go study and learn about military tactics first than talk

You learn about military and tactics ... you ignorant stupid TROLL

Turkish UCAVs has put forward a "new military doctrine" in the world
most modern Russian PANTSIR Systems could not stop Turkish UCAVs

your senario against salvo attack of 8 or 16 anti-ship missiles from a Warship

I am talking about swarm attack of 200 KARGI kamikaze Drones in first line of attack
and another swarm attack of 100 KUZGUN IIR guided Bombs and 20 MRASHM anti-ship Missiles from 20 AKINCI UCAVs

and another swarm attack of 20 Bayraktar TB-2 UCAVs armed with 80 MAM-L laser guided Bombs
( CIWS can not engage on very small MAM-L )

and KOLKATA class Destroyer armed with only 32 SAMs ... nothing else

and Turkish F-16s , HAVASOJ stand off Jammer and Boeing E-7T AEWC will be in action for air strike with UCAVs
even I am not talking about Turkish Navy Frigates , Corvettes , Submarines .. Coastal defense missiles
also unmanned Submarines and unmanned Vessels armed with AKYA heavyweight torpedos and MRASHM anti-ship missiles

Turkish UCAVs easly can rape Indian Navy .... Greek Navy not even close
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You learn about military and tactics ... you ignorant stupid TROLL

Turkish UCAVs has put forward a "new military doctrine" in the world
most modern Russian PANTSIR Systems could not stop Turkish UCAVs

your senario against salvo attack of 8 or 16 anti-ship missiles from a Warship

I am talking about swarm attack of 200 KARGI kamikaze Drones in first line of attack
and another swarm attack of 100 KUZGUN IIR guided Bombs and 20 MRASHM anti-ship Missiles from 20 AKINCI UCAVs

and another swarm attack of 20 Bayraktar TB-2 UCAVs armed with 80 MAM-L laser guided Bombs
( CIWS can not engage on very small MAM-L )

and KOLKATA class Destroyer armed with only 32 SAMs ... nothing else

and Turkish F-16s , HAVASOJ stand off Jammer and Boeing E-7T AEWCs will be in action for air strike with UCAVs

Turkish UCAVs easly can rape Indian Navy .... Greek Navy not even close
And IN has not back up with awacs and fighter jets to destroy your all UCAVs in your bases before they will fly with Brahmos land attack version, they have satellite assistant to detect these UCAVs on your bases, and IN not will come to fight Turkey in MED sea so this is useless debate and again Ships come in groups not in alone position
And IN has not back up with awacs and fighter jets to destroy your all UCAVs in your bases before they will fly with Brahmos land attack version, they have satellite assistant to detect these UCAVs on your bases, and IN not will come to fight Turkey in MED sea so this is useless debate and again Ships come in groups not in alone position

Turkey has developed HISAR air defense systems and KORKUT 35mm CIWS with airbust ammunition to intercept Cruise Missiles .... no problem

and Indian Jets needs to enter Turkish Airspace to attack airbases .. and İndian Jets can not do it

even We will use AKINCI UCAVs as air based Air Defense System .... 7/24 in the air

AKINCI UCAV will carry AESA Radar and 25-65 km BOZDOGAN-GOKDOGAN air to air missiles
even 600 km EIRS early warning AESA Radars can detect Cruise Missiles and can guidance air to air missiles ongoing enemy Cruise Missiles

Pakistan needs Turkish technology to turn Indian Navy into crap of metal

Turkey has great Unmanned Vehicle technology

-- Unmanned Submarines armed with AKYA heavyweight Torpedos ... and bye bye İndian Aircraft Carriers
-- Unmanned Vessels armed with AKYA heavyweight Torpedo or MRASHM anti ship Missiles
-- AKINCI and MIUS UCAVs armed with SOM , MRASHM and KUZGUN to hit İndian Warships
-- 1.000-1.500 km KARGI anti-radiation kamikaze Drone

plus Pakistan Airforce - Navy and bye bye Indian Navy

also UCAVs are more effective than Attack Helicopters to hunt Tanks

An 18 AKINCI UCAV battalion can carry 288 MIZRAK anti Tank missiles, each capable of destroying a Tank

İf Indian Army try to invade Pakistan
Turkish UCAVs easly can hunt all İndian Tanks , Howitzers , MLRS , IFVs , mobile SAMs and troops even Helicopters including AH-64 APACHEs

-- 110 km KUZGUN joint attack Bomb with IIR seeker to hit Air Defense Systems like PANTSIR,TOR-M2 and BUK
-- 65 km GOKDOGAN and 25 km BOZDOGAN air to air missiles to hit Attack Helicopters or UCAVs
-- 8 km UMTAS anti Tank Missile with top attack capability to destroy Tanks

TURKEY develops cutting-edge-technologies ...
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Turkey has developed HISAR air defense systems and KORKUT 35mm CIWS with airbust ammunition to intercept Cruise Missiles .... no problem

and Indian Jets needs to enter Turkish Airspace to attack airbases .. and İndian Jets can not do it

even We will use AKINCI UCAVs as air based Air Defense System .... 7/24 in the air

AKINCI UCAV will carry AESA Radar and 25-65 km BOZDOGAN-GOKDOGAN air to air missiles
even 600 km EIRS early warning AESA Radars can detect Cruise Missiles and can guidance air to air missiles ongoing enemy Cruise Missiles

Pakistan needs Turkish technology to turn Indian Navy into crap of metal

Turkey has great Unmanned Vehicle technology

-- Unmanned Submarines armed with AKYA heavyweight Torpedos ... and bye bye İndian Aircraft Carriers
-- Unmanned Vessels armed with AKYA heavyweight Torpedo or MRASHM anti ship Missiles
-- AKINCI and MIUS UCAVs armed with SOM and KUZGUN to hit İndian Warships
-- 1.000-1.500 km KARGI anti-radiation kamikaze Drone

plus Pakistan Airforce and Navy and bye bye Indian Navy
why you're so stupid IN didn't have any C4IS capability to detect your UAVS at long ranges before they deploy their weapons, and Indian aircraft don't need to cross your airspace they launch air launch version of Brahmos from 500-550 km in range the will fire also KLAB supersonic land attack missiles from standoff ranges from their ships and they have hundreds of them, and your Hisar SAMS is just start to inducting your military don't know about hisar performance, and IN haven't any sonar to detect underwater threat and we better tarpedos than yours, from France/ Germany
why you're so stupid IN didn't have any C4IS capability to detect your UAVS at long ranges before they deploy their weapons, and Indian aircraft don't need to cross your airspace they launch air launch version of Brahmos from 500-550 km in range the will fire also KLAB supersonic land attack missiles from standoff ranges from their ships and they have hundreds of them, and your Hisar SAMS is just start to inducting your military don't know about hisar performance, and IN haven't any sonar to detect underwater threat and we better tarpedos than yours, from France/ Germany

real stupid is you

and Turkey has no land based AESA Radars , AEWCs and Frigates , S400 , etc to detect enemies in the Eastern Mediterranean ?

Turkey is watching the Eastern Mediterranean 7/24

Indian Navy will be destroyed without 1 hour in the Eastern Mediterranean

btw BRAHMOS and KLAB has range of 300-350 km
even 500 km range is not enough to reach all airbases in Turkey

HISAR air defense systems and KORKUT 35mm CIWS with airbust ammunition can intercept Cruise Missiles
our Weapons perform as NATO standard and then enter service

also Turkey has developed BOZDOGAN air to air missile ... there will be land based VL variant similar to French MICA-VL to intercept Cruise Missiles

  • High resolution IIR Seeker providing outstanding off-boresight capability
  • Advanced counter-countermeasure capabilities
  • All-aspect engagement capability
  • Superior agility with thrust vectoring
  • Unique warhead design for maximum probability-of-kill
also soon , Data-Link and lock-on after launch

Weight : 140 kg
Length : 3,3 m
Diameter : 160 mm
Speed : Mach 4+
Range : 25 km


GOKDOGAN BVR air to air Missile ( solid-state RF seeker, with advanced counter-measure capability and datalink update )

AKDOGAN RamJet powered long range air to air Missile under development .... similar to METEOR missile

TURKEY develops cutting-edge-technologies ...
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Turkish ATMACA anti ship missile is superior to American HARPOON and French EXOCET

Turkish AKYA heavyweight torpedo can turn any Submarine in the world into crap of metal
and Turkey can produce hundreds of them for even Unmanned Submarines and Vessels

and you have no this capability

Welcome to Tomorrow


ULAQ is the name of the Unmanned Surface Vehicle product family developed by the strong alliance of ARES Shipyard and Meteksan Defence of Turkey which includes different platform types and capabilities including ASUW , ASW , ISR/EW

ULAQ has been built from advanced composites, has 400 km range, 65 km/h speed, day/night vision capabilities, encrypted communication infrastructure

ASUW ( Anti Surface Warfare - Guided Missile )

ULAQ Unmanned Surface Vehicle .. ( Anti Submarine Warfare mission )

Lenght : 13 m
Speed : 35 knots
Range : up to 800 km

Day and Night vision Systems
Artificial intelligence capability
Submarine detection Sonar
Advanced Radar
Stealth paint application
Swarm operation capability

-- 2 x Anti Submarine Rockets
-- 1 x AKYA heavyweight Torpedo or 2 x ORKA lightweight Torpedos
-- 1 x 7,62 mm RCWS



Roketsan ASW Rockets to hunt Submarines

AKYA heavy-weight Torpedo

Lenngth : 6.5 m
Weight : 1200 kg
Warhead : 260 kg
Range : 15 km at 40 knots
Guidance : Fiber optic cable + Magnetic sensor + Wake homing sensor
Sonar : Fiber optic conformal array sonar


never forget that Turkey has great Unmanned Vehichle technology

-- Unmanned Submarines armed with AKYA heavyweight Torpedos ... and bye bye İndian Aircraft Carriers
-- Unmanned Vessel armed with AKYA heavyweight Torpedo and MRASHM anti ship Missiles

TURKEY develops cutting-edge-technologies ...
real stupid is you

and Turkey has no land based AESA Radars , AEWCs and Frigates , S400 , etc to detect enemies in the Eastern Mediterranean ?

Turkey is watching the Eastern Mediterranean 7/24

Indian Navy will be destroyed without 1 hour in the Eastern Mediterranean

btw BRAHMOS and KLAB has range of 300-350 km
even 500 km range is not enough to reach all airbases in Turkey

HISAR air defense systems and KORKUT 35mm CIWS with airbust ammunition can intercept Cruise Missiles
our Weapons perform as NATO standard and then enter service

also Turkey has developed BOZDOGAN air to air missile ... there will be land based VL variant similar to French MICA-VL to intercept Cruise Missiles

  • High resolution IIR Seeker providing outstanding off-boresight capability
  • Advanced counter-countermeasure capabilities
  • All-aspect engagement capability
  • Superior agility with thrust vectoring
  • Unique warhead design for maximum probability-of-kill
also soon , Data-Link and lock-on after launch

Weight : 140 kg
Length : 3,3 m
Diameter : 160 mm
Speed : Mach 4+
Range : 25 km

View attachment 736041

GOKDOGAN BVR air to air Missile ( solid-state RF seeker, with advanced counter-measure capability and datalink update )

AKDOGAN RamJet powered long range air to air Missile under development .... similar to METEOR missile

TURKEY develops cutting-edge-technologies ...
And India is not have or not developing cutting edge technology go read the news , newest version of brahmos has a range of 600 km and your AWACS can blip their AESA on 450 km away they also have ECM ECM/AESA and latest electronic gears and defense systems on their ships, if you're buying S-400 from Russia then why you think Russian short range defense SAMs on IN ships are bogus/useless lol
And India is not have or not developing cutting edge technology go read the news , newest version of brahmos has a range of 600 km and your AWACS can blip their AESA on 450 km away they also have ECM ECM/AESA and latest electronic gears and defense systems on their ships, if you're buying S-400 from Russia then why you think Russian short range defense SAMs on IN ships are bogus/useless lol

and Turkey develops anti-ship Ballistic Missile based on BORA ballistic Missile to turn Indian Warships into crap of metal in the Eastern Mediterranean

also RAMJET powered supersonic anti-ship Missile
and 250+ km ATMACA land based anti-ship Missile

even only land based Turkish missiles will be enough to turn enemy Warships into crap of metal in the Eastern Mediterranean

only 1 hour and no more Indian Navy

even without Boeing E-7T AEWCs
Turkey has developed 600-700 km EIRS AESA Radar to control all Eastern Mediterranean

600/700 km Aselsan EIRS is a new generation S-Band AESA Radar
EIRS has the ability to detect and track aircrafts, fighter jets , ballistic missiles, cruise missiles and stealth/low RCS targets from very long ranges

if you're buying S-400 from Russia then why you think Russian short range defense SAMs on IN ships are bogus/useless lol

problem is for İndian Frigates 15-30 km SAMs which never can stop AKINCI UCAVs armed with 74-110 km KUZGUN

Most modern İndian SHIVALIK class Frigate armed with BARAK-1 , SHTIL-1 SAMs with range of 15-30 km

10 AKINCI UCAVs can carry 80 KUZGUN joint strike ammunitions for swarm attack on Frigates

80 KUZGUN joint strike ammunitions = $8 million
SHIVALIK Frigate : $500 million

KUZGUN joint strike ammunition with IR seeker ,Data Link ( Low operation cost )

  • Weight : 100 kg
  • Warhead : 25-60 kg
  • Range : 74-110 km
to hit even moving Warships

TURKEY develops cutting-edge-technologies ...
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