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Cutting edge Technology generated by the Islamic nations in the middle east

Various Iranian designed and developed military and civilian products:


4000HP marine engine


Electronic Pod for aircraft targeting tasks


Loitering munition



Scale model of various Aluminium boats made in Iran


KAMAND Close In Weapon System(CIWS) for Ship AD.(reverse engineered).


Iranian designed and built "Ground-Effect" planes


Turbo Fan engine for cruise missiles


User of that Turbo fan engine ..Land attack Cruise missile (Summar).. Range 2000km

Shoulder fired Missile (MANPAD) with 360 degree laser proximity fuse...

cloned sheep by Royan.jpg

Iranian cloned sheep..Royan institute.


coastal defence missile Truck



Coastal defence/speed boat missiles


Terror of the enemy..Fateh guided missile


Special purpose boat


Antenna Array elements for detection of space objects
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Conventional Power pack

ALP Light-Tracked Vehicle Power Group

DURA MT Mechanical Transmission

DURA AMT Synchromesh Automatic Transmission

DURAMAT Fully Automatic Transmission

Transfer Case

Iran's fully indigenous frigate was commissioned a decade ago, three are delivered sofar (one for the northern fleet in the Caspian sea). Each individual subsystem in these ships had to be designed and built in-house due to the arms sanctions for import/export of arms to Iran. Propulsion, Radar, Naval gun, CIWS ,ESM, Workstations, Chaff, Missiles, Sonar. No foreign parts and that is unique for any war ship in the world. I have included a photo of one such Frigate (moje) class.
View attachment 724736
I have also included photos of the Iranian Fast Attack Crafts (FAC). These boats have a chinese origin design that were reverse engineered ,modified and are built in quantities in the shipyards.
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If you wonder with so many ships and boats, all carrying two or more sea skimming anti ship missile where does Iran supply these crafts with such a large quantity of missiles..today a video was released of a naval missile city..will be interesting to view that video.
View attachment 724739

Video released today (March 15,2021) of a Naval "missile city"
View attachment 724741
here is the video

Great post but please allow me to make one minor correction. The Sina class FAC are not based on Chinese design rather they are based on the French La Combattante II Fast attack Craft. Iran purchased 12 La Combattante II FACs from France in 1974 with deliveries taking place from 1977 to 1981! They are known locally in Iran as the Kaman Class.
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Great post but please allow me to make one minor correction. The Sina class FAC are not based on Chinese design rather they are based on the French La Combattante II Fast attack Craft. Iran purchased 12 La Combattante II FACs from France in 1974 with deliveries taking place from 1977 to 1981! They are known locally in Iran as the Kaman Class.
Thanks for the correction Bahram..I will edit that if the post is still open to edit.:cheers:
Various Iranian designed and developed military and civilian products:
Part 2 :

Iranian Bikes (made by KAVIR)

CNC machine.png

Industrial machinery (CNC machines!)


TOPHAN TOW ATGM..(revers engineered from US TOW) 5 types.



Iranian UUV being tested in development


Iranian Side scan sonar


In boat.jpg

speed boats before paint..and interior


Massive large ship building crane. by SADRA being installed


PICCA civil plane.


People who make it all happen.
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@Philip the Arab ..Just to follow up on our conversation on HALCON products of UAE ..I think it would be a great if you are aware of any UAE product that is already out in production or in the field to be brought in here for further visibility..your comments on South African involvement will give more credibility..I remember The Egyptian MRAP went the same route and it is now a real hardware in the field.
@Philip the Arab ..Just to follow up on our conversation on HALCON products of UAE ..I think it would be a great if you are aware of any UAE product that is already out in production or in the field to be brought in here for further visibility..your comments on South African involvement will give more credibility..I remember The Egyptian MRAP went the same route and it is now a real hardware in the field.
If I remember correctly only the Thunder PGM line is in service with the Mirage-2000, and I think the Desert Sting series are coming into service soon for UAVs and Propeller aircraft. These are the ones which were designed directly by Denel for production in the UAE(100% IP ownership) a few years ago but as Denel Dynamics has more or less collapsed it is no longer possible for them to even start more projects.

A lot of these programs at IDEX are 4-5 years out to IOC and are very early in their project's life.

If I remember correctly only the Thunder PGM line is in service with the Mirage-2000, and I think the Desert Sting series are coming into service soon for UAVs and Propeller aircraft. A lot of these programs at IDEX are 4-5 years out to IOC and are very early in their project's life.

View attachment 726607
A good start any way..we try to keep this thread alive and up-to-date as new items come on board...
Iranian Robotics
To demonstrate the Iranian robotics Technology the best way is to show the progression of a humanoid Robot called "SURENA". The SURENA project was carried out at the Center for Advanced Vehicles (CAV), at Tehran University and continues to date.

2008 --Surena I

2010--Surena II


2015-- Surena III

20019:-- Surena IV

  • Writes...Able to Write
  • walks...Whole-body motion generation
  • Plays...Shooting a ball with different diameters
  • works...Drilling, able to perform arbitrary scenarios
  • Hears...Speech recognition various words and sentences
  • Talks...Utilize unlimited words and sentences using Text To Speech
  • Grips..force controlled gripping (able to manipulate objects with different shapes and material, follow the object with hand)
Iranian robotics techs have been implemented in actual field in Military Robotic vehicles, AI Drones (previous pages), Fire fighting equipment etc . Auto industry and industrial production (info to be researched by me for later additions).

Turkish TEI is one of 6 engine manufacters in the world with high technology turbine blades manufactoring and blisk-spool technologies

The most critical rotating parts of aircraft engines BLISK which produce by only 6 Countries in the World including Turkey



Iranian heavy Industries
(thank you sanctions!)
A.- Giant 4000 hp electromotors for industrial applications (copper mining).

B- Axel production for railroad applications

C-Giant wind turbine production

D-Engine production for new generation of Tractors..

E-Printed circuit board manufacturing for electronic products

F- Aluminium hulled ship production

G-National Locomotive train manufacturing
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ADA GH6 Service Robot

Height : 165 cm
Weight : 70 kg
Language : Turkish , English , Russian , Arabic

  • Visual Human Recognition: Ability to calculate the distance to the object through depth perception via stereo vision cameras located inside the eyes.
  • Hearing: Ability to infiltrate the noise around, via 3 versatile microphones located on the body, and transmit the sound to artificial intelligence percieving the direction of where the sound come from.
  • Talking: Ability to convert the questions and orders to text "speech to text" via 2 stereo microphones and comb them out in artificial intelligence, deliver the information taken from the artificial intelligence through the sound to the user.
  • Body Monitor: Ability to show videos and display relevant images such as photograph, picture, text, through interacting with people via 10.1 inch touch screen integrated on its body


ROBOTs can perform tasks such as promoting products at shopping malls, distributing brochures at fairs, guiding at bus terminals or airports and making sales in the stores. These robots, which can even work as nurses in hospitals, are programmed to help housewives to a certain extent

in 2007 the first humanoid robot began production in Turkey
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